>be me
>4:02 am, jerking off
>hear explosions
>"ok nothing new they're bombing douma"
>look outside your window
> see this twitter.com
>be me
>4:02 am, jerking off
>hear explosions
>"ok nothing new they're bombing douma"
>look outside your window
> see this twitter.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry Goy, but my overlords want that land for Greater Israel.
Shit man, trump and the jews must pay
sorry about bombing your country
Nice proxy
Shock and Awe baby
i wish
I want to hang every fucking kike and neocon, I'm not about to get started to fight for some fucking kikes
if you're not LARPing then stay safe man, sorry our president is fucking retarded
Likewise. Fuckers should not be able to get away with this.
We should not be dragged into any random wars abroad against countries who aren't even fucking hostile to our own. Pisses me off.
did you finish jerking?
Agreed. He fooled us. What more can I say.
Stay safe bro. Hopefully these kikes will get what that deserve one day.
israel sends its regards
We are so used to movies that we forget those are real people real explosions.
fuck off for all we know this is a Russian psyop disinfo fake video
lost my erection
Ummmmm guyssssssss it says acc doesnt exist wtf
>shut it down
>Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
What was the tweet?
Your twitter got shoah'd mate
video of a city getting bombed, supposedly Damascus
one comment claimed it was Ukraine
got to see the clip, several explosions
Jeebus wtf twitter deleted the account. No fcuking way.Video of bunch of explosions on the horizon at night in syria. Bunch of explosions sounds like non stop thunder and lightning. Fucking crazy
next time archive the post fag
He deleted the tweet because the footage was from ukraine, not damascus.
This. Take some cool pictured and post them here.
a-are you still alive OP?
Good morning love
Do y have the footgae from ukran? Or u just dmg controling for the tyranny of evil
Nigger detected
Syrianon, what happened to that tweet?
upload webm
i really don't know
Stay safe, bro
Jerking off is harem
a world without goat-fucking islamists?
Sorry for interrupting your fapfest.
Also apologies for the bombs n stuff.
its aight man
Talmud Trump is a puppet of the Jews. He is loyal to Israel, not to the Americans who voted him into office.
Hey, just to let you know that I don't want this either. Stay strong Syrianon.
You know it was deleted by (((them)))
Anything that reveals the fact that the Wests "Targeted bombing in retaliation for dat ebil assad killing his own people" actually kills a fuckton of civilians gets swiftly shoah'd
I'm sorry that our weird neocon Kike puppet witch is throwing explosives at you. We tried to vote her out but...
Im sorry that NATO ( which includes my country ) is attacking your home. Me and most spaniards do not support it. STAY SAFE.
tfw Jow Forums is opposing a war in a Muslim country and apologising for the actions of our respective nations
proof that liberals are the sadistic degenerate ones
100.000 9/11s are not enough for the mutts to pay for their crimes
It says I can't retrieve tweet at this time, try again later
You wanna get out there get some shots man?
Syria is christian you idiot.
This is what happens when you jerk off
Read gravity's rainbow
sorry bro i hope any allies that bomb your home die in the process
Literally use google
>Sunnis. The largest religious group in Syria is the Sunni Muslims which make up around 75% of the population, of whom about 80% are native Syrian Arabs, with the remainder being Kurds, Turkomans, Circassians, and Palestinians. Sunni Islam sets the religious tone for Syria and provides the country's basic values.
>uses google
Assad is one of the few Middle Eastern leaders who protects the Christians in his country.
says sorry page doesnt exxist wheres the backup?
True that, hence my earlier comments about the Islamists trying to overthrow him because he is a peaceful and secular leader. He protects all religious denominations within his country.
Because his country secular, and christians aren't a small group in Syria, same thing in Egypt
Sorry dawg
Fucking kikes, what was the picture?
Jerking off is haram
it was a video of the bombing allegedly happening in syria
turned out to be fake
As someone who's watched the conflict since the rebels were just starting to attack Syria, my condolences goes to Syria and the Syrian people. Know you're not alone in the discontent you have with US "politics". I can't see the US getting away with this easily, we can only wait to see what happens.
Sorry m8. Nobody wants our countries to be doing jack shit in yours. Not our fault you come from a race of violent beasts who only care for raping and killing.
Upload video somewhere else user. Then post link
Literally zero evidence.
I bet you bought that Israeli whore Trump's rhetoric about MUH ANIMAL ASSAD!
Its the kikes
quintessentially ebin
i love how you fucks will only blame the US when UK and france are equally guilty
fuck that cuck inland
Both are US's bitches tho
What was the image???? It got deleted
Where do you get that? I focus on the US because the US is the one with the most capacity to cause influence. Just like the Mexican said, both are US's bitches. Of course tho all are equally guilty, where you come up with me thinking that is beyond me.
Oy vey
Bro, the twatter link is broken, what was that shit?
And i also want to know what you where fapping to.
Just know that nobody actually sane supports this bombing shit. It's literally just neocons and boomers, and maybe some shillbot9000 good goys. The average person is going to be pissed if this escalates any further, shit most of us are pissed right now.
fake and gay
I dont understand
>assad gassed a few hundred people
>so we bomb hundreds more.
I just dont fucking get it.
God told jews to conquer the earth. And to have dominion over the earth. And then jews stabbed god in the back. So jesus said the meek shall inherent the earth.
Jesus only came to do what the jews refused to do. What the jews did the exact opposite of. Jesus came to spread gods word and to heal people. Jews hide gods word and profit off of the debauchery ignorance and godlessness.
Not everyone is buying into your "false flag" conspiracy bullshit. Sucking Putin's dick doesn't negate facts you fucking asshat...
Jews were chosen to spread gods word. You were the messenger. And like some shitty mailman you opened peoples mail. And found ways to manipulate them and steal from them. God even told jews to melt their shekles. And jews went and created money created banks all around the world. You are satans spawn.
Death to the western imperialists!
Fuck off you brainwashed dolt..
It’s simple really our jew overlords just don’t want us to see it.
But everyone gives you a free pass because you walk around claiming to be godly. Holding the holocaust above everyones head. The holocaust is nothing compaired to gods wrath. Youre going to the land of shoah. Where getting gassed is just called breathing. Where the sun itself melts your skin.
>literal goy