Red pill me on Assad, is he truly evil, or is that made up?

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more festival sluts first please

he has been killing his own people since before you were born. fuck him and every other tyrant. glass them all.

>Is someone who gasses kids evil
Well gee OP how can we ever answer that

He is a saint

Made up by Jews such as

its almost summer i cant fucking wait

Fuck off, rabbi.
He was a secular leader who helped keep a whole region in check. Now that region burns, thanks to cunts like you

Assad is a secular, patriotic socialist. The people that he gassed were Islamists.

Do you prefer socialists or Islamists? Take your pick.

If you don't like either of them, then Trump shouldn't even intervene.

mfw I see gullible neocohens like this.

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We don't know. There is so much speculation and so little actual information available to us. Like Q said, trust our guy. He has much better intel than us.

>Like Q said
>Like Q said
What about Pravda user?

Well shit...

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I don't know how awesome OR evil he is?.

Assad, never kneel!

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That's hilarious. Might as well be RT.

He's a piece of shit, but not the biggest piece of shit around.

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I am not sure I understand. So these are supposed to be "gas depos" in the middle of Damascus and US decided to just bomb them in the middle of the populated city. Wouldn't the gas kill the civilian population in the area if those were really depots of chemical weapons?

He does not kill his 'own' people, which are alawites.

He’s an awful guy but he’s the only thing standing in the way of a full-scale regional war.

Syria is a key logistical ally for Iran against Israel.

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this dude knows

As a shitskin from the third world I can assure you Assad is maybe one of the best leaders of a muslim country. He is also one of the only secular ones! Christians and Shiahs in Syria overwhelmingly support him because he protects minorities from sunni wahabist terrorists. The same ones funded, armed, trained by U.S, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Britain. In Israels case they even admitted to treating al Nusra wounded soldiers. Look at how well intervention worked in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya?

Some of our most prosperous times are during dictatorships that weren't cruel but actually rooted out corruption and helped the people to just get on with their lives, with high law and order due to army presence and generally less corruption at every level.

Assad is the only thing holding back the mass slaughter of Christians and shiabros. He could have run away, taken his millions and gone to safe haven while (((they))) took his country, instead he chose to fight back against the entire global jewry and their subversive tactics, and he's btfo of them so hard with Ruskis help that their entire plan is falling apart and this is a hail mary false flag that is sloppy as fuck.

Don't fall for the jew tricks user.

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Quick rundown
>Second son to Syrian dictator-lite
>Never expected to rule
>Went to England for education
>Practicing opthamologist
>Brother dies unexpectedly
>Dad dies
>Life switches from helping British people see better to ruling a fragile mess of a country
>Dad was client of Russia/USSR
>Son maintains that relationship because Russia wants it too
>Assad family is Alawite Shia, majority of Muslims in Syria are Sunni
>Just like Saddam, must rule inbred Sunni majority with an iron fist
>Alowites and syrian Christians generally friendly to each other
>"Gas attack" 2015
>"Human rights violations"
>"Gas attack" 2018
>Like Saddam, Assad family knows how to keep things stable in the region.

yes he is evil but so are the people who he is fighting against (the so called moderate rebels who would behead you if they got the chance) and then the ISIS syndicate was even more evil than than those 2 groups combined. As a minority within his country in an area that uses family/tribal bonds, Assad must rule similarly to how the jews hold onto Israel: from a position of paranoid weakness using strong arm tactics over whelming force to any that oppose him.


Their parents must be proud.

this is the first anti trump thing ive ever laughed at ever, well done leaf
youve earned your leaf today

Yeah sure Syria has always been violent and prone on destabilizing its neighbors
The true peace player is definitely Israel, let fight wars for it!

>yes he is evil

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He grew up in England and trained as an Optometrist after studying in Eton and Oxford.
He didn't even want to go to Syria, but it's in their constitution.
He is in the way of ZOG, I feel bad for him.