Yfw today's events essentially DESTROY any leftist conspiracy theories that Trump conspired with Russia to steal the...

>yfw today's events essentially DESTROY any leftist conspiracy theories that Trump conspired with Russia to steal the election

I can't wait to see the lefturds' faces when they shit themselves and realize we were right all along.

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I can't wait until you've been cut into pieces soon you fucking psychopath. I will never forget the sound of the air sirens in Damascus. Fuck you, fuck Hillary and fuck Trump.

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>I will never forget the sound of the air sirens in Damascus
Sweet freedom music

Nah, Trump is still working with Russia.

The reason the attacks took so long was Trump had to ask Russia permission for what to attack so he wouldn't look weak. Then he gave Russia another day to move all of their people and the Syrians out of harms way.

It's exactly like the last missile attack, where he wastes a hundred million dollars to put a few potholes in an airfield, which is up and operating again less than 24 hours later.

>Candidate Trump 2018
>After a year in office, Trump has come to realize that the Russians are genuine assholes
>Friendship ended with Russia, now Neocon is my best friend
So much for your theory, OP.

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Are you fucking serious?

Trump basically kicked Russia in the balls today. If anything, he only led Putin on before the election just so he could pull the carpet out from under him.

You think those disabled tards actually understand what they're saying? They are a mouthpiece of propaganda. They don't know anything other than the most recent bullshit that is shoved up their ass like a suppository.

Oh and almost check'd.

Go reread the white house comments. They specifically avoided all Russian troops.

Even some Russian sources are saying there have been no casualties.

Instead he's a kike puppet, much better.

I just saw some lefty subhuman in another thread claim that people defending Trump on this are Russian shills, because that makes sense in their retarded brains. Too much Star Wars and Harry Potter will do that to you

>giving putin a weeks notice before bombing
sure it does sweety

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>implying this would stop them

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t. puerile dumb fuck experiencing serious cognitive dissonance because his russian boogeyman is in shambles

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By all means then, tell me the 4d tactical chess reason to post your missile threats on twitter, including the specific timeframe of what you plan to do.

>Implying the pee tape won't drop any day now

Racist cheeto man stepped out of line, time for all the fun stuff to start leaking.

I think you missed the point of The Left.
They are liars and cheats who think truth is relative
Their literal doctrine is
Objectivity Through Rational Thought is Western and Masculine
Throw all facts out the window that dont serve them. ignore facts they used that later prove our point. We are dealing with the irrational base of women, Stupid fucking niggers, and Jews who will lie to watch you suffer.
Its not about proving who is right or wrong in their world. Its about winning and you suffering for their amusement.

You ever wonder how the official Russia investigation turned up virtually nothing important after TWO FUCKING YEARS?

The narrative slowly shifted to "Russia used their hacker black magic to directly change the vote count" to "Russia bought a few ads on Facebook and Reddit".

If there was any damning evidence, it would have come out by now. But there isn't because the sole purpose of this investigation is to drag the administration into the dirt with unnecessary legal processes to ensure he hardly has any successes with his presidency an then blame him for said lack of successes.


>You ever wonder how the official Russia investigation turned up virtually nothing important after TWO FUCKING YEARS?
I wouldn't call the most indictments in the shortest period of time for any federal independent investigation in history "virtually nothing"

You know Watergate took like 6 years right? It took almost 3 before it got close enough to make Nixon resign.

>The narrative slowly shifted to "Russia used their hacker black magic to directly change the vote count" to "Russia bought a few ads on Facebook and Reddit".
But that was never the narrative. Are you just stupid? Or do you get all of your news from Jow Forums? The narrative has always been "It's impossible to hack voting machines, but Russia hacked the DNC and tried and succeeded to manipulate the election by buying advertisements and controlling the online discussion with paid shills"

>If there was any damning evidence, it would have come out by now.
You mean other than the evidence that was used to be able to get a warrant to seize Trump's Lawyer's documents? That's the most difficult type of warrant to get, and had to be approved by three different Trump appointees.

>But there isn't because the sole purpose of this investigation is to drag the administration into the dirt with unnecessary legal processes to ensure he hardly has any successes with his presidency an then blame him for said lack of successes.
Except for the dozens of people indited and multiple guilty pleas rooting out the massive corruption in the Trump administration.

And it also ruined his chances for re-election. Truly 5D chess...

Honestly, I would've preferred that the liberal narrative of Russia collusion was true over us being betrayed in this manner.

>I can't wait to see the lefturds' faces when they shit themselves and realize we were right all along.
You won't have long to soak in the happiness with the nuclear bombs going off, so make sure you get a good look.

>I wouldn't call the most indictments in the shortest period of time for any federal independent investigation in history "virtually nothing"

>You know Watergate took like 6 years right? It took almost 3 before it got close enough to make Nixon resign.

Topkek. Bill Clinton got put into the wringer almost immediately. And that was because he banged his office secretary behind his wife's back. Why didn't that investigation take so long?

>But that was never the narrative. Are you just stupid? Or do you get all of your news from Jow Forums? The narrative has always been "It's impossible to hack voting machines, but Russia hacked the DNC and tried and succeeded to manipulate the election by buying advertisements and controlling the online discussion with paid shills"

Except we've already established that Russia wasn't responsible for the hack. The "hack" wasn't really a hack at all. The information came from inside the DNC itself, from one of their own who was fed up with their bullshit and felt a duty to inform the public. Unfortunately, his patriotism cost him his life when he was quietly murdered to shut him up.

Do you even know his name? If you don't, you have no business coming to Jow Forums to debate.

>You mean other than the evidence that was used to be able to get a warrant to seize Trump's Lawyer's documents? That's the most difficult type of warrant to get, and had to be approved by three different Trump appointees.

And after all that, they only proved that Russia bought a few harmless ads. For fuck's sake.

>Except for the dozens of people indited and multiple guilty pleas rooting out the massive corruption in the Trump administration.

On bullshit charges. Politicians who don't submit to (((their))) demands have a habit of disappearing.

And you're proud with that?

America needs to be eradicated for the best of humanity

>Destroying the Russia theory by bombing innocent people just to own the libs

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"innocent" is a strong word user

You can't be a Natsoc if you support kikes such as Trump.

>I can't wait to see the lefturds' faces when they shit themselves and realize we were right all along.
No shit. This is like being ecstatic that you were right about an argument you had with special needs kids who thought 2+2=5 and the teacher said you were right all along.

It was meant to be a diversion the whole time. To bog Trump down. You are happy that the liberals effectively wasted 2 years of Trump's first term. You won a battle that was a decoy the whole time.


less than 2 years after being elected
>drumpfy needs to go to war with russia to save the poor muslims!!!!!! daddy please the poor babies are being killed please nuke russia to stop them!!!!!!

If they can be proven wrong, they can lose what little remains of their imaginary moral high ground. Get them to admit that, and they become putty in your hands.