YFW you now realize why Jow Forums was down earlier

>YFW you now realize why Jow Forums was down earlier

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Other urls found in this thread:


why was no one talking about it being down?

We couldn't... It was down.

>he doesn't know

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Was that why I couldn't comment?

Stop us talking about potential WW3.

I'm noticing its going down or threads are getting archived really early when I shit post really hard and international security stuff. I'm a libertarian, I honestly believe we can solve this through free information flow and open discussion. That's why I want everyone to know what I suspect.

When and why was it down?

Now I know why I was 3 day banned on /vg/ for talking about how the chemical attack was probably a false flag.

No, you were just off topic.

a lot of other off topic shit in that thread that didn't get deleted


all day, posts said connection error

What I don't get is this: by demographic libshits are often better educated than conservatives, but they can't piece together how obvious it is that Assad had no reason at all to use a weapon everyone knows would provoke an international response.

Why are they so obsessed with getting him out of power? They're actually cheering Trump on about this while all of his followers (well most of us) think it's a really bad idea to be getting involved in Syria.

Russia and Syria almost had ISIS completely wiped out, but we have leadership supporting doing something that will result in them making gains again. I even red earlier that as soon as the bombs started dropping ISIS went on the offensive against Syrian army.

It's fucking insane what we're doing.

exactly what I was thinking op, crazy times


There are no conservatives or liberals moron. Just establishment and anti-establishment. Pull your head out of your ass lest you become another bugman soyim.

for me it was down all day until i checked it out tonight, other people could go on but couldn't post. just yesterday people were talking about potential ww3. don't know if Jow Forums was down because of today or not, but it's a little suspicious.

They are supressing our magical powers.

7:16 AM Eastern to at least 11 AM Eastern, to my certain knowledge. I can't and don't check Jow Forums at work, even our 'worksafe' boards have a lot of motherfuckers calling each other kike faggot niggers.

>>YFW you now realize why Jow Forums was down earlier

cyberwarfare, obviously.

Even establishment and anti establishment are going to have varying factions on each side.

Mighty Master Moloch, the King of Qliphoth
Lord of Topheth, the valley of Hinnom

You sit on the throne on
The final frontier of Universe
A last gurdian of the threshold
To the black hole, to the void

You sit on the throne next to Lord Lucifer
You are Janus of outer space
Rempham, the evening and
Morning star conjoined

You are the diamond, you are the eye

God of death and eternal life
You burn the souls and set them free

The gate you guard is the cosmic maze
You hide true light through veils of darkness
You are the twin of Lucifer
The mouth of hell and the salvation

Fuck KEK and FUCK frog worshippers.


i checked before i left the house today and it was still down at 6:00pm EDT

You underestimate how far the umbrella stretches.

You know what I'm talking about.
Most (((people))) in Hollywood would argue that they're very much against Zionism, but when the United States does something that helps Israel gain a stranglehold on the Middle East, they're all supporting it.

The same people that would get in your face, call you 'phobic' of whatever random thing it is you don't like about degenerates or call you a racist for supporting police when they have to shoot a suspect also deny supporting any form of Zionism, but they turn around and support actions that support it by proxy.

All the hate is on conservatives from them, but they support actions that strengthen an apartheid state that does exactly what a lot of us want to do here -- kick out immigrants that are here illegally, stop subversive populations, even if that requires sterilizing them, from gaining a majority, fighting against degeneracy and generally having a safe country not overly influenced by outsider cultures.


Which courses did you take that you felt were more about cognitive thinking and problem solving, rather than taking someone else's information as fact? I'll bet my house that the answer is a minority amount. Education is no longer about creating an intelligent adult, it's about creating a worker for the Party.

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Shit, that was a long one...I figured it had to do with that dude in Michigan, who was building those bombs. Maybe they were scraping to see if he was on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, or /diy/. But it shouldn't have taken that long if that was the trigger event.

hiro bombed syria

tfw sees now
we are just too strong here

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Did the trap cult leader get caught yet?

Think, it really makes you

If (((they))) have the Jow Forums literal on/off switch, why didn't they axe this place years ago?

Because it was down.

I am scared of why....

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>why was no one talking about it being down?
it was
we were 8.chan refugees for 4 hrs
they don't like are kind there

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This site is used to identify "dissidents".

What are you implying, that mechanics are smarter than politicians? Because one of those has to use critical thinking all day, and the other one just gets memos and passes edicts.

I think everyone should join VK, the Russian Facebook.

Then start a group called Jow Forums.

So if the shit hits the fan, we can still chat.





Never heard of that before but I would do it. The question is though, wouldn't they censor the hell out of what we said if they wanted to?


You're comparing the ~2,000 high level politicians to the 2,000,000 people with Political Science degrees. Don't think how you shape an individual, think how you adjust all individuals enough steps towards what you want. Plenty were already near the edge of uselessness, make sure they go over.

I think we should pick a trio of platforms. A facebook alternative, another chan, and a third thing, maybe Voat. Home base goes tits-up, we log in to each of them in a different tab and begin sharing info.

>Thinking anyone gives a shit about ISIS

Why do you think Russia cares so much about Syria? Why do you think Russia annexed Crimea? This is all about Russia getting access to that sweet, sweet warm water.

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They lied to you. Or at least I couldn't post anything and it all stopped moving for hours, then would only accept text posts for a while. It happens every once in a blue moon.



It's probably a smaller number that has that and law degrees. It's debatable whether you have to have an exceptional mind to get both. A lot of CEO's have them these days as an afterthought.

But even so, you could posit the idea that a mechanic still uses more logic and troubleshooting than politicians and even CEO's most day.

They thrive on memos and passing edicts.
The only measure they have that speaks volumes towards having a higher and more diversified intelligence, is the massive paychecks so many of them make.

A few months and a year ago everyone was concerned about ISIS, because of their flood of beheading, drowning, shooting and setting on fire videos.

Shit was a menace that looked like it was coming to Europe. Russia stopped it when Obama was too busy stroking his dick over Michael and Hollywood.

Wonder why.

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Very curious as to why they would want to hide information sharing at this time.

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God damned kikes

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Most peculiar.

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same shit happened to me, i was able to read, but not to post. I was blaming my third world jungle shithole town internet conection

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Precisely 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST

>college degrees mean actual education

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Yeah, I kept getting "Bad Gateway" errors all afternoon.

We need to find someway to communicate if this place ever gets shut down. This is the only place I know of that goes against (((their))) agenda.

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praise kek
let the destruction begin

I have read that this was an MI6 false flag. I don't have any compelling evidence, but we can't put anything past these people.

Typical Cloudflare error gave even a specific code for me to check it. There are better networks than Cloudflare for sites of this size. CentOS ith Cloudflare can get you just so long.

When will they try to annex Jordan? After Syria I guess?

Will the future unlock the past?

Containment, disinfo, and identify who spreads info where and how it originates. They're studying and copying the best pieces.

Nah, I mean, don't get me wrong, they're bad guys, but Boko Haram is killing people all over Africa and nobody gives a shit because it isn't geopolitically relevant. We've been trying to fuck Russia out of a warm water port for years. That's why they went into the Ukraine, and why there was a massive, absurd push to gin up support to kick them out of the Ukraine, and that's why, after they cozied up to Assad who was more than happy to help them out, Syria became a huge deal.

George W was pushing hard to get Georgia and the Ukraine into NATO back in the day (1), even filling the Black Sea with NATO ships to cockblock Russia (2) when that didn't work. Problem is, none of that really matters since Assad is more than happy to host the Russian fleet in Tartus. The whole Syrian civil war was part of the Arab Spring. Virtually all of the shit that's happened in that region over the last 10 years is about the West trying to cut off Russia's warm water ports and Russia stopping it.


I just linked those two because those news stories are totally relevant yet flew under the radar. And in the second one, oh look, Crimea. . . where have we heard that? Keep in mind that the US spend $5 billion trying to subvert the Ukraine into joining the West.

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Ok the stuff I remember before the blackout: Some dude in some place was worried about his school(Nova)getting false flagged and the other was some strike today which happened. A guy poste the time it was supposed to happen but I don't have the cap or remember what time. Then a little while later the connection shit hit. OR /x/ found something.

Another theory i heard. An user found a glitch in the code that showed geo id behind meme flag in some circumstances. Many israeli ones. Site died VERY soon after it was posted. Bug fix timing is about right.

I also heard a theory r.e some french guy with a gun who took pics insinuating a school shooting, which is also plausiable. Hard to know.

An user was facetiously inquiring about the logistics of bombing Buzzfeed, and perhaps the FBI intervened? Check out my witty crack about Britbongs at the bottom kek.

What's changed?


>off topic shit
Thats a pinko excuse. Who gives a fuck what others do. Worry about yourself outside of Jow Forums. This is the only board of peace here. I have been banned in /vr/ for replying to a post that someone pointed out all the tranny speed runners in old games. I don't think Jow Forums actually has active mods, and they only rely on us to self report.

>Many israeli ones
Only beef I have with this theory is that Israel is a 3rd world country with shit utilities. All the major cyber shit is run out of the US, UK, and Straya

Fuck your Dawn,
I want Primordial Night

Speak for yourself
AW fan here

Kike BS

> libshits are often better educated

libshits are educated in ass-kissing, double-think and feminism. Their education is hypnosis.

For faggots that don't check Jow Forums constantly: it wasn't actually down it was just a stale version where you couldn't post and could only view image thumbnails. Went on for awhile.

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thank mr trump


Because they're so deep into muh russia they've thrown away all anti-war pretenses aside.

>wasn't actually down
>just a stale version
>where you couldn't post
>and could only view image thumbnails
>”durrrr it was frozen and unresponsive for like 8 hours but it wasn’t down guise”
>t. pedantic cunt

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