The west is fucked

>question on the test of Chinese elementary school students

How do we fix our education system?

Attached: find area of grey.jpg (580x611, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You get what you pay for you stupid fucks.

Enjoy your low taxes.

Terrible take.

So, what's the question?

>didnt read filename
Well I look dumb now

Berate boomers until they get this simple fact through their thick skulls:

Without property taxes, you can't fund schools. Shut up and pay up, the post-WW2 free ride is over.

How do we become like gooks who don't invent shit and create terrible research? I think that OP is just disheartened with western primary education compared to the Asians.

While I'm not defending >american education, the Chinese tend to blatantly lie on their statistical reports. Don't take Chinese "averages" at face value.

question is unsolvable without guessing minor axis.

>believes schools aren’t the reason shit is fucked

Attached: 4L_2EGttdul.png (600x450, 337K)

Even their tests have slanty eyes

This is easy af for me. I could solve this at 14 years old.

The curve is a part of a circle twice as wide as the grey one.

Solve the large circle, solve box and solve the small circle and calculate the grey area from there.

>gooks who don't invent shit
I get the whole straya and shitpost tradition but come on.

minor axis of what?

Euclid: cultural Marxist

Can't solve this even with your instructions. All hail our superior Chinese overlords

at least we don't have to use the threat of physical violence to deter cheating, and our tech industry isn't based on copying everyone else

Are of a circle = πR2
Grey circle = 78,5 cm2
Quarter of a big circle = 78,5 cm2
Square = 100 cm2
Size of light corners = (100-78,5)/4 = 5.375 cm2

We cannot know the size of areas marked therefore it's unsolvable.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-04-14 at 11.29.43.png (351x361, 129K)

Damnit, superscript 2 doesn't show in the comment.

What this user said. I was close to solving before I reached the same point.

it's not unsolvable. you can do it with simple geometry

Ahhh, I guess I am arguing that lots of the biggest innovations in tech which affect daily life come from the US.

Then solve it?

Show it

Me in this thread:

You big dummy. Geometry is only one course. Nobody goes to school and learns only math. Yet even in math class, you are being programmed by the system.

Attached: 4L_ESMu1Pke.png (273x130, 32K)

then fucking solve it. fucking arrogant old people I swear...

Never post again

this, solve it

The answer is : you can't solve it
And Chinese children just would write that just as they did in lessons

No you can't. If you were trying to simply subtract areas, you are dead wrong and a sad byproduct of our terrible education system.

is this to calculate how slanty their eyes are?

ok lads, I am drawing it up for you right now. But it might take me like 30 minutes

You can't calculate area of the "oval" portion, the square and circle are trivial though

Why is parts of the image blurred out?

>"I'm going to fuck off to save myself from looking like even more of a dumbass"

I think it's too late for that.
Nothing short of burning it down and rebuilding it from the ground up can save the future generations.

Attached: common core new math.jpg (460x345, 25K)

>what's the question
What's the area of the shaded section?


>both answers are equally correct
Triggered every time

Bad grading system, prioritizes oral collaboration above everything, not enough teachers, cultural issues, obnoxious students...

You can know the size of those parts with definite integrals, the curve of a circle is x^2 + y^2 = r^2 so one could calculate the equations for the curves that make up the bottom area and go from there. I'm doubtful they teach that to elementary school chinese kids though?

Even if you found the "eye" area by using A=R^2/2 * (theta - sin (theta)) and then multiplying it by 2, you wouldn't be able to find the area under the curve where the eye meets with the grey. Since you can't accurately find the area missing through geometry the problem is unsolvable unless you use calculus.

It's actually reasonable to say that different answers are equally correct, it just depends on an arbitrary convention.

>Most reddit post imaginable
Checks out

Only way I could think to get the areas of the small curvy bits that this user pointed out are to set up a coordinate system and use integrals to find the area under the curve. Am I just missing something obvious to find those areas?

the answer is, of course, "dow dow ping ching chang?" (the gray area is an example of beautiful oriental eyelid)

>Am I just missing something obvious to find those areas?

No, I agree.

What triggers me even more than the suggestion that both answers are correct, which they are not; is that 9gag watermark, god damn.

This is driving me insane. This is as far as I got. I need closure on this. Pic related, my attempt.

Attached: i am a stupid fuck.jpg (3264x2448, 1.03M)

you don't need integration, only simple algebra

Please do user

Attached: Untitled.png (573x564, 94K)

Its not arbitrary. English language is read from left to right therefore equations are solved left to right (then down if applicable). Brackets are used to create order of execution. Any other form of teaching is arbitrary and regressive.

Solve it.

I can't read chinese but I'm sure american school didnt prepare me for this
>why is there a beachball??

Attached: YAMATEEEE.jpg (263x191, 6K)

Guys I'm pretty sure i have it takes a while tho. So gimme a few mins.

Attached: 4L_DT7hr5Yi.jpg (230x230, 11K)

I can't stand this shit. People keep typing, "You can do it with ____. It's easy. It's simple. Just use ____." But they won't even give a gist of the specifics.

You should kill yourself nigger.

The alphabet is an arbitrary convention
Telling kids you can write a phone as both "phone" and "bixnoodmuthafuka" is still wrong

Holy shit I actually did it. We wuz mathematicians confirmed. Gimme a few mins I draw it on paper.

That's cause he's full of it.

Okay I solved it

We abandon it until niggers, kikes, and Commies are expelled from the USA.

It makes no sense for real Americans to pay taxes so some Commie faggot can teach their sons to be girls and their daughters to fuck niggers.

>Mutt education
It's not arbitrary, there are rules for this. Correct answer is 1, 16 is nonsense.

Why do we let women teach maths?

>irrational numbers
>simple algebra

almost got me with the bait

no you didn't

Curiously enough there is atleast one way to solve this, although it does require vector algebra.

Solved it with simple geometry

Attached: images.png (207x243, 6K)

>why is education so fucked

But English going left to right is itself arbitrary

Everything is arbitrary you dumbfuck
Literally every single fucking thing humans have ever thought up

100 < a > 1


how can two answers be correct
>how many tylenol should I take
>how many days of water do we have left
>how much am I going to get paid for doing this

Work out everything else then subtract it from the area of the square

Someone better cap this thread. Day egybro proved inbred mudslimes are actually smarter than "whites".

Attached: IMG_0760.jpg (3264x2448, 1.15M)

Which part was bait?

Come think of it this can also be done through simultaneous equations.

rotate your shit nigger

Wow. You're retarded.

recheck your work. step 2 to be exact

Yet can't rotate an image. That's just throwing salt in the wound.

The part where you place the barrel of a loaded shotgun into your mouth, double check to make sure the safety is off, then squeeze the trigger.

>Jow Forums autists waste their time trying to solve an unsolvable question

Attached: 1481925089857.jpg (340x565, 46K)

Attached: BritishEducationSystem.png (318x291, 8K)

Area of( square-big circle)- Area of (square-small circle)/4
Yes I did. Now say India superpower

divide it into tiny cubes and count the colored cubes.

Attached: sigh.jpg (1600x899, 77K)

this is easy: heres a hint

do you get it now?

Attached: 1.png (678x447, 6K)

this is fucking unreadable.


Attached: 1522180811002.png (503x746, 576K)

It isn't. You're employing abstract thought, which is arbitrary.

I mean quadrant of big circle

No wonder all our IT and infrastructure sucks dick now when we have been outsourcing it to you dumbfucks.


Attached: comment_JpEy7OTK9rG47dLBW6K4EAXAdZtMZTPa.jpg (266x190, 20K)

Kek. Best to use integrals here but fuck if imma do that at 4 am after 12 drinks.

Thats what i did in step one. But used triangle and half oval shape instead.

It's actually 1, Wolfram doesn't differentiate between * and (. Bracket takes precedence over normal multiplication. Try it on a physical calculator.