As you can see now, there is no political solution. Read SIEGE you faggot Alt-Righter queers. Your "god emperor" is just a shill with kike grandchildren.
Other urls found in this thread:
I’m genuinely sad that I’m too old to join something like Atomwaffen.
Atomwaffen could’ve been cool if they weren’t a bunch of edgy occult faggots led by skinny queers with long hair.
Otherwise they’re no better than those retards on magic websites who cast spells.
Wow, another leaf post. Shocker. -_-
get the fuck off Jow Forums no one wants to join your LE honeypot you shill faggot
You're never too old to fight for your Race.
No idea.
Satan makes us strong, faggot.
Voting sure did you a lot of good, didn't it?
>Satan makes us strong, faggot.
I have never seen a satanist that doesn’t look like a massive faggot.
Lol, I'm a 6'2 Gheg Albanian Satanist who makes niggers cower in my sight.
You faggots need to figure out the game.
They are all Cult of Saturn and their Lord is the Demiurge.
Their blood is of Yaldabaoth.
desu you guys are starting to make sense
also you seem to have cute grills
Siege is simply a newsletter by a satanic larper.
Jow Forumsacks should still read it to understand that all siegefags are simply larpers
>They are all Cult of Saturn and their Lord is the Demiurge.
Wrong. The Jews and Christcucks worship (((Yahweh, the Demiurge))). We fight for Jupiter.
So a Slav with Turkish genes who probably weighs less than 160 lbs right?
Do you have long hair too and a pale complexion like every other edgy satanist?
Do your Turk genes keep you from looking as sickly as every other member of atomwaffen?
If I am guaranteed a gf I'll join
>So a Slav with Turkish genes who probably weighs less than 160 lbs right?
Lol, I did a DNA test. I'm 100% European. It came back showing me as majority Slavic and Southern European(Greco-Illyrian), and a little bit Germanic.
>Do you have long hair too and a pale complexion like every other edgy satanist?
So do you advocate tanning? Nice Mulatto futurism, faggot.
We'll help you get a gf for sure. All members need a qt girl to cuddle with.
Are you guys really satanists because that's only other thing turning me off. After today you guys really do have a point about the blackpill..
LARPers get the bullet first.
niggas war is dumb, we have nukes now
About 10% of us are """Satanists."""" The version of Satanism that Atomwaffen members follow is just the Gnostic Julius Evola/ Savitri Devi stuff. The Satanic imagery is just to create controversy and get more attention, which worked really well.
London is 40% nonwhite and you aren't doing shit about it. What does that say about you?
Shadman is /ourguy/.
We promote survivalism. Watch Varg and Survival Russia if you don't join an organization, so you don't die in the first 5min of WW3.
>going outside is the same thing as tanning
Guess that means you don’t go hiking, jogging, or outside in general huh?
Also post pics of your knife and sword collection next to your copy of gates of iron too. It’ll look so bad ass after you put a filter over it
So much for having standards if you let in people that worship that faggot snake "Satan"
You're never old enough to get sent to federal prison for 30 years
nigga nukes just vaporise things and irradiate everything else, causing short term death and long term genetic defects and starvation. Not really anything you can do against it, nuclear winter is not a desirable thing no matter how manly you think you are
Ah.. Evola / Devi stuff I can work with.
I ride my bike regularly and am planning to start camping more soon, since WW3 is right around the corner. However, I don't tan at all. Just so you know, many Ghegs are very pale, including myself. I also have very light blonde hair.
>Also post pics of your knife and sword collection next to your copy of gates of iron too.
I don't have any pictures like that and I don't feel like taking my shit out to show you a picture of it.
Tell me though, how are you preparing for the collapse? or are you just sitting around counter signaling people who are?
t. nigger who can't read
I just said it isn't actually Satanism.
So get out of big cities.
Yeah, all the "Satanist" members are big fans of Devi.
The point is to create your OWN Atomwaffen team with close friends so no ((((feds)))) get in.
Tonight I just learned from the US government that violence is the only practical solution to impose real change.
They use violence in Syria, they live by the sword, they will die by it.
How is it possible to be so shitty that your own people want to see you killed and replaced by a foreign dictator?
Honestly I hope Putin nukes America now. Growing up I never would have imagined that I would reach this point. I just want Trump and Clinton and Obama and Bush and Bolton and Mattis and Pompeo and Comey and all the other fuckers in this never ending shit show to die. I want all of them dead, I want them to die painfully, in great sorrow. I want them to burn in hellfire for eternity.
And they will. Soon.
"Atomwaffen" hasn't done jack shit about anything. "Oh, look, I murdered some queer who hit on me and made my 'movement' look like a bunch of psychos! Oh, look, I smoked so much meth I murdered my girlfriend's parents - you're welcome, white people!" Great job, faggots.
lol the big cities are utterly destroyed, the country is just showered in heavily irradiated dust. The city people get a quick death, the people in the country have to watch themselves slowly starve under the cold skies of a nuclear winter. Crops wont grow, no electricity due to no real infrastructure to generate it and the survivors have to face their children become horribly retarded. No masculine glory or self sufficiency, just a perpetual misery until humanity sputters out and finally dies.
I bet these faggots can't even pronounce Atomwaffen correctly.
Probably like ,,Atemwoffän''
>Satan makes us strong, faggot.
So it should be obvious by now that muslims who go to Europe and the US to cause terror and Mayhem are actually the good guys.
Seeing Trump take a big shit on his America First movement has really cleared my mind of a lot of junk. For the last two years I've been walking around thinking that nationalism was actually possible and that whites in this country could actually think for themselves.
It's clear that this was mirage, these is no extracting oneself from globalist jewish power. And the best one can hope for is that the underdog can bloody the nose of Zionist/American power to force a radical spiralling of events.
In this context it's clear who the good guys and who the bad guys are. Thats why we must all pray for more Bataclan style attacks. Not just in France, but especially in Britain and the Us.
This is autistic LARPing, you guys are fucking retarded
Exactly. The "Atomwaffen" site was called Siege CULTURE for a reason. This isn't a political movement, it's more so a cultural movement, if that makes sense.
The nukes will come soon. Maybe next year. I think we are safe for this year though; but you need to find somewhere where you will survive the initial nukes when WW3 comes. Stay safe, my friend.
We promote survivalism so we can survive WW3/The Collapse.
>muh nihilism
Not surprising, coming from a Nazbol.
So what are you doing? Nothing? Thought so.
>"its totally not real satanism"
Go away and worship your little faggot snake somewhere else, sodomite
Jew on a stick
You faggots might want to quiet down. I know whos watching and taking notes.
Post more sexy tied up Atomwaffen grill.
bitch its nuclear fucking war, there is no room for optimism. "War is glory" shit died after WW1, when the means for killing people became mechanised and so the casualty count can become astonishingly high. Nowadays we have thousands of nuclear weapons, capable of wiping out all of humanity or even life on earth except for like cockroaches, war is now not just a pointless waste of life, its now literally apocalyptic
>Satan makes us strong
absolutely dropped
We don't promote anything illegal. We promote survivalism and marksmanship. We DO NOT promote terrorist acts.
So why don't you just kill yourself now?
>can't take a joke
Have fun in the nuclear fires.
Can you explain the "universal order" or "universal truth"? I hear these terms tossed around by natsoc guys and they can't define them when I ask
Can I join even if I’m ethnically Jewish?
Faggotry is a sin. That's the only reason they're Satanists because they're butthurt that God won't let them be faggots.
Bitch im not the one hankering for nuclear war, thats you. If anything, you should be the one to kill yourself because you seem adamant on setting up a chain of events that can only lead to apocalypse. You are either so braindead you think you can survive a nuclear winter, or literally suicidal.
It might be a funny joke, if you weren't unironic satanists
welp/ there it is. I'll stick to the laws of nature, you keep your larp. Atomwaffen glows in the dark like none other.
>Tell me though, how are you preparing for the collapse? or are you just sitting around counter signaling people who are?
Wait you mean that won’t work? Guess I’ll starve to death while some lanklet wannabe satanist in a skull masks tries to kick down my door before giving up and just taking a picture of it, putting a filter on it, and some retarded quote like “doors are the tools of kikes”
You appear to be tied to Atomwaffen. Are you able to post more binded Atomwaffen grills?
wow so you run a prostitution ring too? Great, I know you just larp as satanists but if I see one of you in the TRS pool party I'm legit going to chop some dicks off.
So you just choose another Archon.
I bet nobody ever said you were smart.
It just means natural order, allowing nature to take it's course, rather than having society run by abstract principles. Look into Paganism the way Varg explains it; it's basically the same thing.
No Atomwaffen organizations allow fags.
Sven get's his ass pegged by his wife.
We follow the Kalki.
I also want to know too. What do y’all mean by univeral truth?
You're not Albanian gay fag.
I've already read that and the squire's trial
Ironmarch is down, where can I go to get info on attomwaffen?
I bought his books so I guess that's where I'll start, thanks.
Why not? What’s the point of excluding ethnic Jews?
You don’t sound like a very nice person
I'm not white, but I like Satanism, black metal and sexy girls. Can I join?
Satanists are all faggots that worship the one that tricked Eve into allowing sin into the world - which includes faggotry.
Both faggots and satanists hate God because God prevents them from continuing in their sick depraved evil.
Stop worshipping a loser faggot snake and become a straight white man already
Revolution need not be violent and in fact it must not be. Passive Resistance, or "Satyagraha" as the ancient Aryans would call it, is preferable because our Enemy has convinced allies we need that Europeans are murderous people. Forceful action on our part would confirm their racist suspicions. Non-whites will allow and even engage violent European Genocide if they believe whites are responsible for all that the Zionist has done. What Jow Forums feels towards the Merchant he causes the other races to feel about Europeans. With that understanding, violent white genocide in America and Europe doesn't seem so implausible. And of course once whites are destroyed the Zionist will play the game against the others until only he remains, God. Humanity can be united against the global threat.
Don't give the other races a reason to hate you and the Zionist fails.
Our battlefield is in the mind. Once enough people know what Jow Forums knows European Genocide will cease because the fully red-pilled majority will not permit it. The people only act against us now because they're deceived. It's time to wake the masses. How can a magician fool his spectators if they know how the trick works? Our adversary relies on deception so let's take that weapon away from him.
Start thinking about how you can spread good and truthful propaganda. With the very least amount of effort you can leave printed red-pills at school or some business, and the greatest propaganda can be art, like music or coding. Just tell everyone else what you know, Jow Forums.
The Enemy has began luring you to violence already. Be smarter. Spread information and troll the Enemy knowing we've already won.
Probably not. Mr. I’m better then everyone else because of my genes won’t let nonwhites and ethnic Jews in because of reasons
Read chapter 9 of SIEGE or look into European Paganism for in depth information.
I'm an ethnic Albanian born and raised in America.
Read SIEGE, then start an organization with your buddies, practicing survivalism and marksmanship
Jews are part of the problem.
You worship a desert rat on a stick.
>new awakening
It's not 1932, nigger.
Nice flag change.
Yes, actually, in a way it is. Here's a free redpill, kid:
Jews are re-creating the events which led to Adolf Hitler's rise as Fuhrer.
(((They))) are doing this to create puppet-States controlled by their own "Hitlers" -- Israel First Zionists -- before using these States against We the People in fake and controlled wars.
>Migrant crisis: already happened
>Mass addiction: already happened
>Child rape networks: already happened
>ANTIFA: already happened
>Alt-Right: already happened
>Populist leader[s]: already happened
>Anti-Semitism: already happened
>Push to deport Jews (Zionism): already happened
Re-creating points in history to control the outcome thus changing the future according to one's agenda is advanced psychological manipulation.
This is the Timeline redpill.
You're stuck in a PSYOP.
Yeah no shit, but Christian ethnic Jews aren’t.
You won’t ever take power or get people to join your thing if all you do is exclude people
You need to work on that, bud
What do you Atomwaffen fags think of the Northwest Front?
Why not? I'm anti-human and pro culling.
I'd rather worship the Natural Law (Logos) made flesh than some disgusting faggot snake.
I need more grills before I make a decision here, user.
atomwaffen supports C*vilisation, a jewish construct. fuck off jew lovers
thats pretty retarded considering they'd be likely to create a real Hitler
Have Siegecucks killed anyone besides each other?
what an edgy little mall goth
You mean like Rockwell? Of course they'll inadvertently create real Hitlers. They just kill them.
>there is no political solution
Well I don’t see you picking up a gun and doing anything to fix it. So either lead by example or shut the fuck up
If you’re into Esoteric Hitlerism I’m tempted to join. Will I get lynched for having banged a lot of Asians before my redpilling?
t. (((Anglin)))
It's an FBI sting you dumb oldfag
>don't give races a reason to hate you
>even though they already will for tribalistic reasons
either way they'll hate you desu
Stfu gaye
Sorry to hear you're too old for the FBI dude.
>that's only other thing turning me off
Don't be retarded, they're full of fucking feds. Who's stupid enough to try to plan terrorism on Discord?
>After today you guys really do have a point about the blackpill..
Ignore the hysteria, this was a limited strike on non-military targets chosen specifically to avoid hitting any Russians. It's fucking political theater just like last year and nothing is actually going to come of it. Assad's ability to make war hasn't been damaged at all by this, it's all for fucking show.
>we’re like totally natsoc man
>that’s why we’re methheads covered in tattoos
>yeah, natsoc 100%
Would literally report you guys to the FBI if I knew you IRL
complete and utter retards lol
nice try, FBI
>They just kill them
you're assuming they have perfect control of a system that is way too complex for that
another Hitler is probably inevitable at this point
alright ill bite; what the fuck is this siege shit
This system isn't complex at all. People are cattle. Keep control of the majority, which isn't hard, and you can easily deal with the minority.
>there is no political solution goyim YOU MUST STRIKE SYRIA ehehehehe
>stupid goy
There is no clear political solution at this point in time doesn't mean you jump in head first into a fire pit.
The kikery is strong today.
1 away from such a waste of a post
you did too much lsd fag
Nothing until they post more grills.
I meant to do the meme flag for shits and giggles in the beginning, but forgot to.
You are delusional.
This isn't a movement. Fuck off.
Didn't know it was still around.
Please leave.
WW3 is happening on its own. We don't want any of our own to get themselves killed or arrested.
>If you’re into Esoteric Hitlerism I’m tempted to join.
Many of us are. Cameron, also known as "Rape," is an esoteric Hitlerist.
Just don't be a rice mixer anymore.
I've never done drugs, never smoked weed, and think tattoos are gay. Also, report me to the FBI for what? I've never done anything illegal nor do I advocate anything illegal. I advocate groups of people practicing survivalism so they can survive the collapse.
I'm telling you guys to practice survivalism and prepare for a collapse. DO NOT go out doing illegal shit.
It's a meme book that apparently some people started to take seriously.
Look how white people themselves call for their own genocide. It's easy to brainwash the masses. Once you have them it's even easier to keep them. Just squash any dissenting message.