>Our piece of shit countries are going to dodge the World War again
Our piece of shit countries are going to dodge the World War again
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We can run you over again if you want.
>Our piece of shit countries are going to dodge the World War again
Nigger if WWIII happens they will for sure get us into it like every single fucking time.
I fucking hate americans so much I wish the russians just nuked us all at this point since the bugers will continue being the actual kike defense force of the world.
It is no the same araukANO.
Our "war" would last at best a month with minimun casualty as your jews basically own my country and any long war will hurt their investments
you already lost m8
peruANO you can just go to america and die for the jew if you really wanted to
Stop queuing on US East and ruining my dota games you fucks.
HAH, you're hopeless peruvian piece of shit.
stop bombing other countries and ruining the world you fucks
Just annex us already :^)
>even brazilian wants their own country nuked
make your words mine meu irmão
S-sir, have you heard about etnocacerism?
>Don't forget ANDINIA
We have too much (((lodges))) in the jungle.
We have 60000 deaths by homicide per year nigga. WW3 is everyday in Huezil. Hope someone nuke us by mistake.
No fucking way, man. Let the yanks and the europeans kill each other. We have nothing to do here.
The south american war happens in league of legends.
Only for you, we DOTARD here
How did Brazil not annex us already, don't they have more population than all the other SA countries combined?
I remember I was walking down the street and we found this peruvian guy laying down on the street and we thought he got killed, but it turned out he got so drunk he fell asleep there.
better start preparing user... we've got too much (((minerals and water))) in the mountains... even tho we hate eachother, mainly for football, we might fight again together as we did 200 years ago
You spic mongrels have always been irrelevant on the world stage.
We don't have the balls to invade Venezuela and split it up like we did with Paraguay, you think we can be relevant now?
Can we side with you this time? We want to be on the right side of history for once.
>paraguay has an american base in it
>implying the kikes aren't behind this senseless war
no jodas
And what Perú is gonna do? Attack people with ceviche and unfunny comedy skits?
Pls come help us fight the FARC Perú.
Please, Brazil is going thru alot of shit right now, fighting wars will fuck everything even more.
>pirate flag
haitian immigrant pls go
You've clearly never fought against an alpaca. They're relentless.
Reporting in
Don't do this, he will drop you mid war and make you take the fall.
You are alone anglo
Sorry for being rude, but can you point your flag in the map?
Yeah, speak for yourself. As far as i'm concerned we just stay in our corner and wait it out. I'd rather not get obliterated by nuclear fire and/or get sent to a pointless war where i'll be used as canon fodder.
>wanting to fight wars for the kikes
It's one of those islands that aren't Cuba or Jamaica.
can relate
this but i see it in positive light
south american war happens in conmebol sage
lmao what this hue said:
True dat.
They expect some of us in the wreckage, brother!
maybe we will have the a small gape to invade bolivia and kill half of the population
con el presidente marica que tenemos creo que es mejor no entrar a la guerra serrano de mierda :v
what a useless continents...
Pacifist towards everybody.
...except for themselves
Yes, let's go and get fucked by everyone in order to win a big nothing in a war that kikes started, we are way better off letting they kill each other.
And still, they did more than Africa ever did.
How do I say this? I want to have sex with all of you.
It's only pacifist because of the Monroe doctrine, which basically gives the US a free hand diplomatically in invading all the rest if they go wild, part of why such shitty borders and land locked nations are there.
>Nunca toque viene en mi puta vida
>Holocausto nuclear va a provocar un invierno global
>nieve en Uruguay
Fuck yes
Sucking Chilean cock won't give you sea access
That's worse than war honestly.
anybody knows what the fuck would happen where one of us be attacked? what would happen with the TIAR treaty? the UNASUR defense council?
as a person or as a country?
there is some truth here
I hate brazilians.
lel colonies
is ppk still a thing in peru? I stop following that novela around February, the novela about lula is way better.
dude, we rely almost absolutely in foreign tech
north korea literally can deal with all of us combined
>declare war at the last minute of the war against the losing side
Brazilians hate Brazilians because Brazilians are Brazilians who act like Brazilians from Brazil
Fuck you, m8. Those are not our problems. If you wanna fight, go serve the yankees armed forces.
>It's only pacifist because of the Monroe doctrine
Back in pre-inca days all you had to do was kill the leader of a town and everybody will surrunder without resistance.
People here just hate conflict.
All my exes come from texas so i don't hate you
>TFW not colonized by Germanic people's
>el chileANO
>running over anyone
I hereby bestow you your leaf.
Enter in the line, everyone hates brazilians including other brazilians.
>nieven en Uruguay
You guys will finally be white
Why tho?
you are still poor
Why not both?
dude I am soooo comfy haha :D cheers
>el nukeANO
What? Fuck you, I have enough problems in my life, I will not die for Israel or for some cyka blyats
Japan has avoided fights for a while.
Nuclear winter is a fraud
Japan has the Gundam ready at any time, they're not pacifists.
Nah, niggers. West needs to empty out Haiti and the Brazilian favelas.
Gotta send in some third world fuckers in as cannon fodder to soften up the Ruskies and Chinese in Africa and the South China sea .
Brazilians and Haitians got anything better to do?
Get some AK-tier rifles, some uniforms, stick 'em on boats.
It's time to conquer Central America.
I know chile has basic tech, mostly derived from foreing stuff we bought (see ENAER, ASMAR and FAMAE)
We can make a stand, but a short one...
On the other hand, I'm fairly sure your narcos could buy armies of mercenaries and we're done
>Back in pre-inca days all you had to do was kill the leader of a town and everybody will surrunder without resistance.
>People here just hate conflict.
This... the incas and the aztecs were broken because of this... unlike the fucking indians in the araucania, those niggers would just get another leader and keep fighting, damn savages... I still somewhat love them for not bending the knee, but thats about it
Qué dices tio? No quiero morir hoy!
We are irrelevant, our only role is being ZOG's experiment lab. And I'm talking as a Brazilian, you are more fucked than we are.
The best possible outcome(for us, at least) is some white immigrants coming our way. Hopefully they help us close the door to haitians, africans and venezuelans.
for what?
just for lols?
Possible for some of the states I'll admit, but not all. What few times they have tried going to war, some European country invades, sinks the Navy, or the Americans come to install a new puppet. Though your Country with a few others is awfully peaceful.
Brazil is part of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). We have some nukes hidden in here and we are going to help the Russians. Sorry.
Why fuck do you guys have to be so loud and "happy" all the time? I'm living with a brazilian here in Santiago and this scumbag is always listening brazilian music as loud as posible and laughing about everything...It's really annoying.
fuck you, why do you want part on this bullshit
Putin is Brazilian
It would be an epic betrayal.
>There's room for only one mutt country, US.
Stupid argentinians, now it's your time to take back Malvinas.
>Hopefully they help us close the door to haitians, africans and venezuelans.
mah nigga
I really look forward to expelling (or using as cannon fodder) all those you listed. We could use more germans, russians and french whites coming here, now those are immigrants and refugees worthy of our attention
The only thing Brazil is good for are the trannies
It's Nuestro Imperio's clay.
And if we slay every non-mayan over there then they'll be no illegals and we get cheap labor!
Fuck you.
We are already too much of a shithole to add a "die for the jews" to the stack.