This guy needs to die

This guy needs to die

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You first


For a better world.

Dang, he's ugly.


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you attached the wrong pic

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... and so does your boss, David Brock.

JIDF please leave

Nice post shill

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kek. John Bolton standing behind him as to not waste a bullet.

Fuck off kike

That thing where the jews went to camp and some died of typhus...Wir haben schon vergeSSen.

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you really believe this idiot?
fuck you for supporting your corrupt government you blind american fool


shareblue cucks are here

no u

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Because ameri mutts support Islamic terrorism . What other reason to topple Saddam, Khafaddi and now Bashar al-Assad?

Ameri mutts love radical Islam and oppose those who do not want a mullah regime and Sharia.

That's what I thought, although I was just wondering if he even knows why himself.

Agreed, cause I hope that's what gets America finally nuked.

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I'm too confused to understand why.

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This guy needs to die.

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Fuck off back to r*ddit.
Not even your shitty fucking containment general can keep your retardation contained.

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Fuck off. Your nation is a disgrace

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And you thought 1984 was just a story.
It's a prophecy.

He just wants more rapefugees to come and cuck him

We need to gas all the sand niggers the are the lowest forms of life (except jews)

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>typical muttpost

real shit

Poe's law has circled around 5 times by now. I don't know what is bait and what is unironic retardation at this point.