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>w-we will shoot down every missile you fire!
Lol who would win:
A weird triangle
Finally, a billion dollar piece of equipment finally getting used. Better than sitting in the desert do nothing and rusting.
That's the B2
More like the Nighthawk, the B2 is just a big boomerang
fuck, so am I going to have to defend burger town against the ruskies? Where do I sign up?
Just walk outside, smile and wait for the flash, you won't miss it.
From what I understand the B-1's are no longer "strategic" bombers since their capability for nuclear armament has been removed as part of a recent treaty. Am I wrong?
Type THE BONE! to honor our favorite bomber and pilots, or your mother will die in her sleep tonight (along with everyone else).
Feels Good
You do realize it takes like an hour to rearm them, right?
But we have ICBMs, so why bother?
The Burger Town map is easy...just get to the roof as quick as you can.
The B-1B no longer carries nuclear weapons;[38] its nuclear capability was disabled by 1995 with the removal of nuclear arming and fuzing hardware.[120] Under provisions of the New START treaty with Russia, further conversion were performed. These included modification of aircraft hardpoints to prevent nuclear weapon pylons from being attached, removal of weapons bay wiring bundles for arming nuclear weapons, and destruction of nuclear weapon pylons. The conversion process was completed in 2011, and Russian officials inspect the aircraft every year to verify compliance.[121]
and checked
Probably depends on the doctrine/intel at the time.
Like if your command thinks an ICBM can be intercepted (or it's overkill) they can use a plane with one nuke instead of a while bunch of MIRVs. At least that's what I've pulled from my ass.
and they are still taking off from RAF Akitori
This, although technically the B-1 can carry a heavier bombload then the B-52
13 missiles show down already
>going anywhere near s400's
Hernandez, go and die for Israel!
>RAF Yakitori
fuck off weeb
sb-3 ghoul when????
Doubt it.
The sky would be full of mid altitude decoys.
S400s doing anything lolz
KC-135 doing a racetrack by Kriti Island in the Med right now.