>burgers waste millions upon millions of dollars in cruise missiles

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We're just using our old shit because decommissioning it is expensive.

God Bless America
God Bless Russia
God Bless Syria

God Rebuke Israel

Is trump a kike shill or is he just memeing and shooting at nothing

I think he might be legitimately retarded

he killed a general, some soldiers and civvies and refuel/rearm capacity last time. this time we don't know, and don't know the response but anons are celebrating a US president whose private lawyer just got raided.
you tell me.

Exactly as the missle strikes in Syria went down before, you remember this is the second time, right?

>around 30

US fired about 120 according to Mattis

An Arabic/Islamic General means nothing, since the command structure in the middle-east is laughably bad. There were probably Captains more competent than him in all likelihood.

So far, it's 3 civilians. Material Damages unknown. This is just preliminary results.

He’s letting Russia test their defense systems for the upcoming war with Israel

Take the Assad number, and halve the US number and you'll get around the right number

The main goal is to do something so that koolaided american brains can say 'yes, we did something'

And boy oh boy, they did...they wasted millions of dollars worth of cruise missiles which will be reproduced by their own tax dollars.

This dude sees the picture.

>We didn't just get our shit pushed in! Honest!

Why are leafs so fucking stupid?

This is actually a good post.

when will /ptg/ learn that they belong on Reddit?

Trump is making a video for hickok45 with tomahawks

Attached: Hickok45FI-630x339[1].jpg (630x339, 78K)


Do you have any idea how hard it is to properly simulate a coordinated massed missile strike? Live fire training on this scale is rare.

>absorbed back into earth

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Last time he also destroyed a lot of fighter jets. That shit is expensive to poor countries

pfft, those were just outdated missiles from the 90s. We got bigger and better weapons to go against you vlad if we wanted to go all in, so sit down and shut the fuck up you god damned mudslime terrorist lovers. I STAND UP for my President, My country, and OUR allies in the middle east

> we're carrying out an assesment of damaged materials
> meaning
> we've been hit hard, but why would we tell the pic related

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>leaf doesn't understand that that was the plan

You're not my buddy, guy

How does Israel have anything to do with this?

>US fired about 120 according to Mattis

gee its not like the americans would ever lie about shit right?

the fact that there are only like 2 videos that show a missile impacting the ground either points to this not being a big attack, or the syrians shooting down a fair amount of missiles

lol Plebbit app. Mods should rageban you from Jow Forums just over that.

The jew is getting scared

>Do you have any idea how hard it is to properly simulate a coordinated massed missile strike?

No, but I hardly think the USN doesn't practice that every 2nd or 3rd month during wargames.
So, it's just like that, it's well practiced, only difference is that this was a live firing of missiles.

Imagine how fun it will be when missiles are starting to come back at them! As soon as Putin finally realizes that his cautious and reserved policy in not givinig in to provocations is useless.

>cbc app is rebbit
Burgers need to learn to read

thank god. peace to you all

So the US worked with Russia to ensure that no areas with Russians present were targeted. Then, of course, russia passes this info along to Syrian Forces.

Everyone wins- no ww3, the us and allies ‘did’ something, etc

Wait, this means this very well could have been political theater.

>the canadian government isnt reddit

one day you will learn, my child..

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Just as expected, Trump's people tipped off the Russians. This Cheeto skinned fucked is now a danger to national security, he has to go.

This will stop the media from bitching about trivial, irrelevant bullshit in Trump's past for 12, maybe even 14 hours.

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Sure, this is true...or is the other article that said only 2 out of 20 hit? Idiot

This, don't forget that when the armed forces actually DOES do large-scale spectacles, they LOVE to film it from every angle and make sure everyone at home gets to see. Remember Shock&Awe at the very beginning of the Iraq War? Every news station was playing that footage for a month straight. The military loves to show off their shiny toys.

So if they're not showing stuff off using video and the like, it makes me suspicious.

oi zog get off this board


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He shot some missiles to change the news cycle, shifting focus away from himself to something (a military action against what has been presented as a tyrannical government) that most Americans will accept relatively uncritically. The efficacy of the strike was always unimportant.

It's all PR.

>Bombing the capital of a state in a civil war is just PR
Fuck off you cunt. Stop looking for excuses to explain his behavior and just admit that this sort of thing is bullshit. He's gone full ZOG shill.

of course they were evacuated he was fuckin tweeting about it for 5 days


looks like the only person who lost tonight is (You)

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you shills are so easy to detect, holy fuck

So it's just like like last year. Good. Remember when Bill Clinton blew up a medicine factory to distract from the story of his Jewish intern blowing him in the Oval Office?

Bombing the capital of a state in a civil war and causing just three injuries is an action absolutely predominantly motivated by PR. The US usually can't take out a group of "terrorists" without blowing up a wedding. This was a calculated move to stop news outlets talking about Mueller/Cohen/Rosenstein etc. for a couple of days and give the administration some more time to prepare.

>God Bless America
>God Bless Russia
>God Bless Syria
>God Rebuke Israel

>muh shills
do you guys have any other insults? Seriously, trump dickriders have to go back

Chessfags might be worse than Bernie can still win fags

No casualties would be one of the greatest tactical strikes ever so long as targets were hit. Satellite pictures don't lie (sometimes)

easy when anybody who disagree with you is the definition of a shill

100% this. CIA needs to find the traitors that are tipping off Russia.


the way you present yourselves makes it obvious. low energy. Sad!

>Everyone wins
Except the US taxpayer footing the bill for a quarter billion dollars of missile fired at sand, which I'm sure was very evil.

>250,000 per missile
>Mattis said they fired 120
$30,000,000 down the drain holy shit ahahah ahahha

I seriously hope so

Why do I see a merchant.....ffs this board

How do you squish a roach? Put it between a rock and a hard place.

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Same bullshit chess narratives that people have been shitting out for over a year now.

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Also in the military press briefing they gave a warning about not believing the fake news that would come from the other side. Maybe they knew it wasn't as sucessful as they were saying and were trying to mug people of by claiming any version other than their own was just horseshit so as to cover up the disaster. Maybe.

we didn't bomb syria to kill soldiers
we attacked infrastructure and airways
thats part of the rules of how we can bomb them
we also tell russia days ahead
so they can get out of there

Greet news, fellow white posters.

According to Syrian State TV, Russia Today, al-Manar, the Kremlin, and presstv, the attack was an utter failure. I believe these sources, because why would they lie?

They report that All the missiles were shot down.

Syria and Russia used this cutting edge tactic of using Research Facilities and Military HQ's to take down the missiles.

It looks like that this revolutionary system not only somehow attracted the missiles, but successfully destroyed each and every one of them with a fireball.

Not a single missile was seen still going over the city. We can surely say that the USA is outmatched against Russia. Assad has out manuvered the zionist-yankee dogs once again and Jerusalem will soon be liberated.

Allahu ackbar!!!!!

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>from the Russians
Hey guys? Remember how for the last like... 3 days the US was in talks with the Russians?

>meme flag
>vomiting T_D propaganda

>Trump45 here, today were going to shoot off some tomahawk missiles over on the Syrian range
>POW woah look at that abandoned warehouse, we got that one gud

Hello rahm goldberg

Hmmmmmm. I doubt this. Some were shot down though

....LOL no wonder Russia was not worried. trump ended his career for nothing but pain and suffering of other people. he is a sick fucked up human.

250 grand per missile would be a steal. They cost almost two million dollars a piece.

It's not at all the chess narratives. I've been entirely outwardly neutral about the president. It's simply a fact of politics that sometimes things are meant to have effects beyond their face-value presentation. It's really not a stretch to imagine that Donald wants everyone to stop talking about things that have the potential to harm him, and this was a convenient solution with the added bonus that it came dressed in the form of humanitarian intervention .

They're more like 10-15 million a pop

You underestimate the military industrial jew

Are people still putting up the No War In Syria fliers? Would be good to have some around Coachella

Millions upon millions that could have gone to the wall, instead they go to the lost jewish cause. All for where the Iranian pipeline will go.

Counting the cost of everything associated with hitting a pile of dirt half way across the globe


I thought Iran has some good leaders.

Might bankrupt Canada but that's a drop in the ocean for our publicly known budget


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OH SHIT our attack was a total failure, what are we going to do?!?!

"We expect a lot of misinformation in the coming days"

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>Millions upon millions that could have gone to the wall
That's not how budgets work.


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the strikes just fucking happened a few hours ago u faggot. give it at least 24 hours.

Neat post with no link
Canadian posts are 90% likely to be lies.

>itt russkie behind 7 proxies shiling

Seriously, three hours after I've only seen two or three videos with five or six explosions in the distance. Either it's nothing or propaganda is slow on this one. Even Reddit took a few hours to post those pics of the missile launch from the ship.

stupid americans



This is only going to make Trump look weak as fuck and the neocons are only going to want more

Which god?


>Even Reddit
I love how this site is looked down on worse than fb. If fuckin' Reddit knows then it must have been on CNN for the last 12 hours.

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Are they?

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30 miles west of Damas, target map enclosed
3 days to clear out, win, win, win situation

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they werent all tomahawks.....

the missiles were already built....