Lesbian here

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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Sage. Take your domestic violence and suicide rates elsewhere, or show us your tits

>or they just raped us
If either of you are in the pic or you look like either of them then you have no need to worry about being raped.

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Can confirm.
As much as I hate to admit it, I am only attracted to other women. But the problem is that I still find homosexuality completely degenerate and the LGBTQAAP+ whatever community is detrimental to society.

Feels bad man

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As if obese disgusting bull dykes wouldn't get turned into soap by stud chads.

>this pasta again
It's being posted so often lately

tits and timestamp

literally wouldn't alive if not for men

>hitting bed death/menopause + massive midlife crisis upon realizing you're a genetic dead end by 40
lmaoing @ your life

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>The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things

And now that the west is on the verge of total warfare, demographic collapse and mass immigration you're about to start right back at square one...on the bottom

It's really laughable, I'm going to have an entire harem of you stupid, juvenile, pink-haired lesbians who are incapable of doing anything for yourselves.

The girl I'm currently dating would not agree. She needs the attention, a lot, so to speak.

Tits or GTFO

My girl loves to suck my trooper though. I think she would disagree.

You can't use the word dyke. Only we can use that word.

I've turned two girls straight and two guys gay. Can you tell me what my privilege level is?

I haven't actually asked for a blowjob from my girl in over 3 years yet she sucks my dick almost every night. Girls are absolutely repulsed by penis you're right -____-

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This pasta was terrible the first time
>remember, if you don't sage you're worse than a shill

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I want you to make an educated response to my post and this I think you missed something basic about our psychology called 'biology'. Our purpose is to reproduce thus we're naturally attracted to the opposite sex.

Nice trips though.

unfortunately youre right. but as history has shown women choose their partners by those who they perceive to be the most dominant and alpha, not those to who they are the most attracted. women need someone to protect them and to provide for their children, which is something most lesbians cant do. because of this you cant and never will "take over". but i agree with you in the regard that women are naturally more attracted to other women. i think that goes without arguing

Humans are designed for both heterosexuality and homosexuality. Why else would assholes exist?

>we needed them
You still do.
>Every day more straight girls are being turned.
So you don't think homosexuality is a natural trait?

Are ou literally this fucking retarded?

>Lesbian sex can last for hours

Of course it fucking would

Shitting fucking faggots

Lmao. Nothing a lesbian has ever said on society has ever been worth listening to. My gf just got a lesbian university counsellor fired for focussing on the counsellors LGBTI shit, instead of taking her real life issues seriously. Welcome to reality you stupid fucking moron

I can't even take lesbian's seriously, lol.

Don't forget to sage and hide these threads btw. Ok ttyl! :)

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2D >>>>>>>> 3DPD

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>'re beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy,
You mean fat.

Fuck you, Sooners rock

Listen to this nigger faggot with the digits

Yeah okay, whatever you say.
If it makes you feel good fill your hand.

I remember the last time you posted here. Sage.

I believe you are this retarded.

it doesnt matter if women are naturally lesbians. women are also submissive and thus are naturally receptive to dominance. who cares what/who women are attracted to? their only purpose is to reproduce and thus the vast majority will always stick to men. as a final note, women also crave for their pussy to be destroyed, which is something a dyke is simply incapable of


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same larp was posted yesterday.

i got a warning from some anonymous mod for posting that I had green eyes in a thread where people were talking about.... their eye color and what makes someone white. Yet losers like this keep making the same shit threads day after day and nothing is done.

Jow Forums can be like Facebook. Shit some nerd mod believes in is OK while shit they don't believe in results in warnings and bans.

Retarded and unfunny copypasta just like womyn. Sage goes in all fields



you posted this exact thing already, out

The rules state, tits or gtfo. No one gives a shit about you and your lies. So get on your Harley and snap some pics of your tits for us.

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Nice digits dyke faggot

Lesbians are antisocial and mentally ill and can't hold relationships among each other much less society. The above is why society is mad at these schizophrenics. It has nothing to do with them scissoring in privacy.

Men should work on self betterment. Men are no longer attractive because they are overweight cucked beta males with no skills.Having women around will distract you from motivation for self improvement.

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Your linguistic capabilities exposes your intellectual level.

It's the same with all you progressives. Try for once to be objective and use facts instead of grabbing your policies straight out of your arse.

Weak bait.

2/10 made me reply.

Also I will rape a teenager this weekend in honor of your post.

>mods are fat lesbians
moot sold us out!

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Brave! Oh and sage

Posting in pasta thread

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I'm calling the cops on you

Reminder to stop posting 3DPD

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mod spotted

>The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men
But that's wrong. Many women go through surgery so they can feel dick like a cis woman.

Who would most women rather fuck? Rosie O'Donnell or Chris Pratt? I think it would be a pretty easy choice.

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>Lesbian here.
>Just a reminder that we are taking over.
Even if it were you true, you'd die out in a generation. The best way to get rid of faggot genetics is too let them be openly faggots. Forcing them to hide their faggotry and participate in hetero relationships and have kids is what made so many fuckin homos in the first place. Enjoy being the last of your genetic lineage, you darwinian dead end!

Rosie O'Donnell

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I'm a girl and always loved men. I'm a submissive girlfriend and will do anything for my bf as long as he's not abusive. Don't cuck yourselves, guys. There are lots of girls out there that want a traditional marriage. Not all of us fell for this feminazi bullshit.

Wake up, you're brainwashed!

Traps are gay, get over it.

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>I'm a submissive girlfriend and will do anything for my bf as long as he's not abusive.
Contradiction in logic cannot compute.

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tits or gtfo

BTFO dyke

False. Traps are not gay.

>lesbian bed death
memeflag pls

This thread is sad. I thought we had good bait, and all of your follow up replies are underwhelming. It must have taken you 20 minutes to type the first post.

While gayness does exist, it will never statistically be a majority despite all the media and your wet dreams. In your ideal society of lesbians, a few strong men, and the rest beta males, guess what will happen? A dominant male society will come in and take over. Typical liberal so in awe of some Jetsons tech future without understanding the fact humans still have an animal nature that has not changed much since we left tribes. Hence why you fight for your tribe of LGBTQIA. Also show some appreciation for what I presume to be your country of America. Few other places even allow homosexuality, so stop being so anti-American.

Those are only for my bf.

You can only be gay if you're a male that's attracted to male sexual organs. If you're a male that's attracted to a female sexual organ, you're straight even if it's a female penis.

Why pretend to be something you're not?

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rules are rules, i dont make them, just try to make people follow them. so, tits or gtfo

0/10 troll.

Shoulda added in "We don't need your protection anymore, because firearms have leveled the playing field."

If you want to pretend to be a woke lesbian fem, as horrible as it sounds you gotta at least think like them.

also, women dont have superior earnings. leave that bit out.

rest of it checks out.


Pick one

A male who cuts his dick off in order to take dick is just a gay masochist.

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No one cares, fat lesbo cunt.

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Only we can say lesbo

That's what lesbians keep telling themselves even as they keep losing their partners to men. Maybe consider growing yourself a penis.

There is nothing wrong with being straight, either.

lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbolesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbolesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo lesbo

Good luck taking over if you don't like reproducing.

Stop trying to trigger me.

Transwomen are born women, just like cis women. The only difference between them is that one is born with a penis, and the other with a vagina.
>he's never been with a female penis
You clearly haven't experienced the full spectrum of women. Sounds like a personal problem.

Lol, fucking faggot, what you gonna do cry?

We have plenty of sperm stored.


>personal problem
why would i want to fuck a man?


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That's transphobic.

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>mutilated crotch

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Fuck your doublespeak. Biologically, transwomen were born male with a penis. They are not female. A baby cannot even conceive of a gender identity/sexual orientation/gender expression, so the default will be their biological gender. The mental gymnastic over semantics is such a waste of time. Why not think of useful world solutions like pollution or abuse? No let's talk about bathrooms and make up some adjectives.

You're a fucking psychopath

why would i be afraid of a fat tranny?
what would you do, cry at me?

this guy knows what he is talking about

Gender is a social construct, sex is not. There are cultures with more than two genders.

You're a bigot.

>Hormones are a social construct now
sweetie, did you even finish your liberal arts degree?

and those cultures are deserving of extermination. or, better yet, reeducation