Razib Khan on South Africa DNA




Yeah and somehow Americans are the mutts according to pol

Attached: white south africans.jpg (300x208, 44K)

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nigger tier bait

These are the facts about South Africa DNA.

I am a fucking white man.

I am trying to point out that South Africans will pollute our DNA.

Honestly it would probably be a net whitening at this point.

Quit tolerating small amounts of non-white ancestry. Especially small amounts of black ancestry.

I consider somebody who's 2% or 3% black to be a nigger. Or at the very least a non-white.

>I am trying to point out that South Africans will pollute our DNA.
La luz extinguido.


Look at the actual facts on US vs South Africa DNA. It's obvious that American whites are much whiter than South Africa whites.

Here's an article from Khan about how white American whites are. For in case you think he's some anti-white guy.


Seriously I think a lot of the Amerrimutt posting is just Meds projecting.

Maybe it is.

But with that being said, South Africans actually are mutts.

Somehow almost everybody on pol ignores this.

Heck I kept getting accused of being a Jew for bringing this subject up.