Is ANTIFA right?


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Fascism in their POV is alt-right or right; common sense most of the times is what the right is.

But fascism in a way is the promotion of blurring out the other side of the mind.
Basically censoring others opinions

The fact is that most of the west is fascist! You dont' say
the truth is that the MSM or (((main stream media))) does not convey the other's opinion no more

Anti-Christ (an tie) = against Jesus Christ
Anti-Christ (an tee) = in replace of Jesus Christ

Now which pronounciation does ANTIFA use?

Their main goal is abolishing fascism.
Most of the west already has this established no thanks to (((them))) and the deep state

Regardless, ANTIFA are retards

We need to go back in 1999, Seattle, Washington.

Attached: wto-protest.jpg (400x257, 26K)

Nice get. I’m just saying they really are the new fascists

Nice try dipshit

no u

I’m betting my gf is secretly an ANTIFA member

First of the west isn't fascist its just authoritarian
Antifa aren't fascist because fascists are men

> (You)
>no u
Go on, humor me with your faggotry, why are antifa right?

Okay this rant in Seattle was something regarding the people vs some corporation plan sorroudning the big elephant in the room ofc

World Trade Organization

Sure most of them where hippies but even the steal workers joined in

this riot was super rare

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They are what the jew masters need them to be.

"This is what they want to stop"

they are retarded tho
and focus on race topics caused by the (((MSM)))

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No they're just jobless neo-commies.

You're an idiot if you think ANTIFA is fascist...

Jew Tube formelry known as YouTube has this implanted

I cant even watch my favorite red pill videos about the Jews without them not leaving the channel any comment sections or otherwise

And your an idiot for not paying attention


No, you are a huge moron. Then again, you are Mexican :^()

Communism is going to win and fascism will be destroyed. Once America goes Communist, you guys will have no safe place anymore.

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>Communism is going to win

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This was a rare movement
Anti-globalists, Labor Unions?, Religious groups, Student, regardless of their political beliefs they had the common goal against the globalists

Research this "1999 Seattle WTO protests"
or Wiki it

>To many in North American anarchist and radical circles, the Seattle WTO riots, protests, and demonstrations were viewed as a success.[32] Prior to the "Battle of Seattle", almost no mention was made of "antiglobalization" in the US media, while the protests were seen as having forced the media to report on 'why' anybody would oppose the WTO


Most millennials are soyboys and your "commie revolution" won't happen. Try not getting executed by the government for your treason senpai.

They're right but they are neither competent nor organized enough to accomplish anything useful. There needs to be antifascist force, but one that's organized like a military. Strict hierarchy, clear chain of command, unwavering discipline, An actual organized opposition to the far right, rather than a bunch of rando who look and dress like soccer hooligans.

Not interested

IDC they were literally against WTO, THE WORLD BANK, & INTERNATIONAL BANKING.

>Try not getting executed by the government for your treason senpai.
Maybe YOU should be worried about going to jail in the future for Nazi speech. Fascism is not even tolerated throughout most of the world, including Europe. Once America goes leftist, fascist rhetoric will be annihilated worldwide.

Attached: 4chan1.png (753x478, 72K)

Leftists are against global capital, but for global unification and the destruction of borders and nation states

Fascism is actually tolerated and has penetrated the EU, U.S., etc

Corporations or powerful bankers can lobby the fuck out of reality

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they cant even have one loaf of bread

Attached: when-fascism-has-become-kind-of-a-vague-term-so-27444501.png (500x577, 122K)

Yep, surely any day now lol. Can't wait to see you and your "comrades" get your heads popped.

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