intervening in Syria via bombings?
Why does the liberal press not understand why conservatives are against
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they are unable to think of views other than what they are told to think
they can't truly empathize with other people's situations
they can't realize the consequences of political actions without being told from someone else
and yet they will assume their side is always correct
They're still stuck in a 2002 understanding of politics.
>They're still stuck in a 2002 understanding of politics.
Every conservative I've meet support's Trump's unconstional war mongering in Syria/Iran/Russia.
The Democrats are now the anti free speech, pro censorship, pro war party.
Q predicted this
No more sensless brother wars
And they lash out at you and call you unpatriotic and "for the Kremlin" if you don't support another Jewish proxy war blindly. It's just getting so tiresome.
Because the kike media cares more about Israel than America.
The main fucking reason I voted for Trump was because I didn't want to intervene in Syria like Clinton was itching to do. Fuck this shit
>I've meet
Nigger, gas yourself.
>despite iraq
How is that enough for the left. They went apeshit over Iraq intervention and voted in a retarded nigger to end it.
Conservatives are garbage that have failed to conserve anything. Real right-wingers reject so called """""conservatism"""""
>Far right against invasion of Syria
Gee I wonder why.
The establishment focused its energies on killing the anti-war left, since Vietnam at least.
But if the anti-war right becomes annoying it will vanish very soon, just like the antiwar left did.
This bitch fell of the fucking map when people found out she was a mudshark.
I would breed her
The far right is controlled by Russian propaganda. We've known this for years.
Boomer MAGA Patriotards support Trump's warmongering, and they still make up most of his base. Actually conservatives who supported him don't.
source please
Jews expect their inferior subjects to do what they're told. That's the way its always been for them.
Because liberals like war, it sends young conservative men to die. Of course they won't be against it.
Being against intervention makes the left automatically support intervention. I am against war that will not lead to a positive outcome for anyone. The left being for war and the right being anti-war is a good situation.
Being against yet another middle eastern war is probably the only useful thing the right wingers have done.
this is why.
And are apparently anti sex unless it is gay sex or with prostitutes...
Very fuckable lady
>if you don't want to bomb arabs you're a far right extremist
this is some next level jewery right here
>US goes to war against Communists
>US goes to war against Muslims
>US might go to war against North Korea
>US might end up fighting Russia
Far-right don't want to do anything that upsets Daddy Putin. They're not only against war in syria. They're against going against Russia in any way shape or form. Russia could talk about colonialism is bad and far-right "white nationalists" would suck their dick and agree whites are bad. White nationalists literally want the US to collapse and Russia to be world hegemon.
>antiwar = far right?
I think this video sums it up perfectly. Long Live Dr. Paul.
that and the fact she's a one-dimensional retarded barbie stealing talking points from other, far more successful and prominent right-wingers (that are mostly men.)
Yes why do you want to intervene in Syria? Have you not fucked shit up enough that you want to fuck it up some more?
They wan't the destabilization of the middle east so israel can be the only powerful nation in that region.
Define """cunservative""""
Because the right sees the Jew for what they are
How have the scripts flipped to complete opposites in the space of only a few years? This is fucking insane. Obama turned dems into babykillers. Kike puppets.
>we can't afford to fund [important service]
>but we have billions for a fucking war
>they are unable to think of views other than what they are told to think
>they can't truly empathize with other people's situations
>they can't realize the consequences of political actions without being told from someone else
>and yet they will assume their side is always correct
100% factually correct
fucking retards
they cant imagine looking at history and using it as a guide to decision making
because the definition of a "liberal" is someone who thinks what they are told to think and does what they are told to do by the jews
yes, modern conservatives are liberals, along with """liberals""", who are actually communists
it's all kikes all the way down
I think most of Jow Forums and the "alt-right" now in their 20's and 30's were anti-war liberal teens during the Bush admin.
The ones on the new left now are just the people who were too naive to question the government and realize who was really to blame for 9/11, Iraq, etc.