how will he react?
do nothing and get labeled as a pussy?
try to shot down US planes and risk a bigger conflict?
shot down some aircraft but claim they were downed by Assad's forces?
how will he react?
do nothing and get labeled as a pussy?
try to shot down US planes and risk a bigger conflict?
shot down some aircraft but claim they were downed by Assad's forces?
I hope Russia will pussy out.
Even he knows this will only destroy Russia.
He's gonna shoot down some missiles and brag about it, and in a week we'll go back to talking about norks
>Implyng amerimutts who lost in Vietnam and Iraq to a bunch of illiterate retards can beat Russia
Half of me hopes the US goes to war just so the mutts can get nuked to oblivion and realize how much like a nigger their country has been acting internationally
Pee tape incoming
i think he will attack the US and go all in. I have a feeling in my gut he is sick and tired of the old regime. this could very well be the end of the current version of humanity as we know it.
Theres nothing this manlet can do about it
They are going to respond with harsh rhetorical condemnation of the strikes and they will slightly increase their military presence in the region. Just one step closer to going hot.
America didn't want to win either of those wars since the purpose of those wars was not to attain victory but to sell lots and lots of weapons and oil.
probably leak the pee pee tape. I'll be checking liveleak
Literally nothing. Russians re not technologically advanced enough to counter the USA's tech, the tech gap it's like a WWII army trying to fight aliens from the year 2200.
implying Ruskies who lost to Georgians and Chechnya ON THEIR OWN BORDER will win kek. Fuck off russiabot
It's all down to the Russian Navy now.
If they retaliate and there's a naval battle, it's all over.
For the US, Russia, and Europe.
china wins in the end then.
I'm betting on your gut
Good luck Assad
>press S to spit on (((Trump)))
i hope Russian nukes can distinguish Britain and France from the rest of Europe
But Russia and China together might be bad news
>implying were going in with ground forces
Were gonna burn the entire country to the ground by air and laugh as it collapses. Watch.
There are actual retards who know this little.
As of right now the United States is COMPLETELY defenseless against Russian Air strikes. Russia is so technologically advanced in the field of missiles that they can wipe out any target without any resistance whatsoever.
Both could be wiped off the map in one night if needed.
There is nothing sadder than a European larping as an Ameriturd
most likely. the USA is looking to get rid of Assad, who apparently wants to stay. Russia has to do what Assad wants, even if they agree that he should probably fuck off. They may well be encouraging this action...
>implying nuclear winter or fallout wont affect us
We destroyed iraq in the gulf war what the fuck are you talking about?
We beat the fuck outta Vietnam too but it was an unpopular war.
This. Ameriniggers talk shit about every other country when it’s them that pollute the entire world with their foul Jew loving shit. They’re so deluded.
but we still can survive
In Vietnam we werne't on the offensive against the North, we were playing defense in the South. If the US had been strafing Hanoi things would be very different.
No only that, go look up the ROEs we had in Nam
The kikes made it so that that war would go on as long as possible
Coincidently enough opium also started getting exported like crazy while we were there
The CIA and the jews are the root of all wars, they orchestrate them all
I sure hope that you're right.
China bought one of those russian coal burning carriers last year and modified it (because it was falling apart)
Made in russia meets made in china, what can possibly go wrong.
Kek confirms , russia btfo
America thinks itself untouchable. Russia isn't some tin-pot dictatorship that can't fight back. If Russia wanted to strike the US mainland, they could. They better hope no Russian servicemen die tonight because if Russia is humiliated the pressure to strike back will be immense.
If it came down to it and Russia felt threatened enough to launch a nuclear attack they will launch the whole arsenal. They cannot risk a retaliatory strike.
Ask yourself which country has the most to lose here?
I’m pretty sure this is going to be a pissing match between Russia Vs USA on in some garbage nation. No one cares
>less than 4 days until a internet without Americans
Feels good lads
you know if putin does nothing he loses all respect from EVERYONE who claims to be an ally....he will do something.
USA would wipe out all of Russia in 5 minutes.
yeah, he'll get his slavshit ass kicked in.
lol. this fucking retard. no, the usa cannot.
When losing it all then neither has the most to lose
If you think Russia would be stupid enough to not know that every single one of our silos and subs are code orange right now and that they wouldn't be the ones to blame for the glassing of the world then you're a dumb little nigger
Both sides know not to launch nukes unless they're prepared to see them all fly
same shit these russian sub human always do
nothing all talk
>hides flag
>spouts nonsense
Attack some US client state. Russian and the United States aren't going to directly attack each other.
The united states britain france australia israel vs russia china micro asia iran Palestine most likely resulting in incursion by south america when the USA is tied down, world will also go through a simultaneous reserve currency change which will favor china. Russia has no choice, this was decided long ago
He's been sniffing around cables. Expect Internet to turn to shit
As long as they nuke Commiefornia and Jew York, or any/all Jew and leftist bastion.
You're country is firing missiles too you fucking idiot
Mr. Putin, can I shoot at the Syrian ruins? I promise that I will not touch any Russian soldier. I need this to increase my rating.
This is a ludicrous post.
Are you a fucking retard
Planes already shot down, counterattack reported
Not so fast kike
Do you want a 'Syrias' response? (yeah, yeah, terrible pun). Here it is:
1. Russia has a logistical advantage in its immediate border states but not in the Middle East. The U.S. has spent decades building up a three way axis of idiocy between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Burgerland.
2. If Putin has any knowledge of logistics, and I'm sure he does, then he won't be the one to escalate this conflict. Whether this turns into a major war or not is entirely up to the neocons in D.C.
3. If the U.S. turns this into a major war then it will be the end of America's reign as the leading superpower. The U.S. economy is highly leveraged & contains two massive bubbles - the student loan industry and the agriculture industry.
4. By the time the U.S. finishes it's war against Syria and Iran it will suffer an economic collapse that will make Weimar Germany look like a walk in the park.
Oh Lord, tonight hell is going to need some refurnishment.
This. They're still losing. Cong's victory is Pyrrhic.
>Agent Orange
>Hidden mines/unexploded ordinance that maims/kills people every year
>Still limited economic progress
The US should've gone scorched earth before the leftshits were able to "convince" the withdrawal of troops.
Putin is a pussy. Even if it was just France bombing Assad he wouldn't do shit
You sound like that coward British guy..Neville Chamberlain...appease appease appease and everytime you appease, the dick of Russia slides further into the asshole of Europe.
>I hope Russia will pussy out.
when the player leading in Military strength sends in a spy to Foment Unrest gains a casus belli over one of your city state and then attacks your city state to take it over how do you respond to prevent your over city states from losing trust in you
Relax dildos, they ain’t pushing the nuke buttons yet
Russia is truly the manlet of world powers
Russia will whip your ass boi.
>how will he react?
He'll nuke California as part of pre agreed deal
Most of the Russian government members have families living in USA and Europe, they have lots of homes and land there too, even if Putin decided to strike back(besides his daughter lives in Netherlands) he would be immediately shot in the back of his head, so the only option for him is to suck dicks.
>If the U.S. turns this into a major war then it will be the end of America's reign as the leading superpower
Wrong my dude
If this turns into a REAL war NATO states will be marching right across the russian border and we well end up in the exact scenario after ww2, the US will just fortify it's navy and presence in Japan and Alaska, mainland USA will be untouched. Russia will be fighting a war on two fronts just like nazi germany and will get smashed because their shitty military will be stretched thin while effectively the entire world presses in on it's borders.
Likewise their only real ally china will be crushed on three fronts and it's hilariously outdated an under-equipped forces will likely be stomped by the poos alone
Russia will have to turn the primary focus of it's ground forces into europe while all america has to do is play the industry game, shitting out weapons for our allies at a loss knowing that buy the end of the war the entire system of industry in europe and asia will be completely destroyed in the fighting while the US comes out as the ONLY economic super power left.
The only way the USA loses this war in ANY sense is if ivan goes full retard and starts nuking everything out of spite.
Putin is a psychopath, he'd kill his children in a heartbeat just like Stalin did
I think they will leave the US and Europe before the nuclear strike.
can I get a quick rundown? are the russians helping assad?
His children are not raped by Muslim lol
>even if Putin decided to strike back(besides his daughter lives in Netherlands) he would be immediately shot in the back of his head
>immediately shot in the back of his head
In your fantasy slavshit
NATO is not going to invade Russia because doing so would cause a nuclear war. If this turns into a major war it will be a proxy battle in which American forces are fighting to occupy Iran, Syria, and the entire Shiite belt. Russia will feed resources to America's enemies. Imagine the Iraq War but 10 times bigger.
>The only way the USA loses this war in ANY sense is if ivan goes full retard and starts nuking everything out of spite.
Mate, I realize you're patriotic but America is far worse off than you might want to realize. I'm currently visiting family in the U.S. and it's honeslty quite disturbing how much the average White American has degenerated. The food supply is so toxic that the women look like cave trolls and some of the men are, I kid you not, growing small breasts. I thought Scotland was bad but this is a whole different level of insanity.
This is Putin's children?
>NATO is not going to invade Russia because doing so would cause a nuclear war.
Keep telling yourself that IVAN
The moment Russia or the US declare war on each other NATO is getting involved.
Show your real flag, faggot.
Literally fuck my country. Fuck the Jews controlling it. Fuck Trump. Fuck the average mutt who is too hypnotized by dancing with the stars to see through this absolute horseshit. And fuck me. So sick of The home of the free.
Germany is a nation of real deal faggots. Just because you hate tits and (women) ass and take it up the (your - man) ass, doesn't leave you out of it.
>implying Germany and Sweden aren't more deserving of that
link to us bombing and invading hanoi?
And the land of the brave. Fuck it
Manlet rage has literally almost destroyed the world countless times what are you talking about
I'm around plenty of alphas where does your family live, fucking Alabama or Mississippi?
we don't care about europe
Kill the French, for good this time fuckng cunts
You used chemical weapons against civilians, so now we are flying to bomb civilians. LoL
probably the same thing as germany
do nothing
Trump did just enough to do nothing.
This manlet cuck did nothing when Turkey shot down a Mig. He'll do nothing here as well.
your family lives in a shit area
Nukes without mention. Montreal here. I see the mushroom cloud off my balcony. It was fun knowing you fucks... Love you...
Well he is only there to fight the ISIS and other Islamic terrorists. It will be harder with a weakened Assad but attacking the US would make the problem worse. I hope he doesn't get goaded into it and remains the adult in the room.
They live in an upper class area of Minneapolis. They're stereotypical toffs.
The U.S. & Russia are going to avoid declaring open war on each other at all costs. They managed to do so during the entire Cold War and they'll get through this too.