Spends year chimping out to reports about Russian bots

>spends year chimping out to reports about Russian bots
>unironically advocates for Russian interests after being manipulated by Russian propaganda on an anime website
No better than soyboys or commies. You unpatriotic, spineless faggots disgust me

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Are you Jewish?

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I want you to sodomize my disable grandmother

>No better than soyboys or commies
Don't insult me by comparing me to a Russian shill.

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>Assad gassed his own people!
>N-No I don't have proof
>Trump is playing 6d chess!

Attached: XDDDDDDD.gif (300x199, 279K)

>Attack on an unproven premise
>Risk WW3
>W-Why do you not want this!? Unpatriotic soyboy!

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>spends year chimping out to reports about Russian bots
Like the democrats do?
>Russian interests
that is, not a war?
>Russian propaganda on an anime website
by Russian bots?

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i thought the russian bots bullshit was bullshit from the start

Better red than jew

Russians aren't the only makers of propaganda. Wake up idiot. Your nation isn't your own anymore. Vast swaths of land are owned by foreigners, and foreigners control legislation in your country. Your politicians lobby for said foreigners, and NGOs and think tanks lobby for allied interests of leagues of nations.

You are in the middle of a propaganda war deciding who ultimately decided the fate of the world, and your nation is no longer sovereign, and you are worried about "Russian bots" an issue exploited by the propaganda of your nation to delegitemize resistance to globalization. Go fuck yourself


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>must pretend i am burger
>open borders
>still Trump is not doing what told
>fuck Putin
>Putin still winning
>fucking goyim !
>muh russian bots

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>thinks Russia isn't influenced by jews

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Russians are christian orthodox. As a fellow (Greek) orthodox I'll advocate for them no matter what. If I have to choose between Russian-backed Assad who protects Syrian christians or American-backed isis that's killing the christians because of their saudi fundamentals I'll pick Russia every time.

I dont want to die in nuclear hellfire just because some retard burger on Jow Forums cant stop sucking jewish dick

>thinks other people think

try not to read so much into things

Srs fucking business.


Also, give America HELL, Russia.

t. american

Aw, fuck it. Ignore the r*ddit spacing there. I think Jow Forums has the same spacing problem.

Fucking sage this psyop garbage

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We're sorry.

wow! a based swede appeared. quick, catch it and study how it evolved

Thanks for 'correcting the record' hershel jewinstein

Fuck of Jew

>Jow Forums is now a zionist board
>ZOGbot everywhere

Thx ̶O̶b̶a̶m̶a̶ Trump !

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Talk about crypto in these kiked threads, and you will see how much they up their game. They already infiltrated Bitcoin maybe, not super technical, but there's a decent alternative called bitcoin cash. Anyway point is that they use shekels to manipulate things through the fiat kike banking system. Anything that threatens this directly affects the Zionist bankers. Anything that hurts them is good for the rest of the world. Literally that simple.

And everyone vanishes. Fucking weird.

>falling for the "russian bots" meme
You do get that the media's retarded and the "russian bots" were actually just shitposters from here, right?

I’m open to most conspiracies but both sides in the media say Assad gassed kids and it’s not the first time. Pick your disinformation carefully you gullible idiots. Is Donald trump being unnecessarily assaulted by the media? Yes, but if both sides can agree on the same narrative then that’s where truth lies. Turn off the Alex Jones every once in a while. He profits off your retardedness

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kys neocon shill

Go back to your mccain general in derrit


You are 99% jewish.
1% just retarded.

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Still trying to make sense of things because assuming one "side" is going to be telling the "truth."

It's the fucking Jew ultra bankers and their evil sociopathic shekel big noses that are all over the business of the world. That's why everyone here hates the Jews, and now you should too. Stop being delusional, if this was true, do you really think you would EVER see this truth in places where the majority of people consume "media?" No that's just gov't banker programming, yes like a kike oil loving robot.

>if both sides can agree on the same narrative then that’s where truth lies.
Except that's a logical fallacy. There's lots of "sides" to this and a lot of them point out that Assad doing this is totally illogical, that there's a number of other groups that would stoop this low and the presence of crisis actors and media manipulators is now a very well established fact.
There is also the fact that the West have repeatedly been caught attacking on false pretences in the past and even got caught arming and training terrorists and directing "rebels" in Syria in attempts to overthrow the Syrian government.

Just because CNN and Trump say similar things doesn't mean that either of them are correct.
Lets face it pal, you're totally outclassed here.

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>”It's the fucking Jew ultra bankers and their evil sociopathic shekel big noses that are all over the business of the world. That's why everyone here hates the Jews, and now you should too. Stop being delusional, if this was true, do you really think you would EVER see this truth in places where the majority of people consume "media?" No that's just gov't banker programming, yes like a kike oil loving robot.”
>tells me to not be “delusional”
>says this as a grown man unironically

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Oy vey, what a great argument!

>”SJWs are ruining everything!”
>muh free speech
>can’t handle criticism of a board OP is an oldfag on
What happened to you, Jow Forums? (oh yeah, Putin’s cock is shoved in your asshole while Assad shits in your mouth).


Russian bot detected.

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>tells me my argument isn’t valid
>blames Jews for everything
You’re probably the joke considering how fucking satirical you sound. Idk, maybe your just retarded and have nothing better to do but expel your retardedness on others ever since the double wide got wifi.


Al right you fucking imbecile of course it's not as simple as "it's the jews" this system is so fucked and in such a complex way that if you haven't caught on to how most of our society is bullshit, then I have no interest in red pilling your blind kike ass because you probably just want some more e-shekels.

Get your next pair of rosy colored glasses from the "media" again and you will stay a fool.

PS: stop projecting shillfag

Maybe we're just tired of war

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I get Jews run everything but for fucks sake this is so cut-and-dry: A dictator gassed his own citizens because they’re a perceived nuisance and he’s 7 years into a shit war. Go figure the only people saying otherwise are the worlds best fabricators of propaganda and a FORMER COMMUNIST COUNTRY

I disagree with the bombings but I’m never going to side with Russia over my country. Neither should you.

pic related is behind this post

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>advocates for interest of majority of home country which is in line with Russian interest and against interest of (((establishment)))
Shills GTFO

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Ah I see, you just hate the Russians and will never accept any wrong doing by us because of blinding nationalism.

I was literally just in a thread where soldiers were asking if Jews really had something to do with this because they were staring to think they did and didn't want to die for them.

Technically speaking, if this was staged and not by Assad, then all of this is bullshit. Oh it was Assad? Then why have we been playing chicken in the middle east versus a bunch of bikes when we are a god damn rocket monster truck?

Because the military industrial complex only cares about self preservation through those sweet sweet oil dollars into their bank. They don't "fight for the constitution" anymore. Just like how the media lied to you about Assad gassing kids. Jesus Christ that's like almost knocking out your openent in a fight then just diving headfirst into his foot.

And then what actually happened? Missiles were mostly shot down! Literally all a fucking show now! Only thing that can save us is a revolution between literally everyone vs the left AND right corporate lobbying for profit politicians and their jew banking partners/lawyers. And it has to be french revolution level, or else they will just put other puppets in place