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Admit you were wrong
Nolan Mitchell
Nolan Wright
Two sides of the same coin
Juan Smith
Sebastian Russell
Two sides of the same coin
Jayden Allen
3 sides of the same hectagon
Jaxon Turner
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
Cameron Foster
same outcome idiot
Anthony Jackson
Wyatt Nguyen
One side of the same parallelogram.
Nathaniel Reyes
Brody Stewart
I wish Hillary were president at this point, the train would be crashing at full speed instead of slow motion like it is now.
Robert Young
With Hillary it was a guarantee though. She wanted to shoot down Russian planes flying over Syria, giving a 100 percent chance of WW3. Trump is just not so smart and got jewed into doing this when he wanted to pull out.
Leo Parker
She would have done the same thing in her first month.
Cooper King
Get fucked. It matters not who is in office, they take their orders from the same slimy cabal
David Lee
Hillary did libya retard there was no way i was voting for her
Caleb Davis
This is the same shit as last year you stupid fucks
Lucas Kelly
>he thinks we didn’t want WW3 and global meltdown
Isaiah Watson
Robert Bell
You know what the worst part is though?
We kind of knew. In a way.
We had those simpsons episodes. And we had the options, if you were smart enough to look for them.
Either Trump was a time traveller who got his machine from his dad who really did investigate teslas work, or they've been planning to make him president for 30+ years and this very moment has been as benny so put it, "Rigged from the start". So then they've known they'd make Trump president, and exactly what escalator he would stand in.
Welp. It's been a good run. I should've been less of an optimist. World War 3 time I guess.
Jordan Sanchez
>good anything
Nice try meme flag.
Jayden Rodriguez
>a cuck manlet or commie jew were the only good choices
Juan Hill
Camden Myers
Never that bitch should be in jail.
Cooper Martin
Up your shitposting OP
Ethan Murphy
Nothing will ever take away the joy I felt on Nov 8th 2016
Adam Gonzalez
Wrong about what? I didn't vote for either of them.
Anthony Jenkins
I'm not even American and i feel cheated
Dominic Jones
interesting, you don't really care about your choice's actual actions, but rather if your team won or not.
gg, not like it matters eh?
Elijah Rogers
>gg, not like it matters eh?
>has it ever matter?
You are getting fucked by the jew no matter what flavor you chose. Wake the fuck up.
Samuel Fisher
No, you put words in my mouth. In politics you never get exactly what you want. I voted Trump for 2nd amendment. And he put Gorsusch on SCOTUS so I'm happy with my choice. Fuck everything else. I don't care that he sent a few cruise missiles to Syria over a fake gas attack.
Juan Scott
At least it was delayed for a year...
Kevin White
Liam Wilson
It really is. Trump did the same thing last year and the topics on pol is a mirror image back then.