>Millions in Congo risk hunger, death and disease due to a lack of aid funding
>Millions in Congo risk hunger, death and disease due to a lack of aid funding
It's about fucking time.
Stop fucking like rabbits if you dont want starving children. Whites figured this out long ago.
Shouldn't have killed all the farmers families then, maybe a few million of them starving to death with teach them not to bite the hand that feeds
Let them all die, the world will be a better place
I hope they go into war with each other, fighting over food and farm land.
Stupid fucking Niggers.
>aid funding
This is why there are so many of them starving now, not the solution to their suffering.
This thread is proof that Jow Forums is obviously the bad guy
could none of that 8 billion soros sent to antifa been used in any of the real charitable work.
If these billionaire bleeding hearts spent as much effort and money on actually trying to fix specific problems instead of trying to fight an abstract political battle, we'd be over half way done with them by now.
Send birth control
>2 africans are starving
>wypipo give them food and medicine
>10 africans are starving
This world needs infinite niggers. I hope world governments stop at nothing in propping up Africa's population
>at a mandatory diversity class in college this morning
>professor is a sjw who worked in Africa
>Makes us watch documentary about the Congo and how soliders gang rape every woman they come across
>"wherever I am i must also rape" appears on screen
>soldiers rape because magic potion won't work otherwise
"What did we learn about violence against women class?"
That these people should never enter the West.
>mandatory diversity class
Just stop with the AIDS drugs and nature will take care of everything.
Yep, this is what Canadians voted for. A muslim or black woman who gets far lower grades than me has hiring preference. I left Europe in the 90's because of this nonsense.
I was offered a job for Congo, no regret refusing and the president did not pay the company I almost worked with, dodged a bullet
You have to go back. Seriously, Canada is a shithole
i think we should let them all come here so that our neighborhoods and communities can become exceptionally vibrant
send gravel
What's that lazy git Geldof doing now?
Like I give a single fuck about it. We tried... we fucking tried but they just won't learn.
Protip: Congo has been a disaster for 20 years since MOBUTU SESE SEKO was overthrown
Zaire never forget, fuck Bill Clinton
I feel like Africa's population is kind of like the economy. The more times you artificially prop it up, the harder it's decline will be.
>humanitarian crisis
>due to a lack of aid funding
africa has been getting aid for like half a century and they still can't sustain themselves. i don't give a shit, they can starve.
>the DRC's government has boycotted the donor conference accusing participants of exaggerating the problem
when the nignogs have a better grip on reality than you do
these people need bigger and better brains. sending money is largely pointless. we should be sending them sperm instead.
>Back to London
Not possible. If I get married here I may move to continental Europe, nowhere to really run to anymore and have a safe life that we deserve.
it gets worse as you give them aid because dependent populations form on that aid and require even more aid.
the actual answer is to leave them alone if not genocide.
nasty little niggers
i hope they all die. death to africa
Would love to help, but unfortunately all the free gibs are going to the subhuman criminals in the ghettos.
I know this is going to sound harsh, but it's better they starve and die.
Over population is a big concern all over the world. If you're having kids that much, then you obviously don't care about your posterity, and it's probably good that they die.
Feeding them would contribute to the problem.
They can starve now or starve on a greater scale later.
its only humane to cut off all aid, just more environmentally responsible. Shity people, we need less of them, not more.
Why in the fuck do Christians still do this?
Wowee the artifically inflated population is crashing who would have thought it
Why would they fight over farmland? It's not like they know how to farm. That's the problem.
Can we have an ebola chan nostalgia thread?
what this pic of niglet have to do with help white people
Niggers are stupid enough to think the land is the problem, not them.
Day Dindu Nuffin, farmland is raycst, das all.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have pledged a huge portion of their wills to nignogs in africa as if it's going to help at all in the long run