Slowpoke here just got onboard the news cycle, what am I not understanding about this? I just saw Alex Jones disown Trump
Wyatt Williams
show me concrete evidence that assad was responsible for the attack
Brandon Torres
There were deads last year
Kevin Howard
I dont see the point of the US getting involved with Syria We shouldn't have to meddle in every conflict in the middle east
Nathan Wilson
Kek blesses us with his presence.
Leo Sanders
tl;dr anything Trump allegedly does incurs waves of shills wailing about the end of the world regardless of facts or context, while the real happenings are not publicized
Wow, a whole 3 people are injured. This doesn't seem like something to get worked up about.
Show me evidence that ISIS or Israel false-flagged it! Neither of us can produce such evidence. Trump says they have proof Syria did the attack.
Maybe, but should a nation be allowed to use chemical weapons freely? That's what we should be debating.
I think is accurate. Jow Forums hysteria is often a bad thing. Everyone wants a big happening to freak out about. But this hardly seems like a happening to me.
James White
I just woke up and didn't get it yet what the fuck happened.
Who won? US, Russia or Nobody?
I've heard us with uk and france launched 100 missiles and they were destroyed by syrian C-300 C-400 ( which is actually russian ).
there's no proof Assad used those chemical weapons Even if he did this should not be the US's problem. We dont need to interfere in a civil war in a shithole of a country even if they use chemical attacks
Jose Parker
>I don't see why everyone is freaking out. It's literally the same thing he did a year ago: Assad used chemical weapons, so Trump bombs a few airbases.
This. Trump had to slap some wrists. Jow Forums freaking out like cucks as per usual
Um, if you wanna believe Russians and /sg/ that’s fine. The powers that be have delivered sufficient evidence that helicopters dropped chlorine gas and we have intelligence reports and biological tests supporting it while you are playing games in your online communities of no consequence. I am all cui bono as well but I don’t see a ton of evidence piling up showing it was jews or jewey rebels. The premise that you require is that Assad never used chemical weapons which is pretty much retarded if you step outside your twenty loser circle and six “credible” bullshit YouTube videos.
Dylan Taylor
Dang look at that. Yeah fucking same thing happened last year. Shills all over the place.
David Garcia
it means >nothing >nothing or >get to Siberia quickly Sven cause the nukes are coming
Grayson Foster
Bentley Hall
>I just saw Alex Jones disown Trump
Love based Alex...but come on bro, his company survives via clickbait. Entertaining clickbait, but clickbait nonetheless.
His heart is in the right place, but he has bills to pay
There is no real conflict on Jow Forums. Putin doesn't have money to build a real army so instead he pays people to post on our shitty anime imageboard. True story.
remember back during Iraq when they said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction? Oh look at that, HE DIDNT HAVE SHIT
Nicholas Brooks
There was no chemical attack but any evidence of an attack has now been destroyed before inspectors could get there :^)
Brayden Powell
Then name me the groups... Oh wait they don't exist... Mean while jidf is shilling a lot down here... HMMM
Jose Wilson
No, we can't, because ever since early 2017 this board has been full of paid shills from shareblue and other leftist groups. In my opinion, there should have been no strike, regardless of whether or not Assad used chemical weapons to kill people. The average Syrian IQ is 83. That's lower than the average American nigger. What do we gain out of this? Nothing. What actual proof of Assad using chemical weapons have we, the public, been given? None. So why should I be in support of my country potentially getting wrapped up in another costly war over a bunch of goat raping sand monkeys?
Evan Powell
three killed last time (they wernt)
its all staged
Adrian Thomas
>Maybe, but should a nation be allowed to use chemical weapons freely? That's what we should be debating. Assad could livestream himself eating a live child, it's none of our fucking business
Aaron Garcia
show me where i said theres evidence israel did it. what are you even saying mutt?
Trump's cocksucking parade misses the point, even if Assad did use chemical weapons, which he obviously wouldn't when the war was basically over, it's NOT our concern.
Jaxon Nguyen
>Assad used chemical weapons
No, he didn't, you fat fucking mongoloid.
John Hughes
I'm waiting for pics or video of the damage.
Ayden Morales
Honestly this. If World Wars happened half as often as Alex Jones claims they will then we'd be on like WW50 by now.
Nathan Roberts
No difference. Great move by Trump. It's a just an issue being used by shills to try to divide us.
Wyatt Fisher
Jesus Christ, it might actually be our problem if he did that.
Jaxson Perry
I'm surprised he's not on the conspiracy that WWI never ended
William Jenkins
>Assad used chemical weapons Orly?
Connor Russell
Anything that happens in Syria isn't worth a dime of American Money or a single American life.
Mason Smith
Two instances of bombing the wrong team is a trend. What happens next month when McCain and Soros order up another White Helment special? Then have DandyDon nuke Assad? Just hand Syria over to ISIS/MuzBrohood?
Christopher Morris
There is no evidence that Assad ever used any chemical weapons and the attacks happened before the investigations of the last alleged attack even started.
Justin Green
The Internet Research Agency. Aгeнтcтвo интepнeт-иccлeдoвaний in your language.
Until more reports start streaming in I don’t know what to think. Could be trump following the kikes every move or he could have bombed some empty building and airfields again to appease the globalist warmongers.
I’m inclined to believe the second since the Russians must have had quite some time to move their valuable shit away.
And let’s face it, the news media traitors are talking about “checmical weapon facilities”, they definitely didn’t bomb those since there are non left. Anyone unironically thinking Assad would using chemical weapons while he’s winning the final battle is absolutely retarded.
Andrew King
I was very worried because it seemed like a much larger attack than last year + with the recent staff changes and that fucking omnibus I thought the kikes finally got him. But with just bases attacked and no one even dead it seems I was wrong. Actually the way he handled this rekindled some hope in him but the next spending bill must be a real budget with the wall funded.
Jacob Ross
>Show me evidence that ISIS or Israel false-flagged it! never claimed this was the case glue eating cunt
>Trump says they have proof Syria did the attack. Ah yes because a president would never lie about evidence before destroying a nation
>discussion >2 short posts and bails I'm not a rocket surgeon, BUT, given your example it's probably a no. Retard. You should be able to support your argument, your mother swallowed the best parts of you.
The whole thing is a farce, just like the last year. The fact that all the building were evacuated stuns me, US probably told when they gonna strike to Syrians, just like the last time. The saddest thing is Alex Jones throwing his carer over nothing.
Eli Wood
I'm starting to hear the damage and casualties were next to nothing. Is this true? Did they just pull off the same shit as last year, just turned up another notch? They're scaring the shit outa me with this crap.
Blake Davis
Thats it? Not even worth talking about.
Austin Diaz
>Syria >shithole
Logan Smith
I have a more favourable view of the strike now that PM May has actually given evidence and stressed several times that it was to strike the chemical sites only and not any government site with the view of regime change.
I also think Russia really compromised their position when they rejected an independent investigation from the UN.
Lincoln Rivera
>Show me evidence that ISIS or Israel false-flagged it! Neither of us can produce such evidence. Trump says they have proof Syria did the attack.
Proof which has not been released because they don't have it because there wasn't even a fucking investigation. Congress did not authorise this, the public were not consulted, there is no declaration of war but it's allgood for you guys to throw a hundred tomahawks because the government says so and you just have to trust Trump?
protip, this is why the world fucking hates your piece of shit country.
Camden Watson
My Jewish uncle believes the chemical strike was Assad's doing. All you need to know.
Syria and Russia made a public announcement just a few weeks ago that they had evidence the “rebels” were preparing to stage a gas attack. If you were planning to murder someone, would you publically say “hey guys if I get blamed for murder soon i am being framed, I have heard someone is going to frame me soon”? That would be a stupid idea to do that if you were actually guilty
Jonathan Carter
Stop lying Shlomo, your official party line is that all proof is classified and can't be released
Meh, Alex has a point. Because of the outrage from the socialists and democrats, that so desperately want their war and pipeline, he had to intervene. Acknowledging their bullshit narrative might be way better, they can’t pin shit on Trump now that he carried out the strike.
I know it might be wishful thinking, but last years strike was basically the same..
Michael Hughes
>in the middle east >not a shithole
Julian Peterson
>Assad used chemical weapons You mean Mossad used chemical weapons.
Brody Bell
>Trump says they have proof Syria did the attack. >Maybe, but should a nation be allowed to use chemical weapons freely?
its worth talking, jews got cucked again, just like the last year
Dylan Cooper
>US and allies launched 100+ missiles >Around 70-80% were intercepted >Those that hit didn't kill anyone >S300 and S400 weren't used, only older AA systems of Syrian army were used
William Nelson
Remember when we “””accidentally””” bombed hundreds of Syrian soldiers, and immediately after ISIS stormed in and captured the territory? Also coincidentally this area has oil facilities
Trump gave the globalists a W so they'd stop squeezing him Expect the muller investigation to end soon
Angel Fisher
It was supposed to be spearheaded by NGO funded by Israel, world banks and USA.
Anthony Cook
>Assad used chemical weapons, so Trump bombs a few airbases. That was proven to be a rebel false flag.
Joseph Brooks
There is a Comey tv interview coming up, where he basically is going to go after Trump as a Putin Puppet. But he just worked with France and Britain in a joint effort against Assad and against Putin nearly bringing the world to war against Russia. 10D Battleship
Kevin Martinez
But he wasn't even losing on that front. Why give in at all?
Joshua King
This has gone beyond simple mental gymnastics. This is now mental contortionism.
Kayden Peterson
>you have to prove a negative assertion or we're bombing you
americans really at some next level foreign relations now
Jaxson Richardson
literally bombing the hottest spot on the planet over scant to no evidence. based maga mindset
Zachary Lee
I’ve read it may be a theatre move to make it harder for them to stage false flags. If the factory is bombed, and another attack happens, how would it be the Government? They’lol probably just say something like
>monster Assad slaughters a bajillion babies with gas attack after strike on chemical weapon factory, experts say chemical weapons likely supplied by Iran
Jason Martinez
Yep, and the airbase that was destroyed was protecting one of the main christian regions. ISIS genocided all the christians afterwards of course
makes perfect sense when you consider whos in charge of course
They even said a few weeks ago “yo we’ve caught wind the rebels are planning to stage an attack on this specific city, if something happens soon, it wasn’t us”
Cameron Martin
Globalists demand action. He blew up a couple of empty buildings. Action was taken in the middle of the night trying not to kill anyone. Probably accidentally got the cleaning crew.
Tyler Gray
Jesus Christ you are pathetic. Trump's on speed pills and his brain is melting. Someone just showed him a power point of dead babies and told him to attack so he did
Bentley Lopez
How long until they just say “fuck it” and the rebels suddenly get advanced weapons systems?
Samuel Howard
Plausible. But then again retaliation as a policy has been going on for years. Why would this stand out? Am I missing something?
Brayden Allen
>We will no longer surrender our country to the false song of globalism >Oh shit the globalists want me to suck their cock >I'll just give it a quick suck and hopefully no one will mind
Matthew Nelson
I heard this, but never got a source, does anybody have it? Pretty important
Ethan Fisher
Drumpf is nothing more then a pupet. God. you people must be retarted just like him. He's dumb jewish slaves like all Mutts.
Honestly Russia and Syria should build a fake base and have captured ISIS members take the roll of fake soldiers to get killed so it doesn't look like they were warned ahead of time
>What makes this time any different? There's a much bigger need for distraction at this moment.
Robert Lopez
this is all a distraction from the ongoing Mueller investigation. Trump and Poutin are the best of friends and their online twitter spat was all for show. Trump saying that he's going to bomb syria a few days before bombing syria gives Russia and Assad enough time to relocate their forces to safer areas. This is the ultimate nothingburger.
Dylan Hernandez
We don't know what all was targeted because missels were shot down. Yes this is flexing, but he shouldn't be doing that at all. He gains nothing in this action. It's a loss.
Mason Wood
Fake bombing. No casualties. This was all agreed to beforehand. Nothing but war posturing for the media.