So I just heard Air Raid Sirens

This thingy

I think it was just a test because it's stopped now.
Why are we testing air raid sirens? Is ww3 just around the corner?

They played it two times now.
Live in NYC btw.

Attached: siren.jpg (1200x800, 56K)

Do you have severe weather in the area?

no weather is perfectly fine, best it's been in months. 70 degrees out.

And now here it is, the third time.


It’s to tell the Jews it’s beddy bye time. Shabbat or some such.

i just heard them too. in bk

Would you go deaf if you stood infront/under one of those things?

It's friday, the jews have to get home before sundown or else they are working on the sabbath.

its the new siren for the ambulances of theMt Sinai hospital network. theyve been going off all week.

i know this cause I work in Hells Kitchen one block away from a big methodone junkie treatment center. they get ODs all the time near me.

it would be extremely painful

they are coming for your bunghole. quick hide under the desk.

op is kill

ur a big guy

they test the ones in my town every wednesday at noon

Holy fuck!!! an air raid siren just flew by my window! ITS HAPPENING!!!!

syria just drove by my house. it's happening.

The base commander is probably just using it as his alarm clock.

OP get out now, and keep us posted

Attached: Cd8VQF8W4AARL4j.jpg (399x398, 27K)

Im here now. Guard just showed up in tanks . prodding us into FEMA cages now. on my mobile.

Attached: Max-2.jpg (1200x800, 282K)

he's right you know

can confirm a test was done in minneapolis yesterday. they were on for a while