Was he /ourguy/?
Was he /ourguy/?
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>attacks the few non degenerate blacks out there
>being this much of a brainlet
No he was a racist son of a bitch faggot who soon will burn in Hell. Word is he gets raped daily in jail. Guy is an evil fucker.
shoots up a church, no.
Had he of shot up a nigger nightclub, then he'd be /ourguy/.
weird choice of target if i'm being honest. still not sure why he chose a church. not that i think church going blacks are much better. but i'm just saying. why shoot up a church?
going for the high score maybe? is a church the only place you can find so many blacks stacked together so closely in america?
No. He was a coward, and evil besides... you can see it on his face, desu
Prove to me attacking a church furthers our goals of establishing a small government/strong military state.
You can't.
He wanted to incite a race war. So do the cultural Marxists.
People like have a severe misunderstanding about the dominant ideology here. We don't need a state to get ahead, we're confident we can do it by our merit so long as measures aren't enacted for minorities.
>christcucks and niggers
I'm not seeing the issue here
attacking innocents usually gets a tougher response, his attack wasnt to establish an ethnostate but to get a reaction out of the africans that would start a race war that would end in your ethno state, it was basically bait and for that the best options were either kids or churchgoers, i dont blame him for choosing the latter
Kinda, the kid had problems.
The whole killing innocent Blacks helps because it reduces their numbers but it's also bad PR. And well, they also didn't deserve it, you know.
>non degenerate blacks
He shot an ex-democratic senator.
Politicians are inherently degenerate. This wasn't any old black church. It was a church full of politically connected cultural marxists and career politicians.
The fact they were non degenerate blacks propelled white genocide forward by atleast a decade. Every church goer he shot will be responded with thousands of interatial marriages.
By being a retarded skinhead and shooting black church goers, he introduced more niggers to this world than there ever would have been
Another victim was the sister of another state senator, Malcolm Graham
>Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd (54) – Bible study member and manager for the Charleston County Public Library system; sister of politician and former state senator Malcolm Graham.
Post Morgan
>It was a church full of politically connected cultural marxists and career politicians.
No shit? i thought it was just some regular Black church.
No, Roof targeted it because it was a political social club for democrats.
Nobody should get raped.
Shit, what's that guy's name again?
>tfw no Morgan gf
Do you have any evidence for that claim?
who is this seaman domaine?
>muh BASED Christian niggers
This is why your kike religion must be eradicated
good joke user. i am going to start reading uruguay posts more thoroughly because of this
>On the night of June 17, 2015, Pinckney was killed in the Charleston church shooting.[21] He spent the earlier part of that day campaigning with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Charleston.[42]
I understand that this is not a good reason to murder people, but the media really kept this fact on the DL. I think they realized that the message of "These were just good kind hearted black folk worshipping Jesus" would have convinced some to give less of a shit about the Roof's victims. This was not a prayer circle of devoted Christians. It was a club for the political elite and community leaders of Charleston to discuss politics. The church itself is also quite historically significant. The African Methodist Episcopal denomination is not a truly conservative traditional bible thumping baptist church that your typical "commoner" southern blacks attend. Most of them are more of social clubs and involve themselves in activism more than they do praying to God. Rather they function more like Unitarian churches in the northeastern United States that wave homosexual flags on their buildings. The A.M.E denomination is a social club for black activism first, religion second.
The only shooter who is /ourguy/ is Elliot.
It was a poetic thing. He was trying to mimic the innocent whites killed by blacks
Hell is for ever!9