Well, do you?

Attached: missmeyet.jpg (225x225, 5K)

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He would have been boring placeholder president and Democrats would win again after his first ends.

*first term

at least we wouldn't be engulfed in nuclear flames

We don't know what will happen yet. Could be like last year where he shot some rockets and after 2 weeks nobody gave a fuck anymore. Or it could be the beginning of the end. We will see.

yes. absolutely.

That doesn't sound so bad. Beats living the rest of my life in a world gradually collapsing under the influence of progressivism.

Based Rand was too good for the retards of this world

nobody would ever miss a manlet

He was my first choice in the election. I'll wait untill the results of this attack come to pass before passing judgement, but as of now it looks like Trump took the neocon bait hook line and sinker

Yeah, but it's not like he ever had a chance at being elected. We had a choice between Trump or Cruz. And whereas we could be certain that Cruz was just another neo-con RINO, we had reason to believe Trump wouldn't be.

Still, it's not like Trump is turning out to be the worst thing in the world. It's just that he's another generic kike puppet like we've had for the past 60 years. We should be used to this by now. America will never change or be libertarian again until politicians are hanging from street lamps in D.C.

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You had your chance goy. Now you serve the ZOG.

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I warned all of you fuckers. Eat shit and die maga niggers

>A manlet that can be beated by his neighbor
you have to go back pedro.

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Why didn't we listen.

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>Doctor, so doesn't need the money
>Doesn't keep his pay
>Strict America-first constitutionalist
>No history of degeneracy
>Married his high-school sweetheart
>Has never cheated on his wife
>Raised a great family
>Consistent voting record
>Didn't pimp his daughter out to the kikes
But no guise, a kike shill who openly calls himself a kike shill was a better option because he called people a doodie head on twitter

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My 2020 vote


He wasn't super presidential, but he was way more intelligent than any of the other candidates.

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Hmm, I wonder why a Mexican would support a kike shill for American president who refuses to build the wall.. What a mystery..

At least we'd have 4 years of peace.
And probably a balanced budget.


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Your country needs Pat Buchanan. nigger

Attached: pat-buchanans-quotes-6.jpg.png (650x328, 81K)

Literally who?

Any tips on how to illegally sneak into the President Rand Paul timeline?


We are fucked.
The FOURTH TURNING heats up.
The world is going to be a different place is 10 yrs, and we won't be at the top.

Good thing nobody cares about what Mexicans think

>as of now it looks like Trump took the neocon bait hook line and sinker
Trump turned into the worlds biggest sucker.

>watching news TV because of the happening
>Rand Paul on one of the shows
>finally someone who will speak against this bullshit

This is why lolbergs are such a fucking joke. Of all the things to be talking about right now, he just rambles on about protocol rather than the actual meat of the ongoing issue.

Attached: trump rand.jpg (501x582, 72K)

Whats the matter schlomo? you hate a true Nationalist?

Attached: quote-the-real-liberators-of-american-women-were-not-the-feminist-noise-makers-they-were-the-pat-buc (850x400, 76K)

We are so fucked.
And I don't have enough booze.

>because Clinton would have brought world peace.
Drink bleach bitch.