Look at this they really have no shame

hahaha that bitch face

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I'm sure RT would be very tolerant of someone criticizing Russia's military actions.

have you got no shame?

propaganda bump

boo hoo
I don't know where you're from, but both sides of this conflict have been playing this game for decades. This is geopolitics. NATO doesn't want Russia gaining ground on the Middle East just like Russia didn't want the West luring Ukraine or Georgia.

Syria isn't some immaculate angel either. Assad knew what he was getting into. In fact Syria occupied Lebanon from 76 to 05. It takes two to tango sweetie so please cut this oversimplified shilling that this is a conflict between good and evil or moral nationalists vs degenerate globalists. This shit has been going on before you were born.

Hey, that's whataboutism, buddy.

>those other people would probably do it too!

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I don't think whataboutism means what you think it means user.

This is fucking hilarious coming from a country who's capital was half walled off for 30 years by Russia.
Russian imperialism isn't a theory, it's a fact. It's part of their history just as much as it is part of America's. The difference being they cooled off for a bit while their economy was in the shitter. The cold war never ended, this is only one of many proxy conflicts that you will witness and the best you can do is learn how pointless it is to be emotionally invested in this or try to make sense of it by using your ideological/moral compass.

This is EXACTLY whataboutism. It literally doesn't matter whether Russia does it or not.

>two sides fighting purely for strategic gains
>OP implies one side is morally abject because of some news channel's editorial decision
>WAAAAHHHHH it doesn't matter what one side does to achieve their goals, that is totally off limits to the other side

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yeah you're just one of the people who sides with the destructors of european nations. This shit has been going one before you were born and you proudly defend them now

>user wtf is wrong with you?

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wtf ?

Did all the paki rape gang prepping make you retarded, britcuck?

>that is totally off limits to the other side
No, you fool. It doesn't mean that.
Instead of actually taking responsibility and shaming your filthy kiked media. You just go >B-BUT THE RUSSIANS

Ah yeah, the independent media should not be critical of any government decision at all.

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Is there an answer from them ?
Like a fake excuses or shit like that.
"we didn't have time anymore"....

>destructors of european nations
You mean Russia? Because no country in modern history has put more effort towards bulldozing European heritage than they have. Beginning with the execution of their own Christian royal family. Don't try to sell me the absurdity that a country which has a mausoleum to fucking Lenin across the street from parliament has the well-being of common white Europeans at their priority.

If we had a PM who deported every single paki overnight I can guarantee he would still be fighting Russia. This is what all the MAGA idiots fail to understand and is giving them a brain tilt. Domestic and foreign policies are two separate operations. Foreign policy stays the same in the long term no matter who's in charge or where they lean politically. In fact the intelligence and military communities have far more weight on this than elected officials.

News channels were never meant to be independent. You are naive if you even expect them to be. Do you have any idea of how much it costs to run a televised news service and all the string that come with that? This isn't Drudge Report faggot, of course they will side with the government when there's an armed conflict happening.

hahaha I would love to hear the guy sreaming at her 'shut it downnn now'

History Channel 101.

Whatever you say Abdul.

>Because no country in modern history has put more effort towards bulldozing European heritage
Maybe the great jewish alliance of frogs, crooked teeth and mutts? 2 world wars fighting for israel.

hahaha you're so funny go fuck yourself with your damage control. history speaks for itself

Hey bud you do know Israel didn’t exist until after WWII right? Exactly what “heritage” has been destroyed?

I'm not naive, I know they are not independent. At this point they are straight up a propaganda organ of the establishment. However that is not what they say they are. What they say is what what they should be, which is independent. Fourth Estate and all.
Furthermore there was no actual criticism or debate here. Just a straight up SHUT IT DOWN incident. It's pathetic.

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Yeah, maybe you should study it meme flaggot.

"Oops! He's telling the truth about the false flag tactics. SHUT IT DOWN!"

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you and me know exactly what it is. we're just not on the same side

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