Confessions of an Optical Inversion

Donald Trump said that from his office window he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.

He spoke to WWOR/UPN 9 News via phone to describe what he saw.


Trump's uncle helped steal/suppress Tesla technology which is used for HAARP technology in Alaska.
→ → (You)

Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11 from HAARP, Alaska - at the time of "impact"
→ → (You)

Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere, on the morning of 9/11
→ → (You)

Donald Trump had prior knowledge the attacks were to take place
→ → (OP)
He claims he witnessed not only the plane strike
→ → (OP)

but also "Muslim's dancing in celebration"
→ → (You)

We have proven that the planes didn't exist in the aviation bureau here:
→ → (You)

Have of the initial "strike" which are devoid of planes
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Bush's former advisor is in agreement that there were no planes used:
→ → (You)

The steel columns of the building demolecularize, which is not a thermal reaction:
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and there was no "thud" seismic impact upon the basin of New York upon the "collapse" because the materials were turned to dust mid air
→ → (You)

An Israeli art group were given access to the towers during the year 2000
→ → (You) [see image]

Attached: nsa-metadata.jpg (763x508, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913

1907 Oct Rothschild/Rockefeller's Anaconda Copper vs Heinze's United Copper Banking Panic & FED staged to destroy Heinze/Tesla/Westinghouse/Astor

1907 Nov JP Morgan bails out the US Govt

1912 Tesla financier John Astor dies on Titanic

The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve. John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla


Former Bush Advisor Dr. Morgan Reynolds, confirms the planes don't exist in the aviation bureau's own records.

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Morgan O. Reynolds is the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, Texas

He served as chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001–2002, George W. Bush's first term
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Dr. Morgan Reynolds - No Real Planes Used on 9/11
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WHAT PLANES? Dr. Morgan Reynolds 9/11 No Planes Presentation

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[Image] What happens when a bird hits a plane in flight.

[video] Video of CGI plane leaving otherside of building with it's nose intact

"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."

Julian Assange

Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations:
"I saw them, I was there"

Trump "Predicts" large scale terror attack

Attached: 2000.png (625x338, 250K)

Why paper survived (as evidenced by News Reporters on the day, who were baffled I might add) yet cars miles from the twin towers themselves were turned to dust.

Paper didn't burn inside World Trade Center! Why? 9-11

"Figure 66(h). Is there something attractive about engine blocks? Why not gasoline fuel tanks?"

Attached: 6H.jpg (600x406, 44K)

why are all the links dead

Because so is op.


The links can be found here:


Attached: StephenCraigPaddock.jpg (220x364, 19K)

Oh shit! Zombie!

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Attached: PrettyAsAPicture.jpg (755x558, 39K)

bump this is slid too hard.

JFK announced weather weapons to the UN two years prior to his death.


JFK Speech On Weather Modification

[image] 9/11 Hurricane Erin shows behaviour related to weather modification system (manipulation of the ionosphere)

Attached: ERIN.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Sure were a lot of hurricanes last year. Who all has weather control?


Non human intelligences

I was going to make fun of you saying aliens just now, but honestly that's about the only way that weather can be controlled.

You can't make fun of me. I am a Martian. | 'Mars just fell into the earth' | Brother of Las Vegas ...

Trump Was Asked to Inspect Nikola Tesla’s Papers After the Inventor’s Death

"Coincidentally after Tesla died, none other than electrical engineer and military technology researcher John G. Trump — President Trump's "nuclear" uncle, as an April 2016 New Yorker article by Amy Davidson dubbed him — was the person who examined Tesla's effects and reported his findings to the FBI."

His words:
"Tesla's 'thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,' but 'did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.'"


he planes don't exist in the aviation bureau's own database.

Evidence that Flights AA 11 and AA 77
Did Not Exist on September 11, 2001
By Peter Meyer

Attached: AA11.png (498x180, 34K)

I believe he was just trying to express his disbelief and greif at his brother's death.

This Is What A Bird Strike Can Do To An Airplane

Attached: Bird Strike.jpg (700x432, 59K)

Yeah but he didn't mention Mars in the interviews, he mentioned an asteroid.

Do you know why the media reported it as Mars?

I just told you. I am a from Mars.

Mind showing your true flag, american shitposter?

Why agent? You have my IP.

Now I've been called everything.

Attached: 1522521902352.jpg (400x400, 31K)

It ends today.

Attached: Vegas.jpg (480x480, 54K)

What, pray tell, ends today?

>larry silverstien buys wtc a week before it gets hit

The Game

No. No. NO! That does it. I've had it with that old meme. Humanity dies today.

You see?

Attached: Braun.jpg (930x1300, 237K)

How can I have a crater named after me somewhere that doesn't exist?

I suppose it's like the nature of unicorns, just because something doesn't exist in the class that men do, doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all.

Crater name and location?

Parsons Latitude Longitude Diameter
D 38.5° N 168.6° W 54 km
E 37.6° N 167.8° W 26 km
L 33.6° N 170.0° W 31 km
M 33.8° N 171.7° W 23 km
N 34.2° N 173.2° W 43 km
P 35.2° N 172.8° W 28 km

The International Astronomical Union named this crater in 1972

A crater on the dark side of the moon? What's the significance?

The significance is that there isn't a dark side of the moon.

How is that plausible?

It's plausible by way of hylozoistic position of Thales and Schrodinger that matter is alive.

Consciousness being waves and matter being particle.

Attached: TooCool.jpg (225x225, 15K)

Matter is alive, after all, I am made of carbon.
Question of the year: Did reality create itself to perceive itself in vanity?

Yes matter is alive.

Beauty is not in vain. It's reciprocal.

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Trump was part of them. He knows their plans. He knows what's going on. He is there to unravel the game from the inside

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So beauty is also being able to appreciate beauty? Beautiful.

Trump: Larry Silverstein is a “good friend” on Vimeo

keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Get their trust. Treat them like family. And strike when they least expect it


Attached: ((silverstein)).jpg (609x720, 192K)

Nice wiki copy and paste you larping faggot

Yes, as is the infinite fractal nature of knowledge and becoming closer in perception to that of God who thinks harmoniously and we might sympathetically resonate with bringing peace. Chaos isn't discordian, it's nothing.

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I've seen things which would make the eyeballs melt out of your face

That'd be cool to see.

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Yes it has been quite the crazy time all round.

I first began communicating seriously with the rulers of the world in 2008.

I got told 'poo in the loo' today by a bong poster. I was so taken aback I had to screenshot it.
Definitely some newfags around today.

Attached: bongs are retarded.png (1021x615, 161K)

Took too much DMT?

Attached: 1508998327825.jpg (547x549, 116K)

No I went to Ingolstadt to meet the Illuminati.

Whatever, Pajeet. Go shit on your street.

I could be mistaken, but I think the one who coined the "Don't forget you're here forever" thing was a poo. I honestly don't recall.

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I went to Ingolstadt to pick up a car once.

So tell me how did it work and who are the ruler?

It was ME

I started that trend because of a Podesta Uranium Joke.

Attached: DontForget.png (500x303, 54K)

An Audi

Turns out I am the ruler.

>Whether control
What a stupid thing to do

I will not let this thread slide, because just reading it is making my phone glitch out.
I've seen over a dozen hi-tech UFOs that defied physics, so I have faith in OP.

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I do. Huge ones.

I literally threatened Satan.

Hey, don't be hatin' on Satan!

you know what's really weird, this screenshot has already been reposted in a different thread, at the exact same time with -1 my posting id in this thread?
Some sort of weird roboposting going on and its happening at the server level or this is one fucked up error.

I'm joking. Satan is an angel.

Jesus Christ

Fucking another one, Niponanon... I don't know what to say besides BUMP

I am not a newfag, I am saying tampering with the weather is such a stupid idea.

Well, every concious being is the ruler of his personal Multiverse

Yeah unless you created the earth, then it's a right which you can pass on to whoever you choose.

There's a dominance hierarchy to existence.

Screenshot this and repost, we're compromised or throwing mad errors.
I shit you not, I just took that screenshot and uploaded it for the first time like 10 minutes ago, how can someone beat me to my own screenshot upload?

Satan told me this.

He said, you can't half a snickers bar equally.

Do you believe in the existence of Satan?

Good job.
I got threatened by a random cop at a pub last night and my balls shrank 10x
I don't even know wtf he was doing in there he just bellied up to my table, staring at me without blinking, patted his pistol and turned around and walked out
My fucking blood turned to ice...

I mean is he psychic and you are a pajeet?

>ITT user finally lost it

Attached: 1520256521086.jpg (550x543, 83K)

Don't fear death.

Jow Forums pretty much glows in the dark now, friend. This place is le 56% AI

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It's like they are trying to mimic us to fit in

I lost it aged 5 when I told my teacher I would not capitulate to accepting a sentence as a form of poetry.

It's been a crazy train since then.

Look out intellectual. The artist is present.

The planes look like they are in pain.

God created earth and yes god may pass it on to us "rightfully" but that does not mean we won't be wise enough with it. Only god or the Tao can do it properly.

The shot has now been added to my collection.
Also, all of a sudden my phone is working fine again... Guess (((someone))) doesn't like being called out
It's not dying that bothers me, it's the fear of missing out on living, when some fat fuck high-school drop out is allowed to spill your spaghetti legally and you are forced to sit there and be a good defenseless goy... Shit makes my blood turn to ice at how powerless I am IRL. I hope Satan isn't a jew... If not, I'll be looking forward to death.


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Yeah, well that's slightly awkward. About Satan I mean.

The original Q posting was about Las Vegas.

▶Las Vegas Attack Was Predicted Online A Month Ago

▶Q specifically mentions that Las Vegas is the next false flag target

"The anonymous poster then went on to describe the ‘high incident project’ aimed at making sure the ‘American public think that places with extremely high security aren’t safe’ to create increased regulation."

▶ Q specifically mentions that Sheldon Aldeson is going to be part of the conspiracy and they want people to think they are unsafe (increase fear, require more control)

"if their plan is successful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after a federal law will be passed to put these machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the main producers of these machines. sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi will merge into a single company. after they merge the owners will sell off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with ▶▶▶▶▶ sheldon adelson"

▶ On October 2nd, a few hours after the Vegas incident, Trump meets with Aldeson, the meeting was scheduled to take place prior to the Vegas happening

Casino mogul Adelson met with Trump hours after Las Vegas shooting

▶ Kushner and Trump are present at the meeting

Last Monday 2 October, Sheldon Adelson talked with President Trump at the White House about the Las Vegas “mass shooting”. The meeting had been scheduled before the shooting took place. Adelson's wife, Miriam Adelson, and White House senior adviser and husband of Ivanka, Jared Kushner, were also present.

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When you die, you do not miss out on anything. There is no you to miss anything and there is nothing to miss out on. There is just...
And then you can only be given another body and do the whole struggle over and over again.

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Not me, never coming back to this shit hole.

Just kidding, it's very beautiful. I'm not coming back though.
