We did it!

Post yfw you realized we helped elect a billioniare reality TV star steak salesman man start WW3

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No, the fear was Clinton starting war with Russia over Arctic sea usage. Syria is something that was inevitable and will be a persistent problem, we can't let the middle East be an open bazaar for chemical weapons and a few nukes. This is really something Russia should stay the fuck out of.

If it really turns into a WW then nothing will stop Israel from being attacked by the mudslimes. Once the chaos starts, there's little you're going to do to stop it.

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This is what I wanted

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>we can't let the middle East be an open bazaar for chemical weapons

Explosives ARE chemical weapons. Death by having your skin burned off and dying by suffocation are the same.

Israel better be in the cross hairs or else i'll just wait for the afterlife

Meant for


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What have we done!

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We did it reddit!

r_thedonalders unite!

We were already embroiled in Middle eastern shit ever since the fucking 80's, maybe even earlier.

You'll kill hundreds to mid/high level doubt digits with chemical weapons, you'll kill only single digits with explosives.

The ineffectiveness of explosives for terrorism has always been a wry bitter sweet thing for western intelligence, but this lid has been opened since the truck attacks started in Europe. Explosives look nice in movies and on TV, but they're hardly effective. You need a crazy lot of them to do real damage, unless.. Actually, that's too scary to let out into Jow Forums.

I am okay with this.

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because Hillary Clinton was president of peace we saw how she handled bangazzi.

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fuck yeah

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Fucking finally. As long as we don’t let any more mudslimes in I’m legitimately not worried about the future. If you wanna talk the talk you have to walk the walk. I wanted this. I just didn’t want this under a president who didn’t just let the military do as it likes. Let them glass the entire middle east, I couldn’t care less. Just make sure they get the message.

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>you'll kill only single digits with explosives.

Depends on the size of the explosive and how densely packed the target location is. You can also kill additional people by causing structural collapses which is something you can't do with chemical weapons.

Take some digits

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We adore chaos because we love to produce order

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Anything you can strap onto a person won't kill too many people. If you saw a group of men carry a large box then run away from it, trust me everyone else will run too.

Explosives are laughably ineffective. The Charlie Hebdo gun attacks and truck attacks were truly the worst turning point in the war against anarchical Islam. I've decided, only a blue pill would call this a war on terror. IS is literally an Islamic state and they're funded by rogue MENA nobles and oil magnates.


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Better than a slow death being snuffed out by Jewish interests.

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Zionist Jew here. I voted for Trump because I knew exactly what he was. For months I mocked how Jow Forums was unironically shilling him and you kept saying it was a JIDF ploy to get you into voting Hillary.

Well, here we are. Once again the Jew has beaten you. We’ve not only gotten a Zionist into the White House, we got you to vote for it and think you were fighting us! Lmao.

So why am I here today? The tears of the sand niggers and their shills. The "another nakba!!!" and "n..no, muh assad!!!"

Give me more. More tomahawks a comin!!

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When the US is a smoldering ruin, who will defend you?

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thank god, if isreal is strong they will hopefully wipe out all the muslims because they arent pussies like every millenial in the USA

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>Anything you can strap onto a person won't kill too many people.

Nigger I'm talking about cruise missiles and bombs with fucking air bursts not fucking home brewed suicide vests.

I guess the idea is to end humanity before the 2020 elections.

You have to be an idiot to believe the chemical weapons narrative. Fuck off

>billionaire statesman married to a supermodel with children that also are successful

Themselves I assume. Mudslimes suck at actual war.

They've historically used a ton of chemical weapons you fucking retard

Besides Filipino IS and North Korea, who has the tech to do that?

But yes, flip IS with cruise missiles is a concern of mine.

How interesting, I believe you'd have to be an idiot not to. What do you think all that oil money in the middle East is being invested in?

>muh stock market and property
Poo change, you'll never get more than a 10% return. They can't do drugs, because that's haram, so they do weapons and people smuggling and mercenary groups instead, because somehow terrorism is less haram than buying a few keys of Afghan heroin and selling it in Amsterdam.


>Besides 3rd world shitholes, who has the tech to employ cruise missiles and bombs with air bursts.

Um, every nation with a modernized military?

aren't you glad we picked donald the dove and not hillary the hawk?

They wouldn't attack civilians in the west and think they're going to get away with it. My only priority here is saving civilian lives that are residing in western nations.

Only north korea and flip IS would actually attack a city like that and think they're going to get away with it.

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I'm just pointing out that explosives are chemical weapons and that posturing against the use of chemicals weapons by melting people's face off is retarded hypocritical bullshit. It's exactly the same as when the Democrats were crying that 'Putin is a killer' bullshit.

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