This guy needs to die
This guy needs to die
You first
For a better world.
Dang, he's ugly.
you attached the wrong pic
... and so does your boss, David Brock.
JIDF please leave
Nice post shill
kek. John Bolton standing behind him as to not waste a bullet.
Fuck off kike
That thing where the jews went to camp and some died of typhus...Wir haben schon vergeSSen.
you really believe this idiot?
fuck you for supporting your corrupt government you blind american fool
shareblue cucks are here
no u
Because ameri mutts support Islamic terrorism . What other reason to topple Saddam, Khafaddi and now Bashar al-Assad?
Ameri mutts love radical Islam and oppose those who do not want a mullah regime and Sharia.
That's what I thought, although I was just wondering if he even knows why himself.
Agreed, cause I hope that's what gets America finally nuked.
I'm too confused to understand why.
This guy needs to die.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
Not even your shitty fucking containment general can keep your retardation contained.
Fuck off. Your nation is a disgrace
And you thought 1984 was just a story.
It's a prophecy.
He just wants more rapefugees to come and cuck him
We need to gas all the sand niggers the are the lowest forms of life (except jews)
>typical muttpost
real shit
Poe's law has circled around 5 times by now. I don't know what is bait and what is unironic retardation at this point.