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Other urls found in this thread:


no way I’m ready to grab the fence

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Calm yourself. Russia isn't doing shit over a third world shithole.

>I'm in here
nice knowing you

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Enjoy your friday night LARP. I might play an RPG myself later on.


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What is this whole 500 warhead scenario thing? Cuz Im safe from everything except a single purple triangle.

Jow Forums loading images slow for anyone else

>Calm yourself. Russia isn't doing shit over a third world shithole like Serbia
>Calm yourself. Russia isn't doing shit over a third world shithole like Poland
>Calm yourself. Russia isn't doing shit over a third world shithole like Syria

Hows Lewis County WA looking lads?
I'm 30 minutes from Olympia

It’s time to accept fate boys

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Retaliation strike. 2000 is if we get hit first, 500 is the estimate for how many they can send over if we strike first.


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It was a honor user...

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I live in Newport Beach, CA. Am I likely to die? If so, how much time to I have to get out of dodge?

I have everything ready to go but I think I would rather just die at home with my family. Best of luck to the survivors, may you finally gas the kikes.

I live a few miles outside of Ft. Knox. How fucked am I?

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Comfy in the mountains of Western Virginia boys we already have the hills have eyes characters.


At least it will be quick for you user

What's with all the black dots in Montana and North Dakota and stuff? Is that where we keep our nukes? The ones in WV don't seem to make sense either.

I'm in an industrial harbor that will get nuked in to a tidal wave to wipe out low-lying land.


>MFW all of western Oregon gets crispy.

Good riddance Portland and Salem, we never liked you,
Love from the side of the cascades that isn't going to end up a live action Fallout game

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Welp Florida anons, it’s been a pleasure. Let’s have one last Publix sub together

Why would Central Florida be a Target?

Trust me, there’s nothing here except homeless people and cocaine.

Cool thanks for the explanation, so if we get hit first I guess it's game over for me, but should we strike first than I'm hauling ass out of here. Shouldn't take too long I'm on the outskirts of danger.

I am deep in enemy territory, I will take the hit as long as these faggot Californians die as well.


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Oil, coal reserves

>multiple purple triangles and black dots in my area.

I hope a nuke falls right on my head.

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Just packed the wife's kids she said her bff laquinton and her will meet us north

ND = Missile Silos
WV = Bunkers for the Washington DC elites
Montana = "The Big of Montana"



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Pretty much the only safe place is South Oregon and North Nevada. Sparely populated and no missile bases.

It will be an honor to have been blown to vapor with you user.

Mormons are allowed in Russia. We're going to build a new Temple there soon; announced early this month.

Russia won't shoot nukes at Deseret.

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Fuck off, we're full.

I'm in Thurston right now just south of Lacey, there's no hope.

Get your fucking ass to Lake County or Harney County Oregon. Washington is beyond fucked.

RIP DMV bros

I hope so, but my gut feeling this is over pipelines, and without his lock on the EU markets for natural gas and oil, Putin is fucked.

This is just a continuation of the fucking over of Syria over pipelines through his country, to open up Europe to the arabs. Trump sided with the Sauds, just like Obama did, just like Hillary did, just like Bill did, just like Bush did.

Can we just nuke Mecca and the capital, and be done with Saudis and jihad? They're the core of it all. The world would be a happier, more peaceful place without them.

If the one aimed at Manchester NH misses I'll be alright. Hopefully it lands in some massholes backyard

goodbye fellow Oregonian

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>Live in huntsville near redstone arsenal
It's been fun.

MI here. Saddle the fuck up, boys!

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part and parcel for living in a major city etc

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better map

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I live right next to Paris island. Surely they wouldn’t attack a marine training facility right?

Youre fucked where ever you go

Head through riverside you have march air force base being a target

dont even think about san diego

LA, and in the desert you have edwards, for irwin, and 29 palms

OC isnt safe either, theres seal beach and the joint base

t. anaheimfag.

You're close to the shipyards in SD, and Miramar, you're fucked.

Minuteman nuclear missiles.


North Dakota oil is on the western boarder with Montana. Montana has little coal or oil. Wyoming has a lot of coal but not around Cheyenne.

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[spoiler]A KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON[/spoiler]


why so you can turn mutant from the rain that is radio active. nuke create its own rain fall......fuck why do i bother all you brainlets are going to die if its 2000 nukes or 500

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I feel ya...

I'll wave to you on our way to Hell, brother.


It's not time yet, but in 3 days it could be. I'm on standby.

I'm fucked. And I'm okay with that - I don't want to live in a Fallout future. If the bombs drop, I want to be directly underneath. Fuck it. Embrace the madness. I don't want to survive a nuclear exchange.

The good thing is, we're not close to that. Not yet. I think this is wag the dog, things are heating up with Mueller, and this is the kind of shit every President has pulled when scandals heat up.

I've yet to see anyone in any social media support this, though, even the hardcore conservatives and Repubs are confused why we're getting involved.

Well, it’s been fun shitposting with you lads. In case of bright lights, take my energy

Do I get to see the pretty lights at least?

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At current levels of happening, would Russia in any case be looking at striking just military targets or the whole hog with economic and industrial?

Na, im gonna survive. Must preserve the spic race because theres no way in hell we are gonna let you whiteys have all the fun


If Russia wants to nuke Memphis then they'd be doing the entire state of Tennessee a favor.

Irvinefag here, we're fucked, between SD, LA, and Edwards AFB getting glassed, there's literally nowhere to go.


If Los Angeles is hit I might live, because I live on the peninsula, but if not you were all good people. :(

I feel you man

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federal way wa.

please please please happen

>tfw totally safe in all scenarios, if that map is correct
time to get out the old gasmask and survive the fallout

Take refuge on the peninsula user, you might live.

LA County here, Ill see u guys in Valhalla

eyyyy, puyallup here, ill be going down with you


I would expect Russia to retaliate on the US navy gathering in the area, but if they are going to strike the mainland, then do you anons think it would probably be within the next 24 hours?

youre dead if you stay, dont forget seal beach have a base.... and did the russians get the email that tustin and el toro no longer exist?

Doubtful, the peninsula isn't far enough where we'd miss any radiation drifts, you'd have to be out on one of those oil rigs to stand a chance.

For a brief moment, if you're close enough, you'll be blinded instantly. If you're lucky. Then you'll be snuffed out instantly by the first shocks, and then burned alive in a split second. It will be fast, mercifully. The ones far from the blast zone will suffer more, it could take days or weeks to die in agony.

I want to go right away, in a split second. Fuck it. I don't want to survive it.

>tfw I live between a major city and a naval submarine base

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The USA would be fucking paradise in 30 years if all those dots were vaporized right now.

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But what if you on the other side of the hill? I was hoping that the hill would take the brunt of it plus the ocean breeze would blow the fallout away.

In any case, thanks though.

I live in the middle of nowhere in Iowa and somehow I still live across the street from the R&D facility with a purple triangle over it.


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>Post yfw Russians are using Soviet targeting data and nuke a giant park they thought was a Marine corps base

Fun fact: the great park is a giant EPA superfund site due to massive groundwater contamination from all the oils and solvents that they used when it was MCAS El Toro, and they're building housing there.

Don't forget the gays, all the gays from Disney

Should just go ahead and put the homeless then when this syria shit blows over desu

Maybe, but then you'd be stuck in riverside county amongst tribes of unruly illegals and tweakers scraping it out over the remains of civilization.

(Libtard after Trump gets elected)
"I wish this was a one party system"
(One finger slowly closes on the monky paw)
(A series of flashes wipes out 90% of every democrat controlled area)

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Hey so who here hoping for EMP as a response rather than a full blown nuclear response?

It's been an honor

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Map isn't accurate.

Nobody is going to nuke Binghamton before the presidential bunker on the PA Maryland border.


Oh, I'm talking about the peninsula next to Redondo Beach and Torrance. It's just west of the port of Los Angels.

Only if Russian forces were targeted and attacked. Russia needs to think VERY HARD right now about their next move. Hopefully they take it to the UN, and it dies there.
This is still technically a proxy war. Trump targeted Syrians, not Russians. Russia has a hard sell here, striking at US forces. I won't say their support of Syria is wrong, but i don't know if they want war, or if they think it's worth it.

>all that stuff around seattle
see you in the hereafter anons

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You'd have to do alot more glassing than that

This is a refreshingly level headed. Here's hoping for the best.

You would usually target both. Attempt to destroy as many nuclear silos that you can, and destroy as much infrastructure to limit the rebuilding of your nuclear enemy.

There is no half way to nuclear war, either you launch everything you have or you simply don't launch anything.

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but how will you escape the radioactive gas clouds?

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An EMP response is a pre-curser to a land invasion. If they do go all out they’ll just nuke us.

>Bend, Redmond area stays fine
I guess it turns out all right in the end.