Take a deep breath, and follow me.

PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION TO TRUMP'S SPEECH. SOMETHING BIGGER IS COMING. He calls out Russia and Iran, but I think this is just a cover for what's to come.
>What kind of a nation wants to be associated with a mass murderer of men, women and children. The nations of the world can be judged by the friends they keep. No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants, and murderous dictators.
Now tell me....Does that represent Assad at all? I don't think it does, and Trump knows a lot more information than we do and he has setup plays like these before. Who does it sound like to you? Maybe ISRAEL AND NETANYAHU?

Trump continues
>Hopefully someday we'll get along with Russia and maybe even Iran, but maybe not.
>Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!

>Looking around our very troubled world, Americans have no illusions. We cannot purge the world of evil or act everywhere there is tyranny. No amount of American blood or treasure can produce lasting peace and security in the middle east. We can try to make it better but it is a troubled place. The United States will be a partner and a friend. BUT THE FATE OF THE REGION LIES IN THE HANDS OF HIS OWN PEOPLE.
Do you know what this means? This means that Trump isn't going to protect Israel anymore. This means that Trump isn't going to come to Israel's aid. This means that the army of Islam that Erdogan called for will come to fruition. This means that the STAR WILL GORGE ITSELF ON CLAY.

Israel is fucked guys.

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Q predicted this

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Nope. Syria was my redline. He may enjoy the rest if his first term.

You're fucking delusional retard

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So it’s a set up to leave Israel high and dry then swoop in and play the hero when Israel is ass fucked?

It’s a real estate scheme!!!

russias counter isn't going to be against the US. It'll be against the rebels in syria. Looks like the war is about to be over.

It's 4D chess amirite

>This fucking delusion

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Don't be silly, Trump is probably the most pro-Israel president in history.

Serious mental gymnastics there, Trumpfag....

Sure, but if Trump pulls out of the middle east, that means there's nobody there to protect Israel. Especially when recently they've been committing such fierce atrocities that CHRIS HAYES ON NBC even did a segment.

I think this 7d chess theory is going too far.

Trump is a traitor.
>doesn't go to congress to commit act of war
>Syria never attacked us
>doesn't provide proof Assad committed the 'chemical attack'
This faggot is OWNED by the Zionists, fuck him.

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I wish I could really believe this.
I really wish we were abandoning israel to be slaughtered because it fucking deserves it.
But I'm just not optimistic enough anymore. It's not early 2016 anymore. It's been a long, hard, couple of years.

The fuck do we gain? Nothing

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>Guys here's how Trump isn't apart of (((Them)))

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Trump tweeted about a "Den of Thieves" today. The reason that we are compelled into wars is economic blackmail. The Rothschilds control the FED and can crash the economy. You know what's about to happen?

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Israel can look after themselves very easily, any U.S aid is just a bonus and legitimizes their sovereignty.

>more debt
Trump tweeted today about a den of thieves, just like Andrew Jackson did and just like Jesus did when he drove out the moneychangers. It's happening.

>but maybe not


567D chess, Based.

>He made a tweet you guys! he's still /ourguy/!!!!

And he hires BOLTON, you know, the nigger that gave us THE ILLEGAL IRAQ WAR.
And a few days later these idiots are risking WW3 without even consulting congress?

You sound like a battered housewife constantly making excuses

We're all sad Trump betrayed us user, but no amount of Boomer conspiracy memes will fix it.

There is no reason to strike syria in order to betray israel - he could just do it! No one believes muh chess anymore.

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He's doing the Zionists bidding.
Are you kidding me? I look at ACTIONS, not words on some fucking Twatter account.
Talk is CHEAP.

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>What kind of a nation wants to be associated with a mass murderer of men, women and children. The nations of the world can be judged by the friends they keep. No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants, and murderous dictators

America has done this a shot ton too. The US has actually installed dictatorships and are friends with dictatorships and tyrants to this day. Saudi Arabia for example

I wonder what he meant by this?

Sorry, you can only speak for yourself.

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666D chess takes higher than genius-tier intellect to understand. most of you commoner goys just don't have the brainpower to comprehend what's going on right now. Niether do i.

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Yes goy calm down! Trump loves you and isn’t fucking up supremely

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constitution overrides congressional approval and protects him by allowing to protect foreign assets and eliminate use of chemical weapons

listen when Mattis speaks next time

I have been saying this too OP

>US strikes Syria
>Conflict breaks out between US and Russia
>It is then revealed gas attack was carried out by Israel to get US into war.
>Wikileaks verify this
>WW3 and nuclear holocaust narrowly avoided. International community condemns Israel
>Day of rope begins.
>All of Israel’s misdeeds get revealed

Jesus the dictator in Cuba, the shah in Iran. America has no moral high ground.

>nu-MAGA supporters have degraded into nintendo tier fanboys

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Fuck off faggot Trump is a kike lover he betrayed us

>meme flag

you pol fucks need to see how compromised trump is now

You need to go back.

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Every single one of his kids, besides Barron, married a Jew.

Fuck off

news flash, we are all owned by Zionists in the USA. It's called ZOG for a reason!

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Retarded OP. Remember when Trump said he cared about Americans from ocean to ocean? He didn't give a shit about Puerto Rico.

>he betrayed us
>you fucks

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>only monsters use chemical weapons
>chemical weapons were banned after ww1
>USA dropped fuckton of agent orange during vietnam war
>it's okay when we do it

Hypocrisy is always funny.

who the fuck is that?

This is the reason I browse Jow Forums.
You guys write fanfics better than alex jones could ever dream of.

Pay the fuck attention to your people.
They're dying.

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I don't think he's trying to claim America does I think he's trying to point something out

>you pol


The prime minister of Israel.

>Does that represent Assad at all?

Fuck you and your 4D chess, loser.

Have fun sucking shlomo’s dick fag

That's because they aren't Americans.

when the fbi raided his lawyer's office they took his bank records and are now using them to blackmail him into starting ww3 which is WHY alex jones just hopped off the trump train because he made a choice to start ww3 rather than let his dirty laundry air and idc how bad it is that's still a decision TRUMP MADE

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They have his balls in a vice. He has to play ball now. They must have be found something "incriminating".

Sigh, with the Jews you always lose.

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You forgot a comma

They don't need a fucking raid to get his bank records.

Oh right, the 56D chess.
I can't believe you still believe that meme.

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Hmm so world war 3 has started? According to whom?

>why wouldn't they just already reveal it was Israel though?
>how does striking and faking a possible war with russia help reveal anything?

If the US tries pointing fingers at Israel prematurely, Israel will call us anti Semitic and justify their actions so they can survive

If it is revealed it was Israel after people have died and international stability has been completely shaken to the point of coming close to nuclear conflict, the consequences will be much more dire and the entire world will have no choice but to condemn and expose Israel.

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Also, that kike was under investigation for a long time.

>muh 4d chess
You Trumpphiles are the fucking worst.

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>Does that represent Assad at all?
Yes, you delusional fucking Faggot

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Stop with your jewry, jew. Trump is compromised by (((them))) he is nothing less than a puppet. Maybe he was threathened to be JFK'd? Who knows. Don't vote that lap bitch anymore.

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Judge a nation by their friends.
So many people flooding the board with their combined stupidity.
Sit back and peel your eyes.

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>when another president takes over
So basically the US is fucked in the end no matter what trump does?

I can't believe CIA niggers convinced him to attempt a regime change. This shit hasn't even been investigated yet

>Now tell me....Does that represent Assad at all? I don't think it does, and Trump knows a lot more information than we do and he has setup plays like these before. Who does it sound like to you? Maybe ISRAEL AND NETANYAHU?
There comes a point where you should realize that these kind of statements, maybe intentionally vague and/or cryptic, are just techniques to keep you on-board.

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Fuck you, they're Americans.

>fuck him.
they said the ride wouldnt end

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duumb frogposter

Holy shit, you live in a fantasy world

Why the fuck Assad hasn’t given any single statements about this attack???????!!!!

Oh boy I’m back on the train now. 267D chess right pedes?

I mean after the memo, Hillary’s emails, draining the swamp, comey, the text messages, the wire tapping and everything else...... this time, this pro Trump conspiracy will happen.

Trust me guys, until the next one.

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Yes goy vote. Vote for the next lapdog instead.

This image makes me wonder if we're all alone in this galaxy...

If you were smart you'd already know aliens are a meme.

Fuck you neocon cunt. America deserves to be destroyed.

he puts the CIS in

he doesn't have to, so he didn't so the FBI went in and got what they needed to keep him under thumb

>You know what's about to happen?

Look, it's been "about to happen" for far to long. Trump got neocon'd. That's it.

Revoultion is the only way
and these anime worshiping dick lickers are too fat and lazy to raise arms agaisnt them

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