If it weren't for Byzantine niggers invading Sassanids, burning their holy trees and fire temples, and beheading Khosrau II, then the Sassanids would have been able to ward off Rashidun Arabs and the spread of Islam, but sadly, that Heraclius faggot went apeshit on the Zoroastrians. I doubt illiterate Jow Forumstards will understand though.
Reminder: It was thanks to Byzantines Islam grew
Stop talking shit mutt.
Both the sassanids and the byzantines were enemies for hundreds of years and suffered alot, so they didn't had the intention to put aside their conflict. And both didn't knew that the islam would be so ((strong)) compared to them (in this situation).
Reminder: it was due to shitskin Jew Abraham that any of these three rivers of misery was ever loosed on the world.
Reminder: It was thanks to Big Bang all of that you are talking took place
Heraclius went too far and he dealt the fatal blow to Sassanids. By then, the Byzantines had won, but Heraclius viewed Zoroastrians as pagan fire-worshipers that needed to eradicated in the name of Christ. He burned holy cypress trees and holy fire temples. The people were demoralized and in disarray after he behead our great king, Khosrau II.
>Stop talking shit mutt.
I am not a mutt, snow nigger. Check image. I am sick and tired of you snow niggers talking shit to both Meds and Iranians, yelling mongrel like a bunch of violent Arab shitskins.
>Big Bang
So God?
As someone who wrote my dissertation on the period, you're a fool and you deserve nothing but scorn for following Gibbonian old fashioned bullshit.
>no argument
Fuck off, faggot. Of course you imbeciles are going to view Heraclius more positively. He was very important to Western ethos. However, you were like literal Ahrimanic spawns to support such a devil'ish faggot. The growth of Islam is entirely the fault of Byzantines going apeshit on Sassanids as I further elaborated here:
You faggots just don't want to take responsibility. Your history is honestly not that noble post-Christianity.
>It was thanks to Byzantines Islam grew
Actually, it was thanks to Byzantine Mediterranean supermen fighting against Islam that you maggots now don't worship that Allah faggot.
Iran would still be Zoroastrian if it weren't Byzantine-niggers. Heraclius went too far.
Show your flag, Achmed.
Everything bad is the fault of the Greeks. I thought everyone knew that.
I though you were a Mutt.
Anyway, Byzantines and Persians were at war. Get over it. Don't blame others for converting to Islam
>the turkish rape baby calling others mutts
Now _that_ is funny.
>mutt with nigger and indian blood calling others turkish rape babies
Now __that__ is funny
Here's your (You), Kamel.
do you glow in the dark?
They were fighting a war that was on again and off again for like 500 fucking years. Fuck off.
Heraclius went too far. He became ISIS tier when he began burning holy trees and fire temples. He didn't have to behead Khosrau II either.
Again, just because you are fighting a war does not mean you have to wage genocide and try to destroy religious traditions, like I am saying. It was Heraclius fault Islam grew, and you can go fuck off if you can't understand my simple causal reasoning, burger.
Byzantines were basically continuing an ancient rivalry between Greeks and Persians. This had gone on and on for centuries. Don't blame them for being a bunch of faggots that converted to Islam. At least you're Shiah, that's better than Sunni scum.
Reminder: Nothing exploded, created everything, then an asteroid hit the earth, turned into a dinosaur, which transformed into humans, who built a space station.
>Hurr durr you're a stupid burger because you btfo my shitty oversimplification of a complex historical issue
Stay mad.
fucking newfaggots responding to worthless thread
go to /his/
Stop ignoring the BASIC POINT I AM MAKING, faggots.
You should conduct a bit of research on the Fourth Crusade, Ameri-mutt.
I'm not a mutt.
>t. Ameri-mutt
I'm not ethnically American.
don't chimp out
Heraclius was a hardcore muffuga who killed everything and everyone that he didn't like or stood in his way. That's called being a leader.
That's called being inhumane and creating power vacuums. Even Alexander knew when enough was enough. I respect Alexander, but not in a million years will I ever respect Heraclius and his madness.
Heraclius was on the level of Muhammad in terms of madness. He literally burned holy trees and fire temples while screaming Jesus Christ. What's the point of doing that?
Both Christiandom and Islam should come to an end. They are not really different at all.
>implying "American" is an ethnicity
>Both Christiandom and Islam should come to an end. They are not really different at all.
I actually with that.
Let's go back to Zeus and whatever the fuck you guys used to worship
Byzantine dindu nuffin wrong faggot ass persian
i ahve no idea what any of this means
wtf are you talking about sassanid thought that they would restore the the achaeamid empire and start a war that couldnt win
your is entirely the fault of the ryse of islam faggot assume your responsability