Why are WMBF marriages more successful than all white marriages?

Why are WMBF marriages more successful than all white marriages?

Attached: black_girl_trying_to_eat_a_banana.webm (480x480, 2.43M)

Because aint no nigga gonna spoil her like a white man will

they're not.

S&M fetishes?

Attached: ea6.png (250x250, 24K)

they aren't, updated your sources

They aren't. Get out of here kike.

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Are they? How can it be considered successful if they don't produce white children?

That's true as hell. I've had one black girlfriend and three white girlfriends in the past eight years. The black chick was always grateful that I did shit for her, but I had to leave because of job opportunities and didn't want to be tied down. Totally regret not bringing her now. She was only a 6/10 but fuck did she make me happy.
