So what does one do for fun in the Ethnostate?

So what does one do for fun in the Ethnostate?

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Weight lifting, reading, sports, sex within the confines of a committed relationship, and that’s probably it.

remember when there were no chads on Jow Forums?

He doesnt go to the shooting club for a drink, a stogie and some friendly competition, what a fag.

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TVs should also not be allowed

>read books
>have sex with white women

Delet vidya and anime from that pic

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it's just massive neckbeards pretending that they are into sports while in reality they can't even do 20 push ups without nearly dying
Jow Forums is a joke

kill niggers

Competitive festivals?

fun is degenerate

>having sex for fun
you're getting hanged too


Art, music, sports, philosophy, gardening, hunting, fishing etc. None of the stuff in the picture is fun.

>no weed
>no porn
>no video games
>no anime
>no socialist benefits
if you actually applied these requirements to the posters of Jow Forums about 99% of the board population would be banned. you autistic role players are so embarrassing, you make me want to join the left just so i have nothing to do with you.

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Shoot, box, sports, good booze and food in limitation, have sex with wife etc

>work for the greater good
>improve oneself

hey honestly I've been on Jow Forums (granted I mostly browsed /b/ until a couple years ago) since like 2011. I had open heart surgery 8 months ago and I'm up to 15 push ups. I also do laps at a local university pool two days a week and ride my bike to and from work. give me a pat on the back for trying, it isn't easy.


vegetable gardens are fun!

Point here, what a waste to be so restricted. What if the afterlife turns out to be a lie? I know you belive it isn't, but bear with me.
What if there is no afterlife, wouldn't living life in such a prude autistic way seem like a waste?

How are jews fun wtf

Have you ever been to a place where people are socializing with everyone and treat everyone respectful and with an open mind?

We evolved because our ancestors did their best to fight degeneracy and these people are holding us back

TV is great to learn new languages/skills etc

prudishness isn't autistic. Discipline and self control grants a lot of opportunities and a sense of accomplishment.

I'm sorry to say but our ancestors were a lot more flawed than hollywood media lets on.

Weight lifting and talking about white superiority. If you can't find the fun in that then the ethnostate is not for you. Listening to these ethno advocates makes you realize they are as authoritarian as the diversity loving, anti gun, mirco aggression nuts.

All this stuff is banned in muslim countries for a reason

How can the left support muslims and degeneracy at the same time?

Admiring white women walking through wheat fields.

Nothing wrong with TV so long as broadcasting isn't managed by Capitalists and Jews

Sign me up.

Holy shit white peoples are boring as fuck

Live a little you fucking mooks

Write books and think about deep things, or go work in a steel mill I think.

Alot of people think they are alright because they judge themselves off of their standards. Good standards are not enough, you need to meet those standards, hopefully.


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Fuck your wife, play with your kids, and build things.

drinking fighting and total war

if youre only not being a degenerate because you think their is something after we die...not only are you a are a pussy as well

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>t. wypipo muh dick

Play on xbox or switch

Or at the very least keep it in the closet.

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There's nothing wrong with drug use so long as it's done by competent, stable individuals

Pic nics
Weight lifting
Shooting range

hard drugs take the most well rounded and well off people and turn them into junkies. Addiction doesn't go away because you're a good person. Plenty of good people are slaves to their addiction to drugs.

Good luck man.

Reading, athletics and sports, shooting, hunting, horseback riding, working a meaningful job, not being stressed about medical bills, heterosexual sex, community events and activities, racing, hiking, canoeing, spelunking, barbecuing, camping, snorkeling, surfing, sky diving, weight lifting, raising a family, having a country that values your life, astronomy, art, drama and performances, not getting shot by niggers or crackheads, ect.

All of these are fun and healthy.

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Jow Forums is what i do for fun, faggot. And make music. And go in the woods with my dogs. And your mom.

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I like to fuck while women for fun

I hop on tinder and post my AB pic and bitches be holler in like yo mama did for my penis last night

Hey, thanks

you're late on the mom joke leaf

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lol keep dreaming. you're white as fuck, leaf

ok, whatever. I believe it is but that's not the point. Are you "virtuous" because you are aiming for the afterlife or what are your reasons to be so restricted?

anime is allowed though

Yeah, I think so to. So, what are your motives for being so restricted? I get having a strong ethical structure, it is one of the most important things for me. But don't you think you dehumanize yourselves with so much restriction? Honest question

Whom will you attack once non-whites are all gone?

>t. bugman

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Competent, stable individuals aren't compelled to use drugs.

All those things you listed are just soyfun for nu-bois

Props m8

It's fun to throw rocks at them.

other whites, warmongers like you never stop mongering

>tfw cant do more than 7

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No-one is, square.

Fuck you niggers, I am gonna keep my anime, frogposters are fucking retards.

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>sex for fun
unironically degeneracy

Extended and improved version

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Are you so vitriolically close-minded that you can't understand that what you consider restriction, others see as morally right? Even if there is an afterlife, you should strive to be the best person you can be for yourself and others. I don't believe in god or the afterlife. I show self control and self discipline because I know what is right for me and how it affects my family to do otherwise. To go back on them so *I* can masturbate, smoke weed, and eat junk food all day would be abandonment. It would br selfishm You sound selfish. How dare you minimize a perfectly good response with "ok, whatever. that's not the point". are you a teenager with angst or something? The world doesn't revolve around you and your actions have consequences to those around you, INCLUDING doing what I described.

we put mayonnaise and pepper (if we can handle it) on a plain chicken file

The point is to have fun by doing things that are healthy and productive you retarded fucking leaf. Maybe read a fucking book, start a family, build something useful, I don't know, anything that makes the world better instead of draining resources for a short-lived dopamine high

thanks man!

>warmongers like you never stop mongering

most normie entertainment is owned/run by jews

Sports, combat training and bird watching


Only forgot pc

Working for the glory of the State


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work, go to college, get married, have many children and grow old with someone you love an care about.

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Calm down lad, I honestly wanted to know. I understand the importance of an ethical structure, is only that yours seem retarded to me, and wanted to see what arguments you had in for it. I see that not many, but still glad you are not doing it for the afterlife, that would be even more retarded. Best whishes!

Hey cunt, just do 7 and try to do one more. 7 is more than 5. Keep at it and you'll get to 20.

Won't exist fascist fags, neocons will always assfuck your retarded kind into obliving. Kys insecure white boy faggots.

Extramarital sex. Degen detected.

I'm proud of you user !
It really makes me appreciate how lucky I am to be somewhat healthy to see people like you going through healthy complication and still being physically active.
You keep it up

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Yes goys, no libertarians no freedom for the goys.

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Lolbertarianism is the most jewish ideology after communism

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You're a fucking weak cunt.
In all seriousness though well done user keep it up. We all gotta start somewhere.

Maybe I'm beyond paranoid at this point but that looks so fake. The black dude approaches turning his cheek towards Tommy who throws a Hollywood-esque punch.

go outside, garden, camp, hike, bike, run, swim, play sports, go shooting, travel the country, barbecue, go to the dog park
listen to music
lift weights
start/raise a family
go to a restaurant
go to the theater
go to the museum
go to the zoo
go to amusement parks
go to wheat fields

>but muh internet

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all of the banned things, in moderation.

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>no anime
>on Jow Forums

Have sex with other pseudonazi men.

>how dare you

Jesus Christ calm down faggot, this isn't your personal hugbox, you fucking woman

>Nothing wrong with TV so long as broadcasting isn't managed by Capitalists and Jews
Yes it is.

Just allow internet

Hey man that's actually good for you. Keep it up user.

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Your unprovoked use of 4 insults in a ~20 word post really leaves me with the impression that I'm the insecure one and not you

>muh socialist benefits

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You are a absolute retard how can their be votes if there is no government and why should Hispanics come if there are no benefits for them.

That's just fucked up now.

We kill the niggers and the leafs.

>website built on nerdy hobbies banning vidya or anime
Crawl back to whatever subreddit you emerged from.

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Pint with the lads after work befor going home for dinner with the family.

Shoot guns