White privilege isn't re

white privilege isn't re...

>The 14-year-old was walking to high school after sleeping late and missing the bus when he decided to ask a neighbor for directions.

>It was a banal request, but it nearly got the student from Rochester Hills, Mich., killed Thursday.

>The woman who opened the door after Brennan Walker, who is black, knocked on it started yelling at him. Then the woman’s husband grabbed a shotgun and fired it at him, Walker and police officials said.

>Walkertold WJBKTV that “she was like, ‘Why are you trying to break into my house?’ I was trying to explain to her that I was trying to get directions to Rochester High. And she kept yelling at me. Then the guy came downstairs, and he grabbed the gun, I saw it and started to run. And that’s when I heard the gunshot.”

>After sprinting away from the house, Brennan, who was not hit, hid and broke down in tears, the outlet reported.

>“I’m kind of happy that, like, I didn’t become a statistic,” Brennan told the outlet, saying his mother had told him that black boys were at risk of being shot by others.

>Jeffrey Zeigler, a retired firefighter who is white, was charged with assault with intent to murder and a felony firearm charge, local news outlets reported, and his bond was set at$50,000. He faces as much as life in prison, according to a video of his arraignment.

Fucking hell. Black people can't even ask for directions? Why do white people have so much hate in their hearts? Regardless of how much anti-black propganda you'll find on Jow Forums, the fact remains that the vast majority of black have committed no crimes at all. And if they do, their targets are usually other blacks. If your white, you're far more likely to be harmed by other whites.
This anti-black behavior by white people is illogical.

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how the fuck do you not know where your school is

What actually happened

>Niglet skips school
>Starts casing houses for burglary
>Property owners defend their homes and lives per their God-given rights


(((((((((Washington Post)))))))))

>Sage this shitty bait

In other news, I read that there was a no whites allowed pool party in CA yesterday.

Do you actually care? White people wouldn't have gone anyways.

Lol. Based firefighter. He's seen some shit, probably had his hoses cut by niggers while he was saving their homes and businesses from blazes.


No, just making a point for the holier than thous

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