BAN (((/ptg/)))

It's long passed time we kick these kike shills off our board.

Long overdue.

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Other urls found in this thread:

they are literally neocons now

Bump for support.
In the interim rule 15 should be suspended in all pro kikeonald jewrump threads.


>Boohoo boomers are retarded
Water is wet, what else?

backing this proposition.
/ptg/ has no place here

Oh look, the Communists are emboldened by their concerted (((take-over))) of the board and are now calling for more.

Give a mouse a cookie; and xer will ask for a glass of milk.


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hey latvi bro

>Jow Forums should support a sandnigger over the western/white world.

>Jow Forums should support zionists, neocons, and islamists over the man who resisted them for years

Reddit, I...

>pol should support a israel puppet over a nationalist

also enjoy the refugees

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Totally not shilling to ban pro Trump threads from Jow Forums.

Get fucked, kikes

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agreed. that containment thread needs to go

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bump for neocon purge

Trumps shit spinning belongs on reddit.

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I want you to fucking go out in public and tell everyone why you think Asad is so great
Do it faggot
Live stream what happens pussy

Bump. They lived long enough to become the neo-cons.


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59 missiles launched last year. this time twice as many were supposedly used.
the cost of a tomahawk is $1.87M.
>Trump just blew $220.66M on a totally unnecessary attack that achieved nothing to further US national interests.
>didn't even fuck up many shitskins
there is no defending this

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Here here!

I tell everyone I know I love Assad and Putin, only kikes ever give a shit. Liberals actually hate America more than they hate Russia, they get angrier if you tell them you’re a patriot then if you tell them you’re a putin fan

wrong person
meant for

I already do tell people Assad is great. Nothing happens. Had 3 or 4 people agree with my Assad support tonight and they aren't even right wing.

Gas both /ptg/ and /sg/

>muh sandniggers
Fuck off kike

That didn't take long. High energy times are ahead for us all.

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Ban all generals and e-celeb threads.

Donalwitz Trumpenstein

>Muh concern trolling
>Muh communist shills
No. We're just sick and tired of you r*dditors. We don't need /ptg/ and the lot of you can go back to the_donald, faggots

>Trump strikes abandoned buildings

>everyone loses their minds

GJ on having the lowest IQ in every room, while being the fattest guy in it. You faggot

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>Get fucked, kikes

you are the kikes IDIOT


>Trump orders a fucking retarded attack that benefits no-one but kikes

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Fuck off neocon, any strike at all is inexcusable

Yeah! Long live Islam!


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>they are literally neocons now
They always were user.

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>being this retarded
you need to go back

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>Trump strikes abandoned building
>Trump incites WW3
>(((Soros))) funds it all
>Jews win
Wars aren't good.

Step outside, is it ww3?

>Totally not shilling to ban pro Trump threads from Jow Forums.
We HAVE TO ban this kike puppet from Jow Forums, he is a lying kike and sucks israels balls. WHY ARE YOU SHILLING FOR A KIKE PUPPET? WTF IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD?

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youre retarded, burning money sends a message.

>Don't worry goys those military assets were abandoned before the strikes! the SAA doesn't even need them, not like they're fighting a war hehe MIGA! Based niggers, democrats are the real racists right goys?
Decree of Expulsion

Probably not. It was hyperbole

Le what time does the narwhal bacon, friend xD

>gas your own people
>piss off the entirety of the international community except maybe for that fagmaster putin

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a message that is completely unnecessary in the current situation. Syria poses exactly ZERO threat to the US. So why the fuck are we "sending a message" to a country that would have no beef with us if WE didn't start shit.
this is warmongering 101 at this point.

You guys are trying way too hard. This is incredibly transparent.

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>Create shit thread (/ptg/)
>Use it as justification for taking down old thread (/sg/)
Fuck off kikey boy

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Is say it’s setting a precedent that the usage of chemical weapons anywhere will be dealt with using force. Of course some people might argue that the U.S. shouldn’t necessarily be the world police.

>gas your own people
Any proof of that or do you just take the word of kikes owned by israel?
fucking end your life mutt

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>notifies assad weeks in advance to evacuate
>no civilian casualties
>destroyed an empty chemical plant
You shills are really bad at this

>hur durr so edgy muh counterculture support assad

>some people
yes sane people. its not our fucking problem if some shitskins have thier lungs filled with blisters from mustard gas. So why are we getting involved when it doesn't benefit us in any way?

the "west" is anti white

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>Putin backs Assad
>Putin backs Trump
>Trump Fights Assad
>Israel wins

got it

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rebut this

This . We should ban then. They can go on r/thefaggots and jerk eachother off

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You have to go back

fucking this. neocons don't belong on Jow Forums. we've been infiltrated

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I already convinced my neighbors assad din du nuffin

you have to go back.

shills here were cheering for John Bolton.

This is literally the neocon swamp they reeeed about

This post. The easiest way to spot a shariablue shill on Jow Forums is to call it a shill. If it responds by telling you to go back to t_d, it's a shill. And their "muh kike puppet" angle is bullshit. See pic related. (((They))) want war with Syria, not the destruction of abandoned buildings. War didn't happen last year, and it's not happening now.

>the logical response to a falseflag is to continue operations as normal and ignore the obviously coming response from opposition forces.
t. brainlet

refute what? you've made no argument.

the ABSOLUTE STATE of magapedes

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look at this fucking idiot

Forgot pic

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you want me to livestream gunning down some idiot in self defense who attacks physically for wrongthink? you are a sick sick man user..stop touching yourself...

yeah, to the nationalist, isolationist conservative that voted for Trump
it says 'fuck you'

no shit. not to mention that bolton is a HUGE shabbos goy. are we a pro-jew board now wtf? this is getting ridiculous

It's literally neocon central, I'm sure they're all Jewish plants. Fuck them all. Ban /ptg/

Retard that can't even protect his own cities.

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You're a massive faggot and transparent

That's not what I said dummy.

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Can you feel the noose tightening shlomo?

You have to go back newfag

You glow

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>White countries are anti-white
Alright then, what countries are pro-white exactly?

>spic thinks he can tell me to leave
30 million of you are about to get the boot
Trump didn’t forget, once he finalizes this Syria deal you spics are next

if you don't immediately know where that posters image comes from, you need to go the fuck back

The only thing getting tightened around schlomos are trump supporters hands on kike cock.
Fuck off back to the_donald you brainwashed cultist.

this thread is a false flag by magapedes Tbh


>supports israel
>calls people "shlomo"
i think you're confused buddy. you wanna sit down for awhile and think about what you actually believe?

Greet news, fellow white posters.

According to Syrian State TV, Russia Today, al-Manar, the Kremlin, and presstv, the attack was an utter failure. I believe these sources, because why would they lie?

They report that All the missiles were shot down.

Syria and Russia used this cutting edge tactic of using Research Facilities and Military HQ's to take down the missiles.

It looks like that this revolutionary system not only somehow attracted the missiles, but successfully destroyed each and every one of them with a fireball.

Not a single missile was seen still going over the city. We can surely say that the USA is outmatched against Russia. Assad has out manuvered the zionist-yankee dogs once again and Jerusalem will soon be liberated.

Allahu ackbar!!!!!!

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But he IS a LITERAL KIKE PUPPET, you faggots

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Another trumpfags with IQ of 65, well atleast you're above average.

Nobody cares about Syria. Damascus could be blown to smitherines by some country's military and nobody would care.

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