The Republicans just lost the midterms and Trump just lost 2020

The Republicans just lost the midterms and Trump just lost 2020

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The great news is regardless of who you elect they will do the same thing. Anti-war obama destroyed libya and funded ISIS.

Don't count on it. People said the same thing about Bush and Iraq.

incumbent always do well in war

this. it's literally a puppet show with each side taking it's turn being the scapegoat for 4-8 years so that nobody focuses on the real issue which is the entire government.


But the Iraq War was very popular when it first started. It wasn't until we spent his entire presidency spending trillions of dollars constantly rebuilding it that it became unpopular

Good, ZioCon faggot.

and? If you are still stupid enough to think voting changes anything you should be shot

How did he find ISIS?

Social Media was very new when Iraq was bombed, now that it exists there are tons of Anti-War people who will have their voices heard.

>there is no deep state though

This is why they talk about the "bipartisan foreign policy" because it never changes.

Obama funded the rebels under the guise of them being "democratic and good". They would form some FSA democratic unit, get tons of weapons from USA, then swap to ISIS/Al Nusra.

You do realise if nuclear war happens none of that irrelevant shi* matters right?

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>H-Hillary would have done different!

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For dropping a single bomb, as they did last time?
Pretty much what was expected. A symbolic act done for the purpose of appeasing hawks

First time voters are so cute. Bush started a war to get himself re-elected. Go look at history before you say anything else equally stupid.

If there even is a 2020...

Well I mean just like I called it with moderators this'll make you feel better. Most of you won't die. Just expect massive unemployment, poverty, and shut down internet.

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Tucker 2020 NOW.

Says the pedophile

r*Publicans deserve an apocalyptic ass-whooping, this cycle they might actually get it