what did Russia mean by this?

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probably that they'll retalitate

The same thing NK meant every time they threatened to nuke us

how does russia have so much land?

Sabre rattling from the paper bear, embarrassing, really

They dont, a square map makes countries at the top of the map appear much bigger than they are

I wish this would happen just to see the level of butt hurt on boomers faces and the Fox News crowd.

We still have time. I can't wait to laugh at you when your beloved Donald Cook will be split in half by our torpedoes!

Not nukes. Slavs for the most part are dumb, but they aren't dumb enough to retaliate with nukes. They'll instantly will be the bad guy, US and co will launch theirs in retaliation. Mutually assured destruction. They ain't doing that over tiny ass Syria.... Everyone calm down

If you attack US over unimportant Syria, you slavs are as dumb as I already think you are. The lowest form of white people.


It means Russia will cry at the UN then bend over for the Big American Cock once again. Most of Jow Forumswill be butthurt for months. Same old

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>unimportant Syria
Syria is probably Russia's most valuable ally

they are still the biggest country in the planet by a huge margin

almost twice the size of yours

>if you don't respond, you're a coward cuck
>if you do, you're a retard


Nothing will happen.

advanced sea ports vs jewish pipelines.
who wins?

90% of it is uninhabitable just like Canada

Digits and they drone bomb California.

That picture actually puts a lot of things in perspective, they are fucking huge but with such a small population they could technically start a nuclear war and still survive if they manage to be in some shithole taiga forest.

to whom ?

Probably just more rhetoric.

i miss sad billy corgan riding the roller coaster with his aunt set to that song by smashing pumpkins.

true but they arent small

they'll do something useless to save face and act like they're still relevant

Russia will not do anything. Nothing will happen to the USA, France or the UK.

cuck Putin do only things that Israel give permission, because Putin is Israels bitch

sure pal. what about China and Iran?

Hahaha "no"

I think russia will do something
but I agree that probably nothing will happen to us france or uk

>burguer education

No one would finance a Russian War... Just so we're clear.

We rule the world champ

speaking from experience?


Lands mostly useless M80

They'll fire some missiles most will fall short and Hit their "intended" target.

doesnt change the fact that russia has twice the landmass of your country dumbass

kikes rule the world

it's mostly uninhabitable wasteland: svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a010800/a010850/FlatMap_1024x576.0526.jpg

then again if they were a superior race they could do something with all that vast land, but they don't, because they're a bunch of alcoholic druggy pedos

With plenty resources to arm/build weaponry without having to import from other countries and depend on anyone

China is only an ally of convenience because they oppose US foreign policy

Actual relations between Russia and China are not that great, because the Russians know that China will just rip them off and undermine Russia's economic interests in the end.
Every time they sell the Chinks machinery or hardware, the chinks reverse engineer it and sell it to third world nations that otherwise might have bought from Russia. Meanwhile, Russia is too protective of its own economy to let China invest in its industry and infrastructure like they do in Africa, the ME and Europe, even America

it means they're going to complain and post angry videos on RT youtube channel about how Trump is such a meanie

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true but see what was being discussed

-attack was discussed on communications backchannels.
-attack was on totally non important facilities
-would be dumb for Russia to retaliate and reveal military surface to air interception equipment to counter the shitty attack US UK and the French losers put.
-shitty attack left BBC and CNN happy.
-trump "shows force"
-assad is not losing anything.
-putin is not losing anything.
-russia won't never ever escalate the situation. that won't be good for Iran, and won't be good for China. China needs peace for another decade to become a serious military adversary to US. nothing can disrupt their new silk road.
nobody wants war at the moment. years will pass till a real confrontation between superpowers. the only ones that want war are the usual warmongers involved in the war biz.
roll one and chill. nothing will happen between russia, US, China, Europe. Can't assure the same thing with a direct confrontation between Israel / Iran / Saudis. That's much more unpredictable.


>Liberal western governments defiling my country with torrents of sandniggers
>Corrupt russian government warmongering in eastern europe

I have no idea who I'm supposed to side with

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They'll step up offensives in Ukraine and maybe do more cyber intrusions.

Don't worry boys. This isn't The Happening yet.

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retaliate is an old russian favorite: krokodil mixed with vodka

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I hope it's nukes, please be nukes. Russia, the people of the world are clamoring for an end to their suffering, so please deliver it... So many retards here wanting war that will serve no purpose because they're armchair warriors, who know nothing of it's horrors. Show them, show the world why it should be thankful for life again and launch all missiles, might as well hit China too, lest the use the moment to hit your country... Our country is already lost, all you'd be doing is wiping the slate clean. Do it...

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That still doesn't dispute the point that Russia is in fact the largest country on Earth, so what's your point.


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Alex just named the Jew on his radio station.

I just want to see all the shills like crying and begging after being put in their place.

most of it is frozen waste.

No more outcry. Only silent tears and nuclear hellfire.

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Pretty sure the star will gorge itself on clay got fulfilled with Israel trying to gain extra land

On behalf of all Americans, I apologize to Russia and Syria for the idiocy of our leader. He just fucked himself on re-election, if that's any consolation.

The surest way to take out a carrier includes a trip through ballistic orbit.

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>He just fucked himself on re-election
Nah. Presidents always get re-elected when we're at war. Shit sucks.

This. As a X-Gen, nothing would satisfy me more before unavoidable death. To see how they let the hippies take us over socially, and ignored their civic duties for some TV made up nonsense just paying taxes should fix every problem...