I've seen a lot of American posters calling for war the last few days. Explain your reasoning

I've seen a lot of American posters calling for war the last few days. Explain your reasoning.

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I dont want war. Can you guys just nuke commiefornia already. or at least hollywood and jewgle

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They are Mutts

why are you posting then? I seek people cheering for a war

They are Jews LARPing as Americans.

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ITs the biggest shilling operating to date.

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lmao but war will make the libtards mad!! if we get nuked it's all just two million dimensional roof reshingling!! trust trump!! shadilay magapedes!!

I just want it all to start over

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you want me to say neocon don't you?

I want it all to end

I love you Russia, I wouldn't want to kill you and I know your /guy/ Putin is just studying human research of chemical warfare strikes. America just wants to wag its dick with "but mah morals."

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just kinda bored honestly

They are eager to die for Israel. It's in their dna.

Boomers, plebbitors, retards, kikes, CIA niggers, and 56% mutts, and various combinations thereof.

They're just the cultists from r_thedonald and /ptg/ (same thing)
They're cool with anything from war, to gun control, to abortion, and pretty much every other insane leftist policy you can imagine, just so long as Trump says it's MAGA, it's cool.
tl;dr They're fucking idiots.

It is time to destroy the menace of all non burgers, especially Canada.

The end times are near. I just want to be a part of it.

I just came to say THIS

Asshole neighbor is in the army, I want him to be deployed.

Its fun

Democunts butthurt that their pedo safe space got exposed

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>russians challenge us
>back down
>u-u wanted war!
lol cope

So everyone in the US?

i just enjoy watching russian shills cry


Why? Is crying now illegal in Bongland too?

About 80%, give or take 5%.

This. America is filled with niggers so they think its ok to think like one.

we like to pew pew join us my fellow russian.. lets rule the world

israeli shills

I don't want war. I just hope this whole thing resolves quickly. If it means glassing the entire country of Syria than great. There's nothing worse than protracted war. If shit like the (((Geneva convention))) didn't exist and we didn't publicize our wars we would have wrapped up Iraq and Afghanistan in a matter of months.


Only the boomercucks and kikeshills

>tfw when youll get reemed in first day of conflict

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nah, russians are always the stupid ones that walk into wars.

>wow, everyone is fighting
>we must protect our bros!

>hey hitler, we made a deal!
>lel, no
>fuck uuu, i will make usa my friend!

this time around, i hope they at least get first strike or something. kinda sad.

It's not an American thing, just LARPers who want "end of le world XD"

Hey now. Your just being inflammatory. Most Americans want nothing to do with this shit show.

It's shareblue and not true patriots/rightwingers

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I want a war. A final war that will burn a memory into the minds of the lower races for centuries to come. The missles raining upon the cities of Syria like a meteor shower. Our sword will be swift and endless, the earth being cleansed in white blinding light. As the countless explosions render the landscape to glass. We will burn this into their racial memory that will be told for hundreds of years. It is not you I wish war Russia, it is a final glorious war I wish upon the Muslims.

No one wants war. Literally no one. Even the bots pushing the idea of not having a war don't want war. Anyone pushing for war is a kike shill, plain and simple.


If you remember; a lot of Trump supporters are staunch isolationists.

Truly euphoric, brother

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It's true, though. Our country is a hotbed of vice and degeneracy, and we export it wherever and whenever we can. We deliberately send nigger soldiers into ethnostates like Poland and Japan, just to MUTT their genepools, we spend millions of dollars on propaganda campaigns to accept """diversity""", we bomb countries like Serbia when they try to retain their identity.
And the vast majority of Amerimutts either support it or are shitskins anyway.

We are the country which has the highest level of support for (((diversity)))--we even outstrip fucking Sweden in raw percent. It goes without saying that many Amerilard Jow Forumsacks are redpilled, but that unfortunately doesn't extend to most of our countrymen.

I unironically wish a meteor to impact their faggot rock thing. When I get old and done with my life mark my words I will destroy the foundation of their faith.

jewcucks out in full force

they are shills or r9k

the shills are obvious since they have no internet experience and always end up linking something from cnn or the jew your times as a source and reuse old memes adjusted to fit their viewpoint... they have no originality

r9k posters just hate life in general and want the world glassed they often post with anime images

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The rational of us are against war. Those who eat American propaganda want war.

literally, zionist jewish bots and jewish soyboys who suddenly wtflove america and President Trump when he's deploying american assets to attack Israel's enemies for the profit of Israel because every jew is a treasonous backstabbing kike who serves Israel First, America Never

>get drafted into the fight for (((freedom)))
>your reward is either dying a pointless death or returning home to a devastated country full of draft-dodging pinkos celebrating the death tolls of ebil whitey

How does that not sound like a totally sweet deal, goy?

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