Did you Survive the friday the 13th Jow Forums outage?

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It was spooky.

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not really

The what now?

sorry we didn't make it. this is the afterlife.



What outage

been down all day nigga.


haha. wut

i can't believe this is even a questino

Nothing's down, troll elsewhere



been down for me since this morning, first time i've gotten it to load with threads updating.

It was down in NY half the day ... I hear

working fine for me all day. remember that epic nigger hate thread from earlier?

It was down for 6 hours here in the northeastern US.

I got some work done and my boss was shocked when I was done by 2pm.

was it all just a prank for friday the 13th?

I'm trying to back off niggas on /his/, but (((the board))) wouldn't let me post.

I feel like it's Neuromancer vs. Wintermoot all over again.

infinity was so hospitable, lel

are you sure it was down? if your talking about your memories, well thats just electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.

I didn't even notice.

Who else here didn't even TRY to post
I was just in the kitchen eating my cap 'n crunch when suddenly i sensed a disturbance in the force

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sorry for the psychic mind burst senpai

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Q predicted this.

looks like its true what they say about friday the 13th.

Why would it be down in just one state amerimutt?

It was Friday the 13th yesterday? Didn't realize that.

But Q didn't predict the Scooter Libby pardon.

The same threads were up all day and no one could even comment for 7 hours or so. Image posting has just been restored so there can finally be new threads.

I was scared for a few hours there.


t.euro time traveler

whoa wait wait wait
could Q make a prediction so predictable that even himself couldn't predict it?

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this desu

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i thought we were all going to concentration camps

Made me wonder what will happen when the gov shuts Jow Forums down for real. Some will go mad i am sure.

We should be protected as a seperate culture, like native americans.

I did it. Sorry guise.

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No. Press F.

No, I am currently dead

>Jow Forums down for the day
>realize that my entire life is pointless and tied together with this site
>tried to go to cripplechan but that site is absolutely dogshit
>close to mental breakdown
now I understand

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There was an outage?

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is that asian moot joke?

Spot the newfag the thread


somebody help me

We're in the camps now, but our brain interprets it as still being free.

i died

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Just barely.

cripplechan is as broken as its founder. i went there for the first time in ages today and it's a bunch of elitist autist supremes and boomers on top of its shit interface.

Jow Forums was down for most of this morning and early afternoon i blame the glow in the dark cia niggers

No i killed myself repeatedly

user, look, you're a good boi, never did nuffin, tryin to get your life back on track
now come over, ive got a present for you

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If that were to happen, he'd predict it.

fucking leaf

I went outside

>meme flag
found one

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no sorry was working unlike the NEETS

i went to 8pol and saw a trump general... laughed and cried at the same time

I got permabanned because I said I was from Jow Forums, kek

I was getting told that there was a problem at a london based server.
All good now though.

oh jesus
oh mama
zip zop zoobity bop holy shit chop

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Pol is hell

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Better now?


That you case? It’s dixie

I was wondering this as well but someone was taking pictures of a duffle bag and implying he'd shoot up some place, supposedly

lol i went to 8ch and killed myself and come back crying

i was literally driving around at work at noticed this shit would not update tahnk god i am home again and can make this words type in your assohle Jow Forums pol thank you and enjoy

It was mostly how to show you how dependent you are to this site.

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Daily reminder Jow Forums, as cripplechan is owned by masons, and that friday 13 is a masonic date very important, a mourning date, commemorating the burning on the stake of the satanic chief templar Jacques de Molay by the french king Philippe le Bel the friday 13, 1314. Since then, the masons considered the friday 13 to be a cursed day and made it in the popular culture. One of the most important rite of the scottish rite is the DeMolay, as last chief of the Templars; he is considered as a precursor of the modern masonry and was holding secrets of the mystery school he learned from the Ashishin's sect in Iran during the crusades, Ashishins who themselves learned it from the Pythagoricians during the Alexander campaign who stopped in actual Iran, who themselves learned it from the egyptians (especially the school of the Horus Eye) when Alexander the Great positionned his new capitale at Alexandria. Those secrets are what we call now the luciferian doctrine and are based on the knowledge of the story of Enki and Ninhursag from ancient Sumer.

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yep definitely

>Jow Forums is unironically the most civil, culturally tolerant and welcoming board if you disregard the ironic banter
The truth here is horrifying.

It was just maintenance you faggot.

Fucking retarded faggots.

Private Califag reporting for duty
I'm the last of my platoon , everyone else was kill

I come here for news, because it's 99% bullshit and 1% truth. That's better than pretty much every outlet

>tfw checking back every 10 minutes to see if it's back online

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>t. bluepilled toothpaste

It was down for me too. that was fucking weird

What the hell happened? Rumors are circulating that the HRC "life insurance" pedosnuff video was uploaded to the dark web within the past 24 hours.

>t. useless opinion

>Criticizes someone else's flag
>Can't even organize the red, white and blue properly in a cross like a civilized country

how do you like the black dick norway nigu?

Texasbro here. It was down for several hours. People were tweeting about it.


You think gookmoot is gonna screw around working on a nepalian welding forum? No.

I couldn't. Ju-on would get in if I did that

not my fault masonshits took control of my country and decided to make the worst looking flag possible.

>t. buttblasted shill bcuz i reveal muh secrets

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Shit man I thought you died


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Jow Forums was down the whole day. until like 30min ago.

hes a boomer

another word on the hood
was that an user posted another fucking AYY or an AYY personally posted itself on here
Or that an user posted top secret info on the Syrian crisis .

I was asleep, so yay I guess

I'm sure all the happening fags thought nukes were inbound

[spoiler] let the shit hit the floor [/spoiler]

Anyone know what happened?
Site was still up but couldn't post anything.

>Anyone know what happened?

Jow Forums, as cripplechan is owned by masons, and that friday 13 is a masonic date very important, a mourning date, commemorating the burning on the stake of the satanic chief templar Jacques de Molay by the french king Philippe le Bel the friday 13, 1314. Since then, the masons considered the friday 13 to be a cursed day and made it in the popular culture. One of the most important rite of the scottish rite is the DeMolay, as last chief of the Templars; he is considered as a precursor of the modern masonry and was holding secrets of the mystery school he learned from the Ashishin's sect in Iran during the crusades, Ashishins who themselves learned it from the Pythagoricians during the Alexander campaign who stopped in actual Iran, who themselves learned it from the egyptians (especially the school of the Horus Eye) when Alexander the Great positionned his new capitale at Alexandria. Those secrets are what we call now the luciferian doctrine and are based on the knowledge of the story of Enki and Ninhursag from ancient Sumer.

It was down all afternoon and til this morning for me in cali

Well it's working now. Glow-in-the-darks copying some data from the manchurian imageboard, as if it would help them in any way.

>Protip: All you data is useless against Chaos

It was one of a few things
>Friday 13th prank
>School shooting threat post
>Bomb buzzfeed threat post
Or you can blame the Masons, the aliens, q user, etc