When you realize you're on he wrong side of history

Fuck Trump. Fuck the pentagon. I regret shilling Trump. I regret joining the military. Truly the worst timeline.
I unironically miss the nigger

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It's terrible when you look back and realize when all went to shit.

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plz come back King Nigger

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>I regret joining the military.
oooooh hahahahaha I bet you fucking do now

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I unironically feel you. Threw my maga hat out the other day. I cant believe I flew to NY to buy it.

Fucking pussy, you're the type of faggot who bitches all the time in the military don't you, I bet you joined air force too.

Obama is the reason shit is escalated in Syria in the first place too, faggot

you deserve to hang you fucking traitor. who gives a fuck if it was (((them))). THIS IS OUR WAR NOW. fight or die you fucking faggot.

>trump runs on the platform of "nit being the worlds police"
>immediately gets involved in every national dispute in the world
>threatens north korea, iran, and even attacks syria totally unprovoked

Stockholm syndrome is a heluva drug

James, are we the bad guys?

No I joined NatGuard (thank god I'm not active). But if I get orders to go to war, I will just go AWOL

>this post brought to you by shillblue

Yeah and I joined under trump thinking that wasn't going to happen, but oh fucking well, everyone in the military signs an oath to do their duty, not fucking cry because things didn't turn out as you wanted. It's America's problem now whether this fucking whiny cunt likes it or not.


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Go an Hero and shoot up your base, please. You will die remembered by history and not as some kike slave soldier.

I'm fine with being a traitor. Ive never been so ashamed of my country

Larping faggot

What, and Obama was any different? That nigger caused the problem in the first place.
Let's take a look, we need to realize the fucking president doesn't matter, the kikes manipulate it to their wishes no matter what. Our vote doesn't fucking matter, we need bigger changes to destroy this system.

There's no way out of this, faggot.
We'll get through this through thick and think, we'll get through this and we'll see the end of it.
There's no turning back now. Get on with the program.Carry on, keep calm and move on, or get left behind and get fucked.

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You're fighting for Israel, not for America. Attacking Syria doesnt help America one fucking bit.
What a shitty LARPing nationalist you are. Codreanu wouldnt fight for his corrupt government even though he loved his country. Because freeing his country from (((their))) grasp was more important. You wouldn't dare call HIM a traitor would you?

kys you fucking faggot

How is going off to die for some expansionist kikes in Israel "americas problem now"
You're the god damn traitor
Betraying your own fucking integrity

>I unironically miss the nigger
Me too.

Go to war and die for israel. I'll be laughing when your body comes back in a casket.
I would be fine with trashcanistan or korea, but I would never fight against assad

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Can you imagine the butthurt when Trump becomes the first American president in decades to not be reelected?

>cucking to the jew
OP We could use some more VETS

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I hope he doesnt, and I hope some bernie tier cuck gets elected so the overton window shifts to fascists like me.

literally fighting wars with ourselves to keep the military industrial complex alive

100% agree. This fuck did the dumbest shit in history. Welcome World War 3


I tried to joined the military recently and was kicked out halfway through boot for being mentally ill (don't know how they found out) haha

Good goyim, fight my wars aka population control

I don't regret voting for Trump. If Clinton were elected what happened now would have just happened sooner.
I haven't even decided whether or not I support American foreign policy in the middle east because I'm basically totally ignorant about geopolitics. I'll probably continue to ignore politics for like, six years.

>Desperately trying to suck off some Sand Nigger

YFW you realise Mueller got real dirt on Trump from the lawyer raid and they have turned him into just another globalist bitch :o

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If it makes you feel better the same thing would have happened with Hillary and pretty much every republican nominee other than rand paul. Probably would have been worse with them too.

This is true. I hate Trump but he is still better than Hillary.
I just regret shilling Trump like a baindead ZOG slave

>No I joined NatGuard (thank god I'm not active). But if I get orders to go to war, I will just go AWOL
Fuck the guard. Get your separation papers ready due to hardship. I did and General Okuhara signed mines. I'm out and Fuck Trump

>Fuck Trump.
>I regret shilling Trump.
>I unironically miss the nigger


>miss the nigger
Either retarded or b8. Considering you joined the military probably retarded. King nigger is why there's a war in Syria in the first place.

Whatever makes you sleep better, leaf faggot.
USA may be cucked by ZOG but at least we're not as far gone as you morons

You need the air force for your shit tier ground troops lad

Nobody wants to be in your larp club for retards, user.

Preparations to attack Syria happened under Bush little when Hafez was president of syria. It didnt begin with obongo

Then you should never have voted for him in the first place, user

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>Whatever makes you sleep better, leaf faggot.
USA may be cucked by ZOG but at least we're not as far gone as you morons
The day I listen to some beta male Canadian faggots is the day I chop my own balls off.

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>Rooting for Assad

Kindly kill yourself you fucking Putin-whore.

Fuck off natguard pussy. I'm watching this news hoping I get a real deployment, and you're being a typical reservist boot faggot.

Haha another bull shot shareblue thread ffs faggots Obama bombed them plenty. Droned a bunch of civilians but now you regret trump. Plebbit for you

I'll be watching TV seeing your ass get shot by SAA.
When I swore in, it wasn't to support Al-Qaeda.
I will fight anywhere but syria, Assad is a force for good in ME

>I'll be sitting on my ass watching the real men on tv
Thanks for proving my point, tampon.

You definitely know it's a filthy lefty kike when this gets thrown around

Real men aren't ZOG slaves

There was never a right timeline. Of all the lines in all the times in all the universes you picked this one.

Fuck off lefty-pol

Fuck off shlomo

Nice copout.
>be you.
>be giant faggot.
>want to join the military.
>too much of a pussy for the Corps.
>too much of a pussy for regular army.
>"I know! I'll join the NG so I can claim I served while doing buttfuck nothing. Tmfms"
>join NG
>Syria strikes
>war on the horizon
>"why did I join"
Your cowardice is absolutely pathetic.

The US was fucked on both options....DID YOU MISS THE ENTIRE ELECTION?

You signed the paper, you knew the potential IF this even escalates further, so don't be a pussy.
I'm inactive reserve right now but if shit goes down I'll get called back in and be proud. Do I disagree with it? Sure but I signed up knowing we try to be global police.

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If I've gotta die in nuclear hellfire either way, I'd rather die in the timeline where the memes are spicy.


It's not even about fighting in general. Just fighting against Syria
No matter how many times you say "coward" or "traitor" doesn't make assad the bad guy

We'll be sure to let your CO know about your treason faggot.

I'm a combat engineer and I'm in inactive reserve. How fucked am I?

I'll bet you're in a support MOS too aren't you.

fuck you jidf
trump and barry are both (((your))) shabbos goyim

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honestly how the fuck did he stand up to the establishment and stay out of syria......do the globalist elites purposefully wait for a republican to be in office to push for war , so people will think conservatives are warmongers???


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>muh duty
Have fun dying for imperialist kikes. Oh well, at least you have your Honorâ„¢

innately conservatives tend to be reactionaries who tend to be warmongers. It's always a democrat who tries to negotiate things and a republican who acts aggressively abroad. With Trump, it's just sort of funny because unless everyone in America has amnesia, he sort of campaigned against war with Syria. But Woodrow Wilson campaigned against getting into WW1 I guess.

Fuck off shill

>who gives a fuck if it was (((them)))
haha oh wow

>b-but you're a coward
>why won't you support attacks against syria
I honestly don't care what you think. I'd sooner sign up for Liwa al-Quds than stay and fight against Assad.

He didn't stay out, it's just that when a dem does it the media turns a blind eye or puts a positive spin on it

>I unironically miss the nigger

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He didn't at all. And king nigger was a commie, muslim shill. Equal cancer. The west won't be free until both KSA and Israel are purged from all western governments. And as far as I'm concerned especially these two shitholes should duke it out on themselves.

Not even which race. The political parties both agree the white race is the worst. It's about shit like gay marriage and abortion. Every election.

Fighting an industrialized nation for the first time in 73 years might be a little too real.

>hey man, why not cucking to the kikes like me?!


>Fuck Trump. Fuck the pentagon. I regret shilling Trump. I regret joining the military.
>I unironically miss the nigger
Wellll now you're just a faggot shill.