I want to be jewish

>Romania GDP per capita $11,817.
>Israel GDP per capita $40,762.
Brazil is $10,000 flat.
How the fuck can I emigrate there?
At least I got the sephardic looks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Money is everything

If you really WANT TO BE JEWISH then you will spend literally 1000% of your time on building good human connections and not a single second thinking about "muh gainz"

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What's happening in Romania ?
There's like 20 Gypsies in Every thread...

Behind every shitpost the strayan.

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Russian psyops. They've bought cellphones for the whole village.

shes 42. what in tarnation

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>the town rapist

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Is that you "A jew from eastern Europe " ?

They dont let in goys, sorry

I've seen you post with a trip you faggot

Yeah but


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>shes 42. what in tarnation

gyp don't chip

No I'm the "wannabe jew from eastern Europe".
Lol that guy writes like a retard has zero fluency.
Go look up his posts.

I'll cut my penis off for them.

It ain't me retard, I'm fucking hunganon diaspora.

>Move to Germany/UK/France/Scandinavia/Swiss/Any non-eastern shithole in EU

>Higher GDP per capita than Israel

>No need to cut your dick like a sandnigger

>No need to live surrounded by sandniggers

>No need to be a literal racial sandnigger

Be Jewish? I'll pass

credema, viata tot mai faina e in romania. toti banii care ii castigi aici se duc inapoi la guvern , jidanie curata.

Total de acord, pretenas

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If you can't demonstrate you have jewish grandparents, you can still convert.
It is a formal rigorous ritual that must be undertaken with the help of a Rabbi, he will then write a letter saying you are jewish.
Also, while not strictly necessary, it's a good idea to learn Hebrew.

Fml this ain't a troll. I just grabbed random pics was expecting 32 max.

>No need to live surrounded by sandniggers
Wat? Mutti hax fixed that area for good.

Fix pula. Cat ii tva si taxele pe venit?

Will they chop my dick too?

Please fucking don't we have enough pikeys here.

I'm fucking white.

nu e vorba numa de tva si taxe. preturiile sunt inflate la toate. o masina costa aici 2.2x ori mai mult ca in europa.

si taxele pe venit depind de venit, cu cat casitgi mai mult platesti mai mult dintrun salar de 8k de shekeli platesti 14% numa taxe , echivalentu la social security, medical insurance (mandatory) si ai ramasu cu 6.5k in mana

Apartamentele? In Munchen e 7k eur pe mp in orasele mai mici de populatie de 200k pot sa gasesti mult mai ieftin dar chiria pe termen lung te fute peste tot.

>At least I got the sephardic looks.

fuck off we're full

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>falling for the (((GDP))) meme.
May I remind you that Romania is one of the most affordable countries in Europe, and last I checked your society isn't falling apart and your crime rates aren't skyrocketing. So yea, you're clearly better than Brazil. I could provide 100 more examples.

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Another glowing thread

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>tfw even Romania is better than Brazil

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eventual banii nu o sa cumpere mai multe aici decat in romania. si daca sa comparam viata aici cu romania e o diferenta imensa, tara asta e plina de ura , lipsa de cultura si calda ca iadu.

am vizitat cluju in septembrie, am si un prieten acolo, nu castiga ca mine dar duce o viata mult mai plina.

but hey if you like to get kiked, come on, join us paying chunks of our salaries to parasitic hassidic jews that just leech of the social security system and literally keep the govt hostage to continue do so.

>not married
>no children
Perfect woman.

Aren’t most gypsies Jewish by default

Is it me, or do her tits look like they're way too far down on her chest?

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If I take a 23andme and it comes back that I'm Ashkenazi Jewish through matralige (sp?) They HAVE to let me in right? Like they can't jew me of my Jewishness can they? Like can they stop me from changing my name to Bill Goldberg and learning all the secret code?

oh shit nigger is that from that bully hunters stuff ?!?!?! and if so did they ever explain why the bully hunter logo symbol thing looks like the symbol for a woman with cross hairs aimed on its head?

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>tara asta e plina de ura , lipsa de cultura si calda ca iadu
Romania e paradis.
>am vizitat cluju in septembrie, am si un prieten acolo, nu castiga ca mine dar duce o viata mult mai plina.
Da am auzit asemenea porcarii. Stai acolo in puii mei ca tot ce-i in suflet asta conteaza. Numa' sa-mi lingi din cand in cand curu' cand vin acasa ca sa ma simt si eu mare boiar.
Ia cumpara si tu mancare si benzina pe max 300eur pe luna in tzigania asta.

Gassing jews is the only solution

Yes they are. Romanians are the lost tribe of Israel.

Im moving to Israel one day. And I'm bringing a busload of shitskins with me.

You need paper proof of it too. As in maternal line birth certificates so have fun travelling and bribing people.

fuck off cunt

GDP is a meme