Bombing Syria is Redpilled

Bombing Syria is Redpilled

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yeah no shit kiwi

Drumpf is doing what the Jews want him to do.
There is no proof Assad used chemical weapons.

Remember, John Bolton lied about weapons of mass destruction. Look how that turned out.

El monstrosita americanos...

>killing muzzies is not based guys srsly

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Rebels in that area were known to have chemical weapons, were about to surrender the area and US just announced to retreat from syria. Suddenly assad starts using chemical weapons to unnecessarily kill innocent civilians and give the US a reason to stay and get way more involved

Mind to give a proper explanation how americans can justify their accusations?

>thanks to uk and france for helping out tonight..
>aus btfo. not invited.

Americans will believe anything they see on CNN.

>“We are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production facilities in Iraq,” Bolton said in 2002 while serving as President George W. Bush’s under secretary of state for Arms Control and International Security.

Lying media at it again.

They should have done it way earlier.

>Mind to give a proper explanation how americans can justify their accusations?
Why just Americans? UK and France also did it. Is it a grand conspiracy?

El monstro roja...


we're just american puppets though

Nice try.
It violates NAP and promoters War which not respelled. Principally it was wrong and the evidence was heavily doctored to manipulate Trump into acting.

Unironically, if you wanted Trump to bomb Syria you are undoubtedly either a Jewish shill or a reddit soycuck.

shills acting like women. take no shit from evil. syria is full of assholes on both sides. ..haven't you watched any of my cowboy movies!?

Give me a fucking breaking, Iran and Russia are just as kikey as the Jews in Israel. All parties involved are giant fucking pussies and none of them are wiling to actually risk giving up power in their respective areas by committing to a war. There is no happening, there won't be a happening. We're all slowly marching into the abyss because no one is willing to make a move. The entire world is cucked because of technology, because we've reached a level of comfort-ablity as humans.. This is the black pill. Swallow it. The Jews won.

>jews won because no WW3
So jews winning is a good thing?

La Monstro

Thanks again yankees

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Learn to logic faggot. How did you come to the conclusion from what I said that Jews winning is a good thing? Clearley it's not you fucking retard. But we're past that, because no one is willing to do what it takes to defeat the fucking kikes. How fucking retarded can you be to not see that nearly all world leaders are invested into holding and retaining power, and that they will all jump into bed with the kikes, or at least, make a deal, to make sure that they hold on to that power.

so you saying here that we should bomb you next?

>waaahh there is no large scale war between nuclear countries, it's the jews fault
How is this not a good thing?

>There is no proof Assad used chemical weapons.
i agree with you, but it's not like it matters even if he did. it's like when people say "duh germans gassed duh Jews." so? why is gassing somehow worse than exiling people into Siberia? why does chemical seem so bad in people's minds? it's all nonsense.

UK, France, Germany, etc are all controlled by the U.S., no real unique opnion among any of them

Bombing muslims is not bad though.

>Germans will never experience a successful cover-up

why even live?

The Syrians themselves agreed to disband their arsenal of chemical weapons, there being no consequences to breaking such an agreement sets a precedent that the US is weak and international law doesn't matter. Arbitrary or not, countries agreed that using chemical weapons isn't prohibited

>>killing muzzies
we blew up some empty shacks hermano. its not a big deal on its own but now that this guy and his fucking dickduster are in play it doesn't portend great things for the future.

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shut up and be a good guardian of zion

Kys kiwikuck