Why are Jews more talented than whites?

Think of it. Spielberg. Kubrick. All more intelligent that whites.

Gal Gadot, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansen. All more beautiful than goy girls.


Jews are simply better than goy.

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Stop falling for the Hollywood meme.

Stop worshiping celebrities.

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>money = talent
>fame = talent
>I don't know what narcissism is cause I'm a retard

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nice trolling for you's, but hey guess what

wanna know the secret of the jews

theyre all mutts and they hate it

They're not, they just shout muh holocaust more often.

Nepotism. Jews get jew money to do jew things to further jew goals.

Because jews get to decide what 'talent' is.

gal is too tall and amazonian

portman is perfection, a vegan goddess