Russia is an enemy to societies that value freedom and human rights, wherever they might exist on the globe.
Russia is an enemy to societies that value freedom and human rights, wherever they might exist on the globe
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I hope you guys will be okay when Russia decides to invade you again
Over my dead body.
so is China
you don't see us bombing them
>wherever they might exist on the globe
They don't
oh so that's why Saudi Arabia and Russia are enemies.
Too soon, man.
It is decidedly so
Too soon.
Can't trust what a finn says
>freedom and human rights
WTF! I love the kikes and hate my own people now!!
too soon
>Russia is an enemy to societies that value freedom and human rights, wherever they might exist on the globe.
Eh I wouldn't go that far with it. Russia is just a nation who is out for their goals, and I don't mind them unless they go against my nation.
wow man i cant believe you posted this... too soon man, its just... too soon.....
at least you are reasonable about it.
human rights are a lie made up to fool retards into trusting strangers
whats the backstory of that pic? she dead?
Bruh too soon
what the fuck user TOO FUcking SOON
It's really still much too soon, we'll discuss this someday but not today
So is China. Go wag a dick at them
too soon
it's a meme