Why are we siding with Russia over America?

Why are we siding with Russia over America?

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We are siding with peaceful coexistence over dumb wars in middle east which will bring even more refugees in Europe

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Because Trump was supposed to be different, but tonight he failed us. He fucked any possible reconciliation with Russia and peace, and chose instead to let the neocons control him and start war.

because america doing israel's dirty work without any evidence of assad being responsible for the chemical attack

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>peaceful coexistence

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Don't lose hope, it seems Russian and Syria were warned about strikes, targets and time. So we don't know everything yet

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>peaceful coexistence
Nigga there ain't never gone be "peaceful coexistence"
Multipolar world is a pipe dream. A meme.

Why do we want to be friends with Russia?
They certainly don't want to be friends with us.

When my government's contribution is to the tune of $500 million/year for some random air strikes in Iraq (and they still manage to fuck those up), I have an interest in pushing for that money to be better spent elsewhere.

To that end that means discouraging our American friends from engaging in useless, wasteful wars in the Middle East that do nothing for the domestic situation in the US and merely enforces foreign policy objectives FOR FREE for the benefit of Israel.

I would side with Russia anyday so long as we continue to have blood thirsty war criminals pushing for military action that destabilises sovereign governments, destroys people's livelihoods and creates millions of refugees and misery for their neighbours, all so these bleeding hearts can feel good about (((doing something))) about perceived slights and insults to their primitive and barbaric world views.

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Yeah, perhaps, but why would US want war with Syria? What would common citizen like you gain? It's counter productive desu

Greet news, fellow white posters.

According to Syrian State TV, Russia Today, al-Manar, the Kremlin, and presstv, the attack was an utter failure. I believe these sources, because why would they lie?

They report that All the missiles were shot down.

Syria and Russia used this cutting edge tactic of using Research Facilities and Military HQ's to take down the missiles.

It looks like that this revolutionary system not only somehow attracted the missiles, but successfully destroyed each and every one of them with a fireball.

Not a single missile was seen still going over the city. We can surely say that the USA is outmatched against Russia. Assad has out manuvered the zionist-yankee dogs once again and Jerusalem will soon be liberated.

Allahu ackbar!!!

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Because we're all russians here. Some of us just use proxies. It's informational warfare boy.

None of us would survive WW3.

So I don't know much about Assad. At least the truth. I know he did nothing wrong and he is one of the better leaders in the Middle East, however, I need a red pill. What's up with him? I understand he allegedly killed his own people and is a tyrant blah blah blah, blah blah, but what is the truth? And please provide reasonable proof or examples. And I don't want any fucking reddit/lefty responses. Fuck off this board. How I wish Jow Forums had never became mainstream...

personally because i hate fat people

"we" aren't.

>reconciliation with Russia

This is the most naive belief on Jow Forums. Russia and the west are going to clash sooner or later. It's inevitable.

because there's tons of russian nationals on here paid to shill RT bullshit

He didn't even want to be Syrian leader, he was a doctor by trade but his brother fucked up and his dad made him do it.


USA vs Russia is an optics game. They actually work together.

Because Russia is based they fight ISIS and the Jew

Has his military ever actually used gas weapons in the past? Has he set a precedent for gas attacks in the past such that any future gas attacks might be blamed on him, regardless of whether or not he did it?

the american government is anti white you retarded newfag

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Because anons work for rubles

Opposing British interference in Syria is not supporting Russia over the USA.

We just wasted a quarter of a billion dollars blowing up some buildings and delayed our withdrawal from Syria because of a British false flag.

I'm not, they are both run by kikes. I hope they get into nuclear war and destroy each other.

>Qatar–Turkey pipeline

the fact there are people on this board supporting zog is sickening

Because we are the useful idiots of the jew world
order, unfortunately. It was decided long before
any of us were born that our countriy's blood
and treasure would be squandered to do the
dirty work for international jewry and freemasonry.

Wikileaks is FSB

We aren't going to war against Assad.

This was another reminder that if he is going to use chemical weapons, consequences will never be the same.

It's too late to go all-in against Assad. Obama blew it back in 2013 when he failed to get approval from Congress, back before Russia got directly involved, ISIS grew, and Turkey started duking it out with Rojava.


it isn't and so what if it was

why are there people on Jow Forums supporting an anti white system?

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He's a socialist. That's all you need to know.

Tankies love him.


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>so what if it was
FSB is literally killing Britons with nerve agents

>peaceful coexistence
>with the Middle East

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We don't want war with Syria, we want the region to stay destabilized, which is why the US armed rebels even though they come from groups like Islamic Front and al-Qaeda.
We need Syria to stay fucked so
1) Saudi Oil Daddies stay happy and
2) We can keep using it as a way to fuck with Iran without direct hostilities.

the skripals are not british, and i don't care what happens to people who work with the anti white government

just kys boomer

>chemical weapons
Did you know the west didn't even send anyone to investigate it yet? It's just empty accusations for now


of course they do
but we keep interfering in their sphere of influence. so why would they like us?

well you're talking to a bunch of nazis and ancaps. this entire board is about shilling for a better world than the one the neocons/Demoncrats and Jews present to us

q conspiracy bullshit

This guy gets it

Did you know Russia blocked the UN from sending anyone?

I think you mean Israel over Russia.
America is a puppet nation.

>of course they do
No, they don't. Never have, never will. Learn geopolitics, kiddo.

How exactly will this war help the American masses in any way?

>This was another reminder that if he is going to use chemical weapons
this is the problem
faggot neocons such as yourself take the Zion is false flag bait, hook line and sinker. the world will be a better place when people like you are dead. no offense

>i don't care what happens to people who in Her Majesty's government
Move out of Britain if you're going to be treasonous

Its between Right and Wrong.

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literal CIA nigger propaganda

Military industrial complex has employees you know.

Russia isn't

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True shit. Multi-culti and everything else is completely fucking retarded. Ethnostates are the only way to achieve peace.

Russia is whiter than America and less (((modernist)))

And yet missiles were fired

this government is treasonous you insufferable faggot

Because Jow Forums is victim of Russian psyops.

Maybe I'll make a thread about it later. All memes on here are basicaly old-ass psyops from WW2.

move to africa if you're going to be a race traitor you piece of shit

>thinks Russia loves being sanctioned and having pro Russian leaders couped
>tells me I need to understand geopolitics better while being a blue pilled boomerposter

>Basically muslim commies
>whiter than America and less modernist

Because attacking assad doesn't help america.

It only brings us further into debt.


Stay there and don't come back.

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There is no conflict.
Putin's daughters are in Europe, all ministers live / have kids / property / deposits in the US.

They ARE western agents they claim people to be.

I don't think they take orders from Trump and whatever conspiracy shit, no, they simply see Russia for a dump they made it and chill out west. As simple as that.

US IS their homeland. They're that hypocritical.
Please stop falling for the conflict meme. They want you to to allow them do unpopular things.

>The Queen's government is treasonous

>having allegiance to skin pigmentation instead of ideals.

>critical thinking is a Russian psy op
>using the free exchange of information in an anonymous format is a Russian psy op
>using the combined amalgamation of human knowledge to form your opinions is a Russian psy op

Muslim genocide nao

You faggots used depleted uranium on us and nobody said a thing.
We all know what your peacekeeping entails.
I look forward to the inevitable civil war in the US, you are too corrupt to be saved.


Can trollfarm-anons afford Smirnoff?


hmm lets see false flag nwo war death false flag we are fucked if they win. evil is winning.


one follows the other you blue pilled degenerate

Yes but Karl Marx is the only true Russian

>Not Beluga
Absolute pleb


>It's inevitable.
And when it does we will all be turned to dust. Do you want that to happen?

>one follows the other
If that was true we'd be using Roman numerals

We're not siding with Russia you fucking faggot. Geopolitics is far more nuanced than "good guy bad guy". I know that's hard for your mutt brain to grasp, but Americas intervention in an otherwise irrelevant part of the world only serves one countries interests and it isn't America. I wonder if you know that you have a 5th column that has been operating in your country for the better half of this past century? Do you realize that they don't have yours or Americas best interests at heart? No guesses as to whom i'm talking about.

>Why are we siding with Russia over America?
Because America is in the wrong. Again.
It's as simple as that


>Assuming mutt can think out of the white/black pattern
That was your mistake

I'm sliding with the white race

They blocked your proposal because it would allow america to attack regardless of findings and you blocked their proposal like the past 10 times this has come up at the UN. The UN is currently sending people down to investigate.


you're confusing america with the zionists occupying our government

America isn't America anymore. It's a Jew controlled zombie state.

America is the Great Satan

Because America is the goodest goy
A mongrel golem in service to international jewry
Any weakening of America is a weakening of the jews hold on the world

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pick one and ONLY one.

The ME wasn't a problem before Israel became a thing. It didn't even mind the British colonization unlike the Jews that fought a guerrilla war against it

We probably would who'll nuke us?


(((US))) benefits of dismantling Assad regimine
>Qatar Turkey Pipeline
>Greater Israel Project
>More refugees for America and Europe to take in