Miss me yet?

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Somehow, he's still worse.

Same master, different puppets.
So no.

The military industrial complex/deep state is bipartisan.

No, you were bombing Syria also you stupid fuck. Everyone is a fucking kike shill and we need to destroy this shit establishment before they take the rest of the world with them

America under Obama was more comfy

King Nigger did more to destroy Syria than the Orange One. Both are kike slaves. Death to Israel.

Stop being okay with being lied to.

but obama would have done the exact same? Libya was a far worse disaster than Syria.

Obama would have done the same thing, maybe worse, who the fuck are you kidding. Every president for the last 50+ years has been a warmonger you absolute failed attempt at a human being

Existence tax Obama.

Ron Paul was you retards only real chance.


Stay good, stupid faggot goyim.

nah niggers were too uppity. somehow it's more entertaining watching them chimp out without king nigger in office

he was literally bombing syria also

I miss the nigger.


>“I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.

>“You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you,” Obama replied, according to the French interpreter.

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not even a lizzel my nizzel yea shizzel for rizzel ya fagizzel.

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Fuck no

Time for you to take a break from Jow Forums bro

He wanted war in Syria too, we would've gotten the same false flags and eventual attack even under him or Clinton. It's just that at the particular time when he was pulling his red line shit, nobody wanted to hear it.
This entire country's political system is rotten, and so is nearly every single politician who ever approaches power, regardless of ideology or party. The result of unelected, unaccountable alphabet agencies who are really running the show behind the scenes.

at least obama made the us look cool hip and respectable on the world stage drumpfberg not so much

Out of all the people who have bombed Syria, Trump is still my fave.

Sorry Obama - you just are too much of a cuck.

>bombed syria and killed gaddafi

So far Trump has done significantly less in the Middle East but we'll have to wait and see.

wat? remever when he stopped to play basketball with some random guys and got fouled so hard in the mouth there was breaking news that he might have fucked his face up?

Yea he was le cool black guy, back to cuck porn for you loser.



Never, at least we know Trump was blackmailed and took a year to chicken out. You, on the other hand were a traitor from birth.


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no one ever misses a nigger

Trump has already produced so many memes and entertainment, is this a joke
Only nigs and cucks will miss Odumbo

night of long knives part 2 electric boogaloo when

the founding fathers are spindashing in their graves

>Le CuCk xD
no i dont remember that you kike shill
i dont keep up with gossip mag tier headlines

At least we could blame shit on a nigger

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gossip? he guy got his shoot seated so hard the SS had to carry him off the court. Le black prez is so respected random street big blocked his shot back into his face and almost got him life flighted off the court.

Comfy for who? The freeloading niggers, spics and sand coons? Or the hardworking American paying for their own goddamn health insurance? kys

>blame shit on a nigger
Why would you do that when it's the Jews though? Sure, niggers and commies are a problem that shouldn't exist, but they're not the ones to blame.

Nobody waged more war or dropped more bombs. Obamas war mongering is going to be really hard to top. It's going to take WW3.

Not even a little.

Yes. Fuck I'd take Jimmy Carter of the cocksucker in chief

You brought us into this situation
>gaffaddi's death
>red line being crossed

This faggot nigger paved the way for this. Him and his grandma, Hillary.

fuck no, race traitor

Imagine the smell

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t bh this.

Yeah man I miss everyone being on food stamps and the weekly race riot lol

I miss be monitored by Stellar Wind. I'm so lonely now.

I don't believe in magical negroes

>Comfy for who?
any american traveling overseas

No, because this nigger exacerbated the Syria conflict.

He would have gotten into war with Russia much earlier.

We need more niggers in the trees; with their leash over the limb.

Why the fuck would anyone miss that faggot Muslim nigger?

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>Obama's America

Let's recap,

-roving gangs of Blacks and Liberals looting and destroying everything, takes no action
-opioid crisis develops all across the nation, takes no action
-massive deficits and failed green economy theories
-criminals are oppressed victims, victims are privileged scoundrels getting their comeuppance
-advocates for peace and understanding, bombs middle east and allows terrorists to fester and completely take over, takes no action
-bails out corrupt banking system, doesn't fix the corruption
-forces everyone to but into shitty monopolized health care system that spirals out of control
-cash for clunkers means no cheap cars for millennials
-gives every non-citizen a job while millenial generation struggles to find work
-infrastructure across country sitting at C- in terms of quality, no action taken
-if if if if if if if if if if if

Never again.

Nope. Bernie or Randy shoulda won

we're not going to war why are you all bitching

Fuck NO!

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Thought you were Obamaleaf at first was very confused how any of those worked in his favor. That motherfucker shits up so many threads he's in my head

obama would have launched a missile strike this time last year while the usual bullshit continued.