
Did you know there is an independent state off the coast of England called Sealand, it is a sea-fortress turned into a independent stare.
Sealand has had diplomatic disputes, an invasion, political prisoners and a reconquest.

Lets show our appreciation of Sealand.

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A true super power

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too bad it has only like 4 cubic meters of land

A truly iconic event in history

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the document everyone wants but few can have

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G*rmans hate the glorious principality.
G*ermany has a history of destroying Europe, and their ultimate attempt happened in 1978 where the vile commander Alexander Achenbach invaded Sealand while the royal Prince was on a diplomatic mission overseas...

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The vile G*rman took the Princes son hostage and used mercenaries to hold the nation, he declared himself prime minister of the occupied nation.
However the crown prince had a plan. The Crown price gathered a most glorious army, navy and airforce to retake the nation.
Using jet-skis, speedboats and a helicopter he began the reconquest...

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The crown prince assaulted the island from all angles, he himself in the vanguard, rappelling from a helicopter flown by a professional stunt pilot.
He fired his shotgun at the invaders, his awe and confidence instantly stirring fear into the mercs, who surrendered the nation back to the crown prince, turning on their G*rman leader...

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The G*rman leader was held as a prisinor of war, and the mercs removed. The G*rman was found to be a citizen of Sealand, turned traitor and was held with a ransom demanded for his release.It turned out that Prince Michael, the first hostage, had also defended the nation from within with stashed weapons to fight back the traitors.
G*rmany (and their allies) pleaded with Sealands ally, England, to get the traitor released, however England recognised Sealand as an independent state and sent the diplomats to Sealand to discuss the ransom...

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After several weeks of negotiation, the crown Prince released the traitor to G*ermany, exiled and never to return.
Even after his humiliating defeat and exile, Achenbach the traitor set up a government in exile and still declares himself the prime minister of Sealand.

To this day Sealand remains a glorious independent super power in the world.

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What's the law like? Can you carry a knife over there?

They performed an armed reconquest of the nation with multiple small arms, pretty sure knives are okay

Can just about see the structure on the horizon from my home town, know someone that apparently used to go out there and do maintenance .Apparently some yanks fitted it out with servers for some illegal gambling shit but they stopped it, not sure who "they" is.

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Aye, they used to do pirate radio as well. For income they use their online shop selling flags and memorabilia.

Now for the glorious anthem of Sealand.

old news.
nothing more than a political anomaly and a curious bit of trivia.

Another bit of trivia, apparently you can feel the waves making it sway so it might not be that comfy to live there.

Think they had plans to make it a data bunker too but didn't happen, must be able to do other internet based work from there as well though.

>apparently you can feel the waves making it sway
Puts you right to sleep in the evening, sounds comfy

haha shit yea didn't think of that confirmed comfy however the possible impending doom of it tipping over would be too much for me.

Wonder how it fared in the North Sea flood of '53

The nation is literally a meme

Don’t fall for their tricks. Their primairy source of income is selling lordships and knighthoods, and it seems like a novelty gift but the truth is once they get enough people to do that they’re going to call in all their vassals and invade the UK.

I think internet companies in England were forced to fuck them.

everything about sealand is dumb, amazing

go home Achenbach

Many years ago I read a book all about how Sealand came to be and the troubles it had. I think I got interested in it because it was mentioned in a book about the histories of the shipping forecast in UK.

Wasn't there some rumour of them hosting CP too at one point? It was in fashion for awhile with other weird independent states like Sealand to bring in money.

Wouldn’t be surprised. Their servers are all they have.

Imagine being so much of a Chad that you start your own fucking country, make yourself monarch and take Germans hostage