How do we deal with Africa's explosive population growth?

How do we deal with Africa's explosive population growth?

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stop white countries from giving aid and then a lot of the population would die off naturally.


Neutron bomb?

Turn Africa into a giant slave plantation, reap the profits, and use the money to fix America's infrastructure.

Africa isn't a threat to anyone, unless you live there

Nothing. Stop giving them aid. Pull out entirely. Let them handle their own population problem.

It will be if 500,000,000 of them try to migrate to Europe.

Convince the shamans to encourage their peoples to engage in constant wars or buttfucking bonobos with AIDs to attain everlasting glory and prestige within their tribal circles.

Cut off federal aid

and Angela will let them all in. What's the problem?

They can't even make vehicles and their population is only so high because of white intervention

If they were left isolated eventually their population would collapse because their resources wouldn't replenish fast enough

would also help to stop giving them aid

I foresee negatives to half a billion black people migrating to Europe.

Russia or China could sell them cheap vehicles.

Ignore it, move on with our lives, problem solved.

Starve them to death

stop feeding them

See the thing with these though is that it's kind of wishing for the problem to go away on its own. That probably won't happen. We will have to make a decision at some point in time to forcibly stop over 9,000 black people at the border.

I don't. Western Europe needs to be replaced.

They have plenty of vehicles in Africa and the last few years have proven that they don't need cars to get into Europe

Nothing you can do to stop us huwhitie, we want world domination

We already got it covered senpai

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The only real danger is if they get too many white/Asian genes they could become quite functional

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Weaponized STDs, those niggers keep fucking, no matter how poor they are.


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Are you getting paid to say the first stupid thought that comes into your mind?

See, if we can't even convince most people to not let them in hordes to our countries, I don't see how we would convince people to fund some sort of population control project.

because they are a bunch of criminals

nah I'm just Australian


No need, modern economic forces will deal with it. Economic development leads eventually to lower birthrates.

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Stop sending food.

>Muh food supply

Its not going to change damn thing, just look at north Korea, people there are STARVING but still their population has grown despite that. Same deal with the Chinese and Soviets back in the day.

Just look around. They are always messing in other countries business. Starting wars... etc. Fuck them. Death to the West!

>easy access to birth control: condoms, abortions, you name it
>get women into the work force, a woman with a job wont have as many kids
>push feminism
>pipe dream but ideal: start eugenics programs

We let our one true waifu Ebola Chan take control of the nigger problem!

With a bit of help from her magical girl friends known as AIDS chan, Cholera chan, Tuberculosis Chan, Malaria Chan, Diarrhoea Chan and Meningitis Chan they will fight in the name of true justice against NGO's and evil jews seeking to destroy Africa for their own material profit and to flood Europe with refugees...

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or just build a bunch of helicopters and start throwing black people out of them

Israel has the right idea


You mean Britain and America? So you want Western Europe as a whole to die so that Britain a failed state and America are stopped?
Have you thought this through? You sound like a 13 year old communist

we send the north koreans aid as well

this user is correct

>explosive population growth

You answered your own question

we could just give them all american citizenship and have them shit up the amerimutts countries

The only aid that should be given are condoms and pregnancy pills

Yes, fuck them all. Bunch of faggots.


Genetically modified super lions that breed like rats and have a taste for human flesh


^ Tell it to the niggers in America. I guess you mean abortion will deal with it

partially. economic development generally leads to lower birth rates as women enter the workforce (less time to take care of kids), the culture becomes more secular (religious people have the most kids, the less religious people become, the less kids they tend to have (see orthodox vs secular jews for an example)).

and all aid and let it fix itself with explosive population decline till it reaches a level it can sustain by itself
that or napalm


Huge wall around the border of Africa and no more aid. Anyone who sends aid to them gets the dead sentence.

build a helicopter

give them internet and porn. push anime. push for feminism.

now what?

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step 1: put black people in helicopter
step 2: fly up really high
step 3: throw black people out of helicopter from high altitudes so they die
step 4: rinse and repeat