Reminder that no matter how hard gopniks try to twist what happened...

Reminder that no matter how hard gopniks try to twist what happened, the fact still is that Russia stood in the corner and watched France, US, and UK all take turns fucking Syria raw.

Supreme cuck status.

Attached: Admiral Kuznetsov.jpg (1000x541, 134K)

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the syrian SAM (soviet tech) is from the 70s and managed to intercept tomahawks, how does that make you feel you fat sack of cheese and shit?

Tomahawks are from the same era so it's no real surprise, still I wouldn't believe a thing Russia and Syria says.

Reminder that no matter how many empty warehouses you bomb, Assad won.

Guess when tomahawks were designed? Fun fact. It was the 70's.

You did fucking nothing. All three of you are absolute failure out of 100 missiles only 3 reached their targets, the others that were allowed to land did so in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Trump doesn't have the balls to open his mouth right now for a reason.

there is not even proof of that..

here is a funny video:

>here's a video of a piece of equipment failing! GaSSad and Russia BTFO!
Imagine being this dense.

USA is finally #1 again

>world fears us
>#1 economy
>stock market through the roof
>regulations vanishing
>taxes lower than ever before
>establishment Dems and Reps on the run
>terrorists on the run
>wall being built

Thank you, Trump!

>America has been spending trillions of dollars a year on their military
>hasn't been able to develop anything new since the 70's

top kek, 13 trillion in debt and all you have to show for it are a few pathetic fireworks