Is it true?

is it true?

Attached: hymen2.jpg (593x584, 48K)

Hi Shill, how is your day going? Working even on weekends?

It'd be nice, but it's pretty much impossible to find a virgin woman after the age of 18.

whats the male version of this?

"if he doesnt pay for you, dont date him"

>no hymen
>no no ring

Attached: 1502293010843.jpg (720x717, 26K)

There isn't. This is made by insecure virgins.

Doesn't exist. Men can have as many partners as they want and it won't affect their ability to have a Long term relationship

>whats the male version of this?

men dont have a hymen so I dont know.

>This is made by insecure virgins.

its true f a m

Yes it's true you're a fag, and also a hymen is no indication of virginity.