HELLWORLD - Political Zine

I am creating a zine called "Hellworld", and I intend to print a few hundred copies and hand them out to friends, foes, and leave them in public places (especially left leaning businesses like galleries, music stores, college campuses, etc.). There are many literary pieces that I have created for this project (as well as some artwork that either I, or collaborators, have created) and I have had to use some serious restraint as to not completely defame myself (people can only handle one small redpill at a time). That being said, here is the crown jewel of the first publication of Hellworld. Feel free to edit, give tips, and guidance. I want to fight this orwellian nightmare that we're living in, and I feel that this is my small part in the whole thing.

"Donald Trump is not your enemy. The Corporate Establishment is your enemy. Trump is a punching bag, another face on the same machine, elected specifically to make the left feel like it’s losing the Culture War, which couldn’t be further from the truth. All Presidents are elected for this reason. A person to blame. A person to cheer for. A person to distract you from what’s going on. Those who champion Trump, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Gore, etc. are pawns of the same machine. Most Media is controlled by the same groups of people. Most media also appears to harbor a strong leftist bias and continues to throw more and more gasoline into the roaring inferno that is the New Left. PC Culture was manufactured by Powerful Interest Groups with the sole purpose of dissolving Free Speech. If you say the wrong thing, even if it isn’t “compelled by hate”, it can cost you your career and social standing. Employers, Publications, Motion Picture Studios, Record Labels, Colleges/Universities, etc. are terrified of making the wrong move and having bad PR. If they feel that your opinions are dangerous, you will be fired and they will do anything they can to distance themselves from you.

Attached: COVER vol1.png (1650x2550, 199K)

continued: "If you fracture the language with obtuse rules (i.e. things you CAN and CAN’T say), the people will eat eachother alive.
Many people believe that we live in an individualist society, but that is a lie. That concept was sold to us by the Education System, Politicians, Marketing Campaigns, Media, and Brands/Products. A Collective requires the cooperation of all citizens whether or not they fully consent. That being said, whether you are a Far-Left College Student, or a Conservative Middle-American, you all abide by the same rules and social checks and balances. That being said: when the language is fractured and the consequences for not abiding “the rules” are severe enough, you are compelled to adhere to those rules regardless of your ideological framework. We live in a collectivist society disguised as an individualist one.
The biggest reinforcers of PC Culture/Leftist Rhetoric are Mainstream Media Outlets. CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NBC, CBS, ABC, are some of the movement’s most vital contenders in terms of conditioning older demographics to accept the new status quo (the median age demographic for Televised News is 59 years). For younger generations, we find malinformation hubs like the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, NowThis, and other web-oriented publications. This acts as a tool of confirmation bias for those who have already adopted New Left rhetoric, and a tool of cognitive dissonance for those who have not (i.e. you believe in gun rights but seemingly all media/people disagree with you and therefore you are forced to constantly question your beliefs).
The Civil Rights Movement/Liberal Movement of the 1960’s was an inherently good movement.

Attached: Cover vol1 inside.png (1650x2550, 311K)

continued: "It advocated for True Egalitarianism, Peace, Love, and Freedom for people of all creeds and races. Unfortunately, this was taken hold of by the Greedy Elite, who view unity as a threat to their corporate and political control (a culture divided falls, a culture united triumphs) and who have since then slowly transmuted it into what the New Left is today: a violent, angry, postmodern movement which strives to boil everything down to power conflicts and then redistribute all of the power to (what is perceived as) the victims of the supposed oppressor.
Every action that this movement takes is counterintuitive to what they believe they are doing. These people believe that somehow redistributing power will create equality for all, when in actuality it can be compared to moving a weight from one side of the scale to the other. That is not egalitarianism and it will cause more and more conflicts as time goes on. The Elite knows this and will continue to push for it. As the divide widens, the risk for Civil War increases. And you will be forced to take side, but in the end it won’t matter who or what you fought for. The only winners are the highest bidders. The one’s pulling the strings.

Attached: LA sunny.png (1650x2550, 310K)


Holy shit

i feel like a lot of this is too watered down, OP

I like it. OP would you open a dischord and continually post your pages? I'm just about to launch an anonymous dischord via pamphlets in the mens rooms at my local college. I could use this it's good stuff

as i said, i feel that i have to leave it deliberately dumbed down. people see the word "trump" and just shut down immediately. i have to be compromising if i want to get people to listen. keep in mind that this is the first volume of the zine and depending on how it goes, i might be able to up the juice with each volume.


very interested, drop me a line

Bump, I wanna see where this goes

Wanna have some real fun?
Take your "points" and use them in political signs for politicians you made up, who don't exist at all. Then put them all over the place.

This will make the crimethoughts "acceptable" once they appear on political posters and yard signs.
That's how normies are.
Remember to be just as obtuse about it as the left is, but with a little edge.

The left will freak the fuck out. The normies will like the politician who does not exist, and some will find out he does not exist, but the ideas will exist, and real people will run on them.
Then we win.

so effectively manufacture a "ghost politician" with his own unique platform? I could definitely dedicate the last page of each volume of the zine to that, and yeah put up some flyers/signs in more liberal/metropolitan areas

like vermin supreme but, you know, viable and 100% fabricated

idk if i should create a "reasonable/moderate" candidate or somebody far more fringe (/ourguy/). I feel like if i go with the latter, I should limit it to putting signs/flyers/propaganda up and not include it in the zine. but maybe it would add to the general "edginess" of the zine. hmmmm

Bretty good OP. You should do this on a regular basis.

I'm feeling the fringe candidate but it might be too much to gain any credibility

thanks user. i'm thinking about launching a gumroad for it and a few other social media pages. that way if people want to distribute them, i can setup a mailing list with them. also having more collaborators for the project would be excellent

definitely some updates here on the boards too

yeah, i'd get the most honest critique here and that's incredibly important
