Post OC faggots.
is it photoshopped?
this is so sad :c
Why did she have to die /b/ros? I want her back
So, apparently she didn't seem crazy, like those smug cunts like to claim.
So many cops showed up, what do you think was on her mind? Did she make her thread before or after this encounter?
what thread? where did she post?
The last time I've seen that number was with Britney. And she wasn't "crazy" either. That's what ((they)) want you to believe.
maybe she had broken programming and tried to escape?
can we even be sure of any of the details besides her own OC?
theres many missing pieces to the story.
>Theres a 10-21(telephone) for the father in the hit
>Maybe our kid ran away
>the X is gunna be 10-31a (crime/crime in progress) otherwise and valid
what the fuck lads?
I think it went pretty much like the other user said, she lost her income from YT, and her father was giving her hard time or kicked her out. Probably called her lazy slob or something.
Had her family supported her emotionally, she wouldn't think of shooting YT or herself. She'd just move on, do something else, with all her talents it wouldn't be hard.
What a shame.
thread theme
Traps are less gay than that abomination.
>that pic
right through the feels
I name that file as I just want to rest.
So angelic.
I don't want to feel these emotions I have right now. The video is so sad to watch.
She was one of us.
Swedefag really excelled himself there. That's fucking wonderful feels OC that is.
youre an outraged youtube content creator too?
Fuck off. You're like a bothersome fly.
I just realized Terry and Nasim were both in San Diego, they could have met up
What are everyone's favorite animal and pet movies?
Rare "Smiling" Nasim.
>boo hoo why did they take my youtube gibs away
>now Ill have to get a real job
because she was mentally ill and thought that shooting youtube was better than getting a real job?
> all that projection
that means alot coming from the psyop faggots paid to spam this shit.
>just get a job and pretend nothing is wrong with the world goy, don't take action, remain subservient and question nothing
Indeed. You must go back there.
Can I get a quick rundown?
All I know is some chick shot up youtube. What’s her significance? Why are there so many videos of her?
Those piles of real worth while jobs in California.
Are we all being mkultrad
JewTube killed her.
>immigrate to an area that has no real jobs
>obviously I have to shoot up youtube
>All those cleaning products in the car.
yea, some vagan bitch got mad that her videos wernt making her gibs, got pissy, shot youtube up.
psyop shills then invaded Jow Forums and made 100 threads at a time worshiping this bitch for all kinds of bullshit reasons and now we have to constantly hear about her.
>ywn read about Terry and Nasim teaming up to resist the brainwashed niggercattle slaves and glow in the darks turning countries into censorship and propaganda fueled prisons that eventually make the inmates willingly submit to, or even go out of their way to defend, through collective Stockholm syndrome
This is what Im talking about.
She physically drove to youtube and ended her own life.
somehow youtube killed her.
awesome clip, thx user
Im so glad I didnt post about that when this first happened. I know I had no part in associating the two.
What does Terry thing of this happening anyway?
they didn't get her, and she never found her people. she found us now.
wait is this true?
"Through the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." - Adolf Hitler, Nasim quoted that. Goes to support what I was saying about Uncle Terry's idea of the "CIA prison" or enslavement to the "CIA niggers" Both him and Nasim refer to the government making us "slaves" and refer to brainwashing in culture and our media.
I think he might be homeless now. He's been doing live streams recently I think, or at least a few but I'm not sure if he has reliable Internet access or how aware of what happened with Google/Nasim. He also might be in a psych ward again because he seems to go off his meds now and then thinking that they are suppressing his visions and ability to communicate with God.
He says you need to resist the brainwashing and live righteously and be creative and prosperous, to "entertain God".
No it's obviously made up if you're familiar with Terry. The woman he is obsessed with and constantly sends a barrage of emails to and receives visions from is "Physics Girl" who posts on Twitter and Instagram and such.
I just made the picture for the feels, for anyone familiar with both personalities.
And yet here you are 9 posts & counting crapping on our eulogy to a true artist. I nominate you to trade places with her atm - at least she contributed to the world.
mm physics girl a qt 2, But I prefer my Nasimy :3
He's hurt just like us, only he succumbs to some sort of autistic delirium. Let him express his pain.
brtty gud
>I think he might be homeless now
He went to San Diego to escape his enslavement and castration at the hands of his family. His van got impounded, and his phone was stolen or lost. Now he is a wandering ascetic, facing the trials of the Lord. He's staying at a gay center currently, where there is internet access and he talks to his disciples on IRC. Currently his demanding that we buy him a house so he can continue God's mission to bring the Temple to the world
What do you think of my phone wallpape Nasim bros?
Pic related
fucking based.
Good one, Shlomo Freud.
She has bunny rabbit socks ;:(
Do you dare?
at least shes with bunbun now, in a better place
> feels
That was a rough view.
The whole time I kept wishing they'd take her to Denny's and get pancakes or something.
There was no way they could've known what was about to happen.
But if they'd known more maybe they could've reached out and helped her.
"I don't get along with them anymore."
That says something.
Family strife.
She shot up YouTube, but there was some family thing going on at the same time.
One wonders what else was happening in her life.
You're right senpai. A little empathy goes a long way - I've been there myself - on both sides. Like in this great documentary:
Falling Down - Opening scene
She was never smiling.
welp Commiefornia is probably gonna get nuked soon due to WW3. Im sorry I couldnt be a better more pure person like you Nasime-chan. It was nice knowing you for this short time.