Bernie wouldn't have done this
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He voted for airstrikes on Kosovo, he definitely would have done it.
imagine what it would be like
Bernie is dropping acid
Today is casual Friday
what's wrong?
Bernie said in the first Democratic primary debate that Assad must step down
He's a marxist YPG sympathizer and just as bound to the military industrial complex as the rest of the Democrats
Ya commies are so anti war
NO. Bernie was always a war hawk
Yet his real foreign policy record is closer to Hillary’s than he likes to admit. Yes, he opposed the Iraq war – and then proceeded to routinely vote to fund that war: ditto Afghanistan. In 2003, at the height of the Iraq war hysteria, then Congressman Sanders voted for a congressional resolution hailing Bush:Sanders fulsomely supported the Kosovo war: when shocked antiwar activists visited his Senate office in Burlington, Vermont, he called the cops on them. At a Montpelier public meeting featuring a debate on the war, Bernie argued passionately in favor of Bill Clinton’s “humanitarian” intervention, and pointedly told hecklers to leave if they didn’t like what he had to say.
Checked. He's a jew, he needs to be gassed with the rest of his tribe.
Syria is getting shit on rn
He should have won
this is true. instead, Bernie would have invited a couple million Syrians including ISIS to live in the USA and we'd all be betting truck-of-peace'd for the past year and a half.
hes a faggot jew though
we voted for chaos and we're getting it so why complain?
Isolated incidents of the Democrat party whips telling him what to do. Bernie would not have ordered strikes on Syria, period.
No shit. I only voted for Trump because Hillary would have been the worst president imaginable.
nobody cares
Doesn't matter much when he willingly cowed to Hillary who was calling for strikes during the election, more strikes than this will likely be, and probably had ground invasion on her mind. Bern is effectively the same theoretical administration as hers
the president falling for a zionist/saudi/white helmet false flag, again, is deeply troubling, but 2016 has no relevance now. 2020 does.
You're absolutely right. Bernie would have declared war on noble things like climate change and wealth inequality. Instead we have this hateful warmonger starting WWIII over twitter.
wtf I love communism now
The fuck he wouldn't. You think they'd let him in without setting him up as a puppet? The dem process is more rigged than the Republican process. He couldn't have won and kept his principles at the same time.
Not only that, but if he got in, he'd be under constant pressure, like Trump has been, and he would've broken, like Trump has.
Its the deep state, every fucking time.